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Old 21-09-2014, 07:21 PM #26
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Shaun Shaun is offline
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Favourites (more):
BB2023: Yinrun
RPDR UK 2: Tayce

Shaun Shaun is offline
Shaun's Avatar
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 106,245

Favourites (more):
BB2023: Yinrun
RPDR UK 2: Tayce


Series Two
Cast List

Week One


AnnieK: Lee and Tom
Brother Leon: Tom and Princess
Daniel-Lewis-1985: ithinkiloveyoutoo! and Vicky
Drew: Kate and Z
ithinkiloveyoutoo!: Princess and Marsh
Jordan: StupidHoe and MB
Josy: Princess and Kate
Kate: Josy and Tom
Lee: Josy and MB
MB: Raph and Princess
Marsh: reece(: and AnnieK
Princess: Tom! and Lee
Raph: Brother Leon and StupidHoe
reece(: Drew and Marsh
StupidHoe: reece(: and Kate
Tom!: Daniel-Lewis1985 and Jordan
Vicky: ithinkiloveyoutoo! and AnnieK
Z: Drew and Kate

Nominated: Tom!, Princess & Kate
No Nominations!: n/a
Evicted: Tom! - 36%

Week Two


AnnieK: Lee and Drew
Brother Leon: Raph and Lee
Daniel-Lewis-1985: Marsh and Z
Drew: Marsh and Z
ithinkiloveyoutoo!: Drew and Marsh
Jordan: Princess and Lee
Josy: Lee and Kate
Kate: Drew and Z
Lee: AnnieK and Jordan
MB: Raph and Princess
Marsh: reece(: and Drew
Princess: MB and ithinkiloveyoutoo!
Raph: Brother Leon and MB
reece(: Vicky and Marsh
StupidHoe: ithinkiloveyoutoo! and Vicky
Vicky: Raph and Marsh
Z: Brother Leon and Kate

Nominated: Marsh, Drew and Lee.
No Nominations!: Josy, StupidHoe and Daniel Lewis
Evicted: Drew - 37%

Week Three


AnnieK: Lee and Vicky
Brother Leon: Princess and Lee
Daniel-Lewis-1985: Marsh and ithinkiloveyoutoo!
ithinkiloveyoutoo!: Daniel-lewis-1985 and Lee
Jordan: StupidHoe and Lee
Josy: Lee and Brother Leon
Kate: Josy and StupidHoe
Lee: Brother Leon and Jordan
MB: Lee and Princess
Marsh: Daniel-lewis-1985 and Josy
Princess: MB and ithinkiloveyoutoo!
Raph: Brother Leon and Z
reece(: AnnieK and Marsh
StupidHoe: ithinkiloveyoutoo! and Vicky
Vicky: Daniel-lewis-1985 and Marsh
Z: Jordan and MB

Nominated: Marsh, Brother Leon, ithinkiloveyoutoo!, Daniel-lewis-1985 and Lee.
No Nominations!: Kate, Reece and Raph
Evicted: Daniel-lewis-1985 - 26%

Week Four


AnnieK: Lee and Marsh
Brother Leon: Princess and Josy
ithinkiloveyoutoo!: Marsh and Lee
Jordan: Josy and Lee
Josy: Marsh and Brother Leon
Kate: Josy and Z
Lee: Marsh and Josy
MB: Josy and Princess
Marsh: AnnieK and Josy
Princess: MB and Marsh
Raph: Brother Leon and Marsh
reece(: Lee and Marsh
StupidHoe: Josy and Vicky
Vicky: Z and Marsh
Z: Jordan and Marsh

Nominated: Marsh and Josy
No Nominations!: Kate, Reece, StupidHoe, ithinkiloveyoutoo! and Raph
Evicted: Marsh - 53%

Week Five


AnnieK: Lee and Vicky
Brother Leon: Lee and Josy
ithinkiloveyoutoo!: Princess and Reece
Jordan: Josy and Lee
Josy: Reece and Kate
Kate: Josy and Vicky
Lee: Brother Leon and Josy
MB: Josy and Brother Leon
Princess: MB and Brother Leon
Raph: Brother Leon and Z
reece(: Josy and Vicky
StupidHoe: Josy and Vicky
Vicky: AnnieK and StupidHoe
Z: Brother Leon and Josy

Nominated: Brother Leon and Josy
No Nominations!: Jordan, ithinkiloveyoutoo! and Raph
Evicted: Brother Leon - 58%

Week Six


AnnieK: Josy and Vicky
ithinkiloveyoutoo!: AnnieK and Reece
Jordan: Josy and Z
Josy: Reece and Lee
Kate: Josy and Lee
Lee: AnnieK and Josy
MB: Josy and ithinkiloveyoutoo!
Princess: MB and Josy
Raph: Josy and Z
reece(: Josy and Kate
StupidHoe: Kate and Vicky
Vicky: AnnieK and Reece
Z: Jordan and Josy

Nominated: AnnieK, Reece and Josy
No Nominations!: Princess, StupidHoe and Raph
Evicted: AnnieK - 39%

Week Seven


ithinkiloveyoutoo!: Kate and Lee
Jordan: Josy and Lee
Josy: Kate and Jordan
Kate: Josy and Z
Lee: Kate and Josy
MB: Josy and Princess
Princess: Vicky and Jordan
Raph: Princess and Z
reece(: Josy and Kate
StupidHoe: Kate and Vicky
Vicky: StupidHoe and Kate
Z: Jordan and Kate

Nominated: Kate and Josy
No Nominations!: MB, Reece, ithinkiloveyoutoo! and Raph
Evicted: Kate - 63%

Week Eight


ithinkiloveyoutoo!: MB and Reece
Jordan: Josy and StupidHoe
Josy: Lee and Reece
Lee: Jordan and Josy
MB: Josy and Reece
Princess: MB and Josy
Raph: Josy and Z
reece(: Josy and Vicky
StupidHoe: Josy and Jordan
Vicky: StupidHoe and Reece
Z: Josy and StupidHoe

Nominated: Reece and Josy
No Nominations!: Princess, ithinkiloveyoutoo! and Raph
Evicted: Reece - 64%

Week Nine


ithinkiloveyoutoo!: MB and Lee
Jordan: Z and StupidHoe
Josy: Lee and Jordan
Lee: Z and Josy
MB: Josy and ithinkiloveyoutoo!
Princess: MB and Vicky
Raph: Josy and Z
StupidHoe: Raph and Jordan
Vicky: StupidHoe and Raph
Z: Josy and Jordan

Nominated: Josy, Z and Jordan
No Nominations!: Princess
Evicted: Z - 45%

Week Ten


ithinkiloveyoutoo!: MB and Lee
Jordan: Lee and Josy
Josy: Lee and Jordan
Lee: ithinkiloveyoutoo! and Josy
MB: Princess and ithinkiloveyoutoo!
Princess: MB and Josy
Raph: Josy and StupidHoe
StupidHoe: Josy and Jordan
Vicky: Jordan and Raph

Nominated: Josy, Lee and Jordan
No Nominations!: Vicky
Evicted: Lee - 50%

Week Eleven


ithinkiloveyoutoo!: MB and Raph
Jordan: Princess and Josy
Josy: Raph and Jordan
MB: Josy and ithinkiloveyoutoo!
Princess: MB and Raph
Raph: Josy and Jordan
StupidHoe: Raph and Jordan
Vicky: StupidHoe and Raph

Nominated: Josy, Raph and Jordan
No Nominations!: Vicky
Evicted: Josy - 37%

Week Twelve


ithinkiloveyoutoo!: Jordan and Raph
Jordan: Princess and StupidHoe
MB: Jordan and ithinkiloveyoutoo!
Princess: MB and Jordan
Raph: MB and StupidHoe
StupidHoe: Raph and Jordan
Vicky: Jordan and Raph

Nominated: Raph and Jordan [after they'd been bonding, too ]
No Nominations!: Vicky
Evicted: Raph - 66%

Week Thirteen


ithinkiloveyoutoo!: Jordan and MB
Jordan: Princess and StupidHoe
MB: StupidHoe and ithinkiloveyoutoo!
Princess: MB and Jordan
StupidHoe: MB and Jordan
Vicky: Jordan and StupidHoe

Nominated: StupidHoe, MB and Jordan
No Nominations!: Vicky
Evicted: StupidHoe - 47%

Week Fourteen


ithinkiloveyoutoo!: Jordan and MB
Jordan: Princess and Vicky
MB: Jordan and ithinkiloveyoutoo!
Princess: MB and Jordan
Vicky: Jordan and ithinkiloveyoutoo!

Nominated: ithinkiloveyoutoo!, MB and Jordan
No Nominations!: n/a
Evicted: ithinkiloveyoutoo! - 40%
Double Eviction Nominees: Princess and Jordan
Evicted: Princess - 54%


Launch Popularity: 1) Josy 2) Ceecee 3) Jordan 4) Z 5) Reece 6) StupidHoe 7) MB 8) Lee 9) Brother Leon 10) Kate 11) Tom 12) Raph 13) AnnieK 14) Princess 15) Vicky 16) Marsh 17) Drew 18) Daniel Lewis
Finale Popularity: 1) MB 2) Josy 3) Raph 4) Kate 5) Marsh 6) Reece 7) Jordan 8) Vicky 9) StupidHoe 10) Z 11) Brother Leon 12) Tom 13) AnnieK 14) Ceecee 15) Princess 16) Drew 17) Daniel Lewis 18) Lee
Most Nominations: Josy (53)
Fewest Nominations: Tom & Daniel Lewis (4)
Most Evictions Survived: Josy and Jordan (7)
Never Up for Eviction: Vicky


Originally Posted by Saph View Post
You're giving me a million reasons about a million reasons

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