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Old 08-01-2005, 06:22 AM #1
Amy Amy is offline
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Amy Amy is offline
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Default Highlights From Show - 15th June

Highlights from show, 15 June, 10pm on Channel 4

· The new housemates enter the house
· Caprice and John lock horns
· The housemates celebrate Kenzie's 19th birthday

Day 1 - Thursday 6 January 2005
The 1st housemate to set foot in the house is John McCririck who has never watched Big Brother before. As soon as he arrives, he starts talking out loud, "I've was at boarding school from the age of 6 to 18 so this should be ok." He looks around the house pointing everything out as he discovers different things. He can't find any doors off the living and kitchen area. "Whoever designed the house is a genius," he says. "I can't find any doors anywhere." He takes off his coat and hat and puts his glasses on.

The next housemate to enter is 65 year old Germaine Greer - she's the oldest ever Big Brother housemate. They hug and John asks her to help him find the doors. John says he hopes to be out 1st so he can make it to the racing on Saturday.

Caprice is in next. John hugs her then Germaine embraces her. John shows her around. Germaine asks Caprice why she's doing CBB. John says his reason is "money. The only reason is money," continuing by saying "if you were as skint as I am," they'd be doing it for that reason too. He says everyone else is doing it to save their careers. Caprice responds, "I'm not led by money. I have my business reasons. I have a haircare line, lingerie range and exposure sells." John tells Germaine that they're the only ones in the house who are not trying to sell something because they don't have careers! John asks Caprice if she is the house totty and remarks, "I wasn't talking to Germaine."

Bez walks in. They all introduce themselves. Bez tells the others that he's not brought in any luxury items. Lisa I'Anson then arrives, followed by Jeremy Edwards. The last boy in is Kenzie who is celebrating his 19th birthday today. 43 minutes after the 1st housemate arrived, 6"1 Brigitte Nielsen walks in. She says, "this is it. Diggity!"

The housemates are getting to know each other better. Caprice tells Brigitte that she thinks she's really nice. Big Brother opens the doors to the bedroom and they all run in. Lisa bags the first bed. Jeremy is the last to enter the bedroom and notices that there are only 7 beds. He then discovers an extra room with a double bed and calls Bez in who says, "I'm gutted. You've got the best pad in the gaff." Brigitte then comes in and says, "that's not fair. You've just picked out the best part." Jeremy responds, "I've got it for tonight but you're probably the biggest."

John and Germaine are chatting in the spa. The rest are sitting on the sofas and Brigitte and Jeremy are being playful with each other. John and Germaine are discussing the others. John says he thinks Brigitte would "eat me alive," but Germaine thinks he "should be so lucky." John tells Germaine that he never wants to get involved with intelligent women and men should marry beneath them. They discuss who the rest are. They don't know who Kenzie, Bez and Jeremy are.

All the housemates are in the living area. Brigitte compliments Caprices underwear range and admits that her fiancé loves them too. Kenzie is called to the Diary Room. Everyone sings him 'happy birthday' as he walks to the room. Kenzie discovers a birthday cake in the shape of a scantily clad woman and a bottle of champagne. Big Brother wishes him happy birthday and asks about his experience so far. Kenzie says, "to be honest I thought it would be female rooms and male rooms but who am I to complain about sharing a room with Caprice, after all,I am 19. She's a hot chick, know what I mean. I'm into my buff women and it'll be good to wake up and see a girl who I have in my magazines and on my bedroom wall at home." Big Brother tells him they're providing a birthday party. He says, "you don't have to do all this for me Bruv. The champagne and cake was enough and me being in here was enough."
Kenzie shares his goodies with his housemates and Big Brother plays one of his Blazin Squad tunes. He teaches them all how to dance to his music.

John tells the others he hates birthdays and "apart from the 19 year old, birthdays are obscene. I hate birthdays." He tells the rest of the housemate about his wife. She's called Booby and he explains she's named after " a South American bird who's stupid and easy to catch...they waddle around...flap around and squawk a lot." He winds the others up telling about the misery "this woman" Booby has caused and they get annoyed at his sexist remarks

Brigitte is alone in the tub. The rest of the housemates are chatting on the sofas. Lisa tells John she's impressed that John's been married 334 years. Caprice says, "this is an accomplishment." He responds saying, "I take pitty on The Booby. I want to kick her out...I'd go find a big breasted young woman." They all laugh that he can find one in the BB house.

Bez joins Brigitte. "I was thinking whether I should join you or not but I thought no, it's a bit cold." They discuss the fun they're having and how nice everyone is. Brigitte says she feels "sorry for Kenzie celebrating his 19th birthday with them."

Caprice and Bez are also in the tub. Caprice tells him he's a funny man and he responds, "you're not too bad yourself." Kenzie and Jeremy are chatting about the others. Kenzie doesn't know who most of the are and asks what Germaine does. He adds, "Caprice is a hot chick. The lads are going to be jealous...John's going to be entertaining."

Lisa's getting ready for bed. The rest are sitting outside. John tells Caprice, "women like you have it easy...it's so easy for good looking women like you." Caprice gets annoyed. "That's not fair, I work so hard." John continues, "good looking girls have got it easy. The best thing for men is to go out with ugly girls." Germaine says, "leave her alone, you know **** all about her." Caprice is wound up.

John is in the Diary Room. He talks about the others. "Germaine is Germaine but I'll sort her out." He says Brigitte scares him because she'd eat herself if she could. "Caprice is feisty - she's not my type of attractive. The young lad is a real find. He seems to me the kind of young man this country should be proud of." He continues saying he doesn't understand Bez and then concludes that he's different from the rest so be in there for long.

Caprice is the 1st celebrity to have a shower. Jeremy discovers that his bed is a waterbed. Lisa jumps in to join him and then Brigitte joins in too and asks, "do you want to switch and I'll sleep in here?" Jeremy gets undressed and mutters to himself that they are all "filthy ****ers."

Most of the housemates are in bed. Kenzie dips his head in the spa. Bez is called to the Diary Room and tells Big Brother "I've had such a good night I can't believe it. I'm not breaking any rules have I by any chance? It's not everyday you get to share a pool with Brigitte and Caprice. I hope the lads back home were watching 'cause I was proper showing off." On the other housemates he says, "they're quite down to earth but I'm struggling to remember their names. I'm disappointed that everyone's gone to bed so early. I'm sure I'll start fitting in with everyone's hours byt I' was worried I'd be sitting up on my own." He concludes that since he's having too much of a good time he thinks Big Brother will try to spoil it!

Kenzie and Bez are the only housemates still up. They go to the bedroom to get ready for bed. Bez turns the lights on and says, "sorry, sorry everyone, I'm just looking for my bag." John gets up and wanders across the room in his underwear saying "are you trying to bloody kill us all?"

For more stories over the past 24-hours log onto www.channel4.com/bigbrother.

BIG BROTHER'S LITTLE BROTHER (Channel 4 at 11.40pm)
In tonight's show Dermot will be joined by showbiz reporter, Ashley Pearson and comedian Robin Ince. He'll also be revealing that CBBLB has fitted a camera in the fridge so they can reveal what the housemates eat the most and who spends most time taking food from the fridge.

EFOURUM (E4 at 7.30pm)
Guests on tonight's show (Friday 7 January) include Jeff Brazier and Emma Kennedy.
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