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Old 23-04-2018, 02:45 PM #34
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Maru Maru is offline
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For females, we've been taught, it's a "a man with a job" who is more valuable than someone who sits at home... and men have been taught that finances is one of their main tools not only of courtship, but the stability of the job they carry, etc, that is what sets them apart from other men in society.

On the other hand, for females, it's how attractive that woman is and how well adjusted socially they are.. (i.e. someone at least sane enough that can be brought home to the parents).

Because women are the child-bearers and are the nurturers, it's not necessarily ideal that a woman has a major career where she spends a vast majority of her time away from the family. So it's usually the man who earns more over the course of his lifetime and brings home the bacon... this isn't just true in society, but is also another reason for the gender pay gap, so is true statistically.

Relating back to the Youtube video... because these ideas of beauty as a female virtue are pounded into our skulls, we treat looks a woman's looks as "currency" in society... this is her cross to bear.

But for men, their currency is finances and ability to provide. That is their cross to bear. Men are much more likely to be taken for granted as the ATM's, because it socially acceptable for a woman to depend on a man... on the other hand, if a man does it to a woman, he's laughed at and considered a failure by his peers (granted, if he's buying up all kinds of **** and putting it up his Facebook, some may reconsider replacing that with envy ... maybe he has an idea).. .

Because of this stigma that "Men better have jobs" or "they aren't worth your time, homegurl" they are much more likely to overextend themselves on a fiscal level in a relationship.... even if they aren't particularly rich. There are a thousand more d**ks floating around in the sea, after all. I can't take care of her, then someone else will, etc... and good men do wear their hearts on the sleeve, especially when it comes to this ability to provide... so understandable why some then become embittered afterwards after putting their feelings on the line after having done all that and then some... is no different than a woman who leaves a relationship suffering from low self-esteem after not being able to keep her family together... which is a pressure women feel often ...

Though for men, I think this is all more likely to show up as bitterness... but we make fun of this, because men's are meant to "suck it up"... but for a female, we all must drop everything to hear her concerns... because she's not considered enough by men, or by society. So they say.

There's a double standard there in my opinion.

Last edited by Maru; 23-04-2018 at 02:46 PM.
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