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Old 28-01-2018, 02:11 PM #94
Jack_ Jack_ is offline
oh fack off
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Jack_ Jack_ is offline
oh fack off
Join Date: May 2008
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Originally Posted by Firewire View Post
I think removing the reporting posts feature would help a lot
I know you were joking and I know people think I'm being flippant when I suggest this but these days I'm really not

Just...get rid of it? How about we all just learn to handle ourselves like adults rather than running off to the mods like kids to a teacher? I would much prefer - and think it's a lot healthier - for members to be able to address things and people they disagree with and say what they REALLY think if it gets heated rather than trying to reign it in, which just fosters ill feeling. Let's hash it out. This is the internet, text on a screen, does it really matter if someone is offended? Just give as good as you get.

The way I see it is, so long as threads don't go off-topic too much (which can make the forum messy), so long as people's personal information isn't being used against them, and so long as people aren't making any libellous comments that could get admin into legal trouble, then what other rules do we need?

'It cheapens/spoils the forum' is often used as justification for a lot of rules. Well, let me put it this way...there's a lot of spammy, repetitive, inane or just plain baiting threads that are posted here on a daily basis, and it's those that actually cheapen/spoil the forum and that need dealing with IMO. I'd much rather see two people going at it in a thread over racism than yet another three pager about someone's favourite changing or what Jeremy Corbyn put in the bin last night.
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