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Old 03-08-2015, 04:32 PM #2620
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cut Craig save Christopher I guess?


#. Craig Phillips (BB1)

ew. Let it be known that I *SHOULD* be writing about Hazel right now but instead of blaming myself for being too slow I'm going to blame everyone else for distracting me by bringing up **** about the twins

So yeah, we all know that the first and foremost rule of reality TV is that a generic white male is obligated to win the first season, so enter Craig. I don't feel like he gets enough hate because lbr most people haven't seen BB1 but I REALLY couldn't stand Craig. He had the voice of Conor and the sense of humor (or "Fun-Loving Spirit" ) of Jonny Regan and I promise you that it was just as bad as it sounds. Craig was also ridiculously self-serious about tasks even though he was awful at them? Like, he would slander Mel to heck for not being able to juggle or ride a unicycle (alol BB1 tasks <3) even though he had the WORST track record of anyone due to "spontaneous" knee injuries and supposed dyslexia and just general sucking at tasks. It wasn't a good look.

Self-serious really is the best word to describe Craig. He'd always complain about things other people did that he didn't like by being all "well the public will see through it all and take care of things " He also had a rivalry with much superior HM Caroline because she was the one to vocalize how everyone was sick of Craig sleeping all day and not doing anything to help out around the house. Of course since this is Craig we're dealing with, he took it upon himself to confront Caroline because "he was entitled to" or something and accused her of not pulling her weight and insisted that he in fact pulled his weight because he washed the dishes three or four times. For this record, this took place on Day 21

The peak of Craig's self-righteousness came about with the infamous Nasty Nick confrontation, where Craig had no problem with Nick writing down other people's names until it was HIS name that was written down. He literally had no problem with it until it affected him. Craig's self-entitlement and egomania ****ing EXPLODED and it was wayyyyy too much for me to swallow when he was saying **** like "you have shown various people pieces of paper with names on them... ie MY NAME " but of course this was THE defining moment of BB1 and Craig was able to ride it out to the win

Also, I know we wiped our memories clean of the time when Craig wiped his ass on Darren's pillow but ****ing ew???

I'm saving Christopher because I'm still curious as to how the nickname Christmas came about.

Last edited by Macie Lightfoot; 03-08-2015 at 04:54 PM.
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