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BB15 Big Brother 15 - aka Big Brother: Power Trip. The launch date was Thursday 5th June 2014. Discuss the series won by Helen Wood here.

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Old 29-07-2014, 03:55 PM #1
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Default Daily Update [DAY 54] SPOILERS

· Yesterday, the Housemates were told that the public has the Power and they have chosen Ashleigh to be immune from this week’s eviction. All of the Housemates then nominated and Pav, Zoe and Chris all face the public vote this week

· Christopher talks to Pav and Helen about Mark and says that he “had no idea he was genuine about this psychic sh*t…I thought he was taking the pi*s with it” Helen adds that she thinks he’s “convinced” before apologising for landing him “in the sh*t” with Mark

· Chris discusses being up for eviction with Big Brother and says, “I am happy to go but I would rather not go before Pav or Zoe because I’ve been here for so long and made so much ground. I feel like once they are out of the picture, the rest of the House can go in any order”

· Mark apologises to Christopher for their argument last night, admitting that he “was quite drunk” He goes on to discuss Pav, saying “I don’t think he knows me well enough to say if I’ve done something nasty” Ashleigh joins the conversation and they reference Pav saying that he had to stick up for Christopher because no one else will. Mark is adamant that he does and they go on to suggest that Pav is trying to come across as a saint, because he is up for the public vote. Christopher ponders if Pav is using his intelligence to make friends in the House or for more “sinister” reasons. Mark observes that “You should use your intelligent powers for good, and not for evil”

· Mark, Ashleigh and Helen discuss Zoe’s reaction to being put up for eviction, where she suggested they saw her as competition. Ashleigh says that it was “weird to say something like that and an insult to everybody else” The conversation moves on to Zoe’s response to having things thrown at her in the street, which she attributes to jealousy. Helen says, “I’ve had stuff done to me, but I know why…I’ve *****ing been bricked but I wouldn’t sit there and say anything”
· Meanwhile, Ash is in the Diary Room talking to Big Brother about Helen. He says they are just mates who kiss, probably just because they sleep in the same bed. He says they’ll probably sleep in different beds from Friday once there enough beds for one each.

· Helen tells Ashleigh that Pav was “pathetic” for joining the Christopher argument. Ashleigh suggests that he was trying to be a hero and Helen reasons that Mark throwing a sweet potato at Christopher wasn’t nasty, it’s just the way they are together.

· Zoe tells Big Brother that she feels “absolutely fine” about facing eviction because “no one thinks anything bad of us at all, apparently…unless they’re lying to my face!” She goes on to say that she hopes the public will keep her in the House, “because I want to be here till the end…I really, really, really do”

· Winston, Ash and Mark talk about which vegetable they are most like. Mark says that he is “a pineapple, something a bit exotic”, Ash chooses a strawberry and Winston says he is a tomato because it’s “fresh, got seeds in” Pav joins the conversation and describes himself as a grape “because they’re easy going” before suggesting that bananas are “quite cool”. Mark disagrees because they bruise too easily

· Christopher tells Ashleigh about his relationship with Mark, admitting that they held hands at first before having their first kiss, “a full on snog”, under the pillows, admitting that Mark is “a really good kisser”. Ashleigh offers her advice saying that “relationships are all about compromising” adding that it’s “so cute”

· Winston is called to the Diary Room, while the rest of the Housemates watch from the sofas, and is told that the public has chosen him to decide who will receive letters from home. Big Brother then shows him pictures of two Housemates and he must decide which one will receive a letter and which will have their letter deleted:

o Mark and Helen: Winston chooses Helen to receive the letter because she “really needs a letter because she’s got her kids…it will probably mean a lot to her”

o Ash and Chris: Winston chooses Ash to receive a letter because Chris is “relaxed about the situation…he’s more of a father figure” adding that Ash would love it

o Zoe and Pav: Winston chooses Pav because he’s “been a bit quiet the last couple of days…he might be a little bit homesick…maybe he’s had a hard time fitting in as well…”

o Ashleigh and Christopher: Winston chooses Ashleigh because “it’s going to mean a lot” The decision leaves Ashleigh in tears and Christopher notes that Winston is “so switched on”

· Ash speculates about his letter from home will be from his Mum and that she’ll joke he should stay away from Helen

· Mark tells Christopher that he’s “proper upset” that his letter was deleted because he thinks his family won’t be proud of him for the way he’s carried on. He adds that “most of my family, when I told them I was coming on this, stopped speaking to me” Christopher reassures him that he’s doing well and goes on to discuss whether his relationships with his family will be the same when he leaves the House. He worries that he could have ruined relationships and caused tensions with his family, many of whom didn’t know he was gay. Mark comforts him saying they “will love you no matter what” before adding, “You stink of onions!”

· Winston delivers letters from home to the Housemates, prompting tears from everyone:

o Mark reads Helen’s letter from her friend Michelle, who says “we are all so proud of you, you’ve finally let your barriers down” and highlights her relationship with Ash saying “He is very welcome to come round for tea”. Helen and Ash both seem embarrassed

o Ashleigh reads a letter from Ash’s Mum, who tells him “you have great support out here” and “you have made some good mates”

o Christopher reads Winston’s letter from his Mum who says she’s proud and jokes that Biannca is looking forward to seeing him. She also says “The police have dropped off an application form for joining the force as a detective”

o Zoe reads Pav his letter from his family who says he is “brave and totally inspiring” The letter also mentions “not losing sight of the end goal”

o Chris reads Ashleigh’s letter from her boyfriend who says he is proud of how she has “handled yourself and bounced back from horrible situations”

· After the Housemates receive their letters, all the Housemates are emotional and Pav and Chris hug in the garden. Pav says, “I don’t think I’ve been here as long, but I’ve struggled” Chris comforts him saying “You’ve got a good family...I’m so happy you got yours” Zoe and Pav then hug and Pav admits, “I’m so happy you’re here, I couldn’t do it without you” Zoe spots a rainbow and all the Housemates join to watch, but emotions get the better of Mark and he walks off. Helen says, “I’ll never forget this day, ever”

· Mark cries in the bathroom while Christopher waits for him outside

· Chris talks to Ashleigh about her letter from her boyfriend and says “I just want to tell him how lucky he is” adding “When we get out of here, I’m giving you the biggest hug you’ve ever had”

· Helen tells Big Brother that she is “so, so, so happy” after receiving her letter from adding that her friends would like Ash “as my mate…there’s isn’t anything else there” Helen also says that she’s glad Pav got a letter from home but that there appeared to be some references to keeping your eyes on the prize which she described as “awkward”

· In the bedroom, Zoe entertains the Housemates with a song

· Pav talks to Big Brother about receiving his letter from home and says, “I’m just as deserving as everyone else…if the letter hadn’t come when it did, I don’t think I could have carried on…” he also states that “I’ve never been around so many people and felt so alone in my life”

· Chris tells Christopher, “I’m so pleased that Pav got that letter…but why the *****? He’s only been here two and a half weeks!” He goes on to discuss his attitudes towards girls and money saying “he is shallow” and that it’s “bugging the ***** out of me” the way he looks at Ashleigh. Christopher admits that he hasn’t noticed and Chris concedes, “It’s not my place to be like the jealous boyfriend…It just winds me up, I feel protective over her” Chris then admits “I’ve sat and looked at Ashleigh probably a dozen times because I just love her”

· In bed, Helen plays with Ash’s hair and Mark and Christopher kiss under the covers, before Christopher moves to his own bed, with a smile on his face
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Old 29-07-2014, 03:56 PM #2
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Default News article - Daily Update [DAY 54]

Josy has posted a new TiBB frontpage article.

Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Tuesday 29th) highlights show.

Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

· Yesterday, the Housemates were told that the public has the Power and they have chosen Ashleigh to be immune from this week’s eviction. All of the Housemates then nominated and Pav,.....
Excerpt of article quoted above. Read full article here - http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/bigb...te-day-54.html
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Old 29-07-2014, 04:04 PM #3
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Some more Hate votes for Chris. Good stuff.

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Old 29-07-2014, 04:06 PM #4
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Old 29-07-2014, 04:13 PM #5
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Originally Posted by Achilles View Post

I swear if he was conventionally attractive or a bit younger no-one would even care if he hung around with Ashleigh or fancied her. He's not going groping her or making her feel uncomfortable so I don't know why anyone even cares. But yeah, I think that's the end of Chris
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Old 29-07-2014, 04:16 PM #6
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BB15: Ashleigh
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BB15: Ashleigh

Originally Posted by mrflibble View Post

I swear if he was conventionally attractive or a bit younger no-one would even care if he hung around with Ashleigh or fancied her. He's not going groping her or making her feel uncomfortable so I don't know why anyone even cares. But yeah, I think that's the end of Chris
It is too outrageous to be real. I think we are watching another storyline. He can't be that stupid. Not even a Winston or Mark would do it. Pav the underdog story is turning out to be best of the series, easily beating Jale, Christopher and Marlon

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Old 29-07-2014, 05:06 PM #7
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Making a mountain out of a molehill...he obviously has enormous admiration for Ashleigh...and he says he loves her. I love her too...I loved Aaronn...but not in that way. Hopefully it's just a term of endearment...hopefully!!
What makes me laugh is Christopher kissing Mark under the covers...after the way he treated him. If that was a male and female...this forum would go berserk.

...and I hope Zoe goes this week.
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