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Old 17-07-2007, 07:22 AM #18
spacebandit spacebandit is offline
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spacebandit spacebandit is offline
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Originally posted by nodisharmony
Iraq made the threat, end of......

No, the invasion of Iraq was something that had been desired by Neocons for years, after they felt Bush Snr dropped the ball in Gulf War One.

In 1998 / 99 the Project For A New American Century [PNAC} produced a series of reports which they published and presented to the then US Administration [Bill Clinton as president], which called specifically for the invasion of Iraq in order to secure future American Oil Supplies, it specifically recommended that "an excuse can be found" to invade.

the whole thing was set up, and notified in advance, some of us where not suprised by the unfolding of events after 9/11, blaming Iraq was utterly predictable, in fact it was predicted.

It has been the NeoCon desire to create a Pax Americana in the Middle East, for guaranteed US fuel supplies and for strategic military bases to control shipping.

Originally posted by nodisharmony
BUT, I do take issue, that you continually look to the West and also, accuse myself of picking on Arabs, when I am pointing out where the Wars are going on & the people who are residing in those Countries and are fighting against the USA, because of problems which they caused in the first place.
they caused it ???? - well if you count happening to be born in a country that sits on top of oil fields "cause" then we are in agreement.

as any casual observer knows, if you have oil you HAVE to be Americas friend, if not - watch out. we currently have religious [christian] and other leaders in the United States calling for the removal, by assassination if necessary of Hugo Chavez, the president Of Venezuela.

His crime ?

He won't play ball, will not kowtow to the Bush regime, and when he caught them trying to destabilise his government for the benefit of their own oil contracts he nationalised his countries oil fields and changed his oil trading currency from dollars to euros.

ts all about the oil
It WAS always about the oil
It always will be about the oil

If not why haven't we invaded North Korea to get rid of a mad man ?

Why havent we invaded Zimbabwe to get rid of a madman, - I'll help you on this one, No Oil = not cost effective.
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