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Old 13-05-2018, 08:42 AM #23
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Originally Posted by Marsh. View Post
So because you haven't seen it, it hasn't happened?

I've questioned the game in the past and got into a discussion with some of regular players and... there's no point in continuing to bleat about it forever more. The game remains and that's that.

However, that being literally the only thing you felt the need to actually include on this thread is kind of sick. If your attempt was irony it failed. Sorry.

If you'd made a thread actually calling out and discussing the game then fair enough. As it stands it seems you're back tracking on a joke that hasn't landed.
Sorry....but i dont find death funny.

But for someone who has aired there disgust about the game you then go back in to post replies with happy smiley laughing faces in it.....thats sick imo...

is applauding death allowed on here for all, or just who the mods decide deserved to die?

Not that i am or ever would applaud tessa jowells death.
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