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Old 22-01-2017, 04:05 PM #115
Tom4784 Tom4784 is offline
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Tom4784 Tom4784 is offline
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Originally Posted by jaxie View Post
I think its good to see women being passionate about something and respecting themselves and so on. However, for me this is a misguided choice of issue to march over.

If we are going to scream and shout about about a foreign government, why don't we see women marching about the rights of Saudi woman who aren't allowed to go out without a male family member and aren't allowed to drive a car among many other things. Or women in Iran, or China where they have a serious population imbalance of men to women because of the practice of disposing of little girl babies in favour of boys. There are women in the world who have no rights. They can't choose who to love or who to marry. They can't even choose what to wear. Not only can men speak about them disrespectfully they can use them disrespectfully, treat them as property, lock them up in the home.

Trump talks inappropriately a few years ago about a few women who might have misguidedly let him cop a feel, or who he thought he could cop a feel with, and everyone is up in arms. Women who live in a country where they have every right to take the bastard to court and nail him for it.

I am a bit bemused as to how some of these things are acceptable, and some are not. I am not saying any woman should have to put up with inappropriate sexual harassment but the perspective to me seems unbalanced, particularly when the women in Trump's case could report him to the police or sue him, they are allowed out without a male family member..
I disagree completely.

I think the (rather random) Muslim statements don't serve a point other than to shut down the conversation. Just because some women are repressed in some parts of the world doesn't mean we can't discuss issues facing women in our part of the world. One issue doesn't cancel out another.

Trump's election and Brexit showed that both the UK and the US are sliding towards extremism. The Women's March is as relevant to the UK as it is to the US although it's more pre-emptive here but still important as our Media and government rely on scapegoats and anyone who isn't the preferred demographic will be targeted eventually.

Trump's administration brings with it the threat of the end of Planned Parenthood, stricter abortion laws and the continued presence of a gender based wage gap. The march is relevant and important.
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