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Old 07-06-2007, 12:09 PM #35
Amy Amy is offline
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Amy Amy is offline
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Originally posted by Amy21
Originally posted by Amy

That is not what I mean.. what I'm saying is that she may not have meant it in the way we think it was said.. I'm not saying once you watch the show we go "ok, that's fine she's joking" that's not what I'm saying at all.. I'm just meerly saying she may not have meant to cause this stir and could well be regretting it big time. I'm not saying it's ok to do it/say it or anything like that just that she may not have meant it.
Amy how else could a racist term such a n@ggar be used???. Exactly you cant! Emily ment it when she said that word. I dont see using that word as a joke towards soemone who is coloured. I hope they throw the book at Emily for her racist behaviour.
I'm not going to get into an argument about this as that's how wars are started.. but please re-read what I said .. I'm taking offence that people are making me out to be racist. When all i've actually said is "she may not have meant it" I'm NOT racist. I've said I don't agree with what Emily has done.. So i'm leaving it here before this all turns into a war.
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