View Full Version : Sat. Nights Miseryfest.

27-07-2009, 01:16 PM
Toms decision to leave sent house mates already shakey self esteem spiralling into an abyss of self loathing and doubt."This is ****",seemed to be the general concensus."We must be total freaks." "This must be the worst BB in history",offered Marcus to nods of agreement.Sensing the mood of despondancy pervading the house David adopted the role of cheerleader."Youve all done really well to last 7 weeks",he trilled,"You should be really proud of yourselves."
But no one looked particularly proud of themselves.Certainly not Dogface,unkempt hair strewn across a face etched with sorrow and queit desperation.A girl who had cofessed to having had stealth sex in a communal bedroom with someone she'd only known for a matter of days.Nor house succubus Noreen who after jumping into bed with one housemate the previous night,said of another "Id ******* him everyday!" So many have fallen under her spell theyl be able to form their own victim support group.Nor did any of the rest of them look particualrly proud sporting the glazed expressions of prisoners of war.Bored,bewildered.
Later Dogface and Noreen sent the miseryfest into overdrive"I feel ugly,like.My hairs going gray." "Mine too,and its thining.My toenails are falling off",responded DF going on,"The tasks are stupid,we never win them.The days are dragging again."Noreen did her best to lighten the mood."I m scared to leave cos I know what'l be waiting for me but I dont want to stay.Ive no job,Il probably have nowhere to live.I cant even cry im so sad." "They must enjoy watching us suffer",Dogface surmised correctly,as the moaning continued into the night.

27-07-2009, 01:17 PM

27-07-2009, 01:53 PM
LOL! Housemates been some prozac!

27-07-2009, 02:02 PM
a bit of tlc
and happy stuff

27-07-2009, 02:30 PM
It was a very depressing night:cloud:

27-07-2009, 03:38 PM
I been in a senario like that before, you are all happy then someone comes in your life and drains all your energy from you, it is a terrible feeling. BB has to make them see what Tom has done and get their spirits back up!

A few VT's of the general public talking about their favourite housemate and their favourite moment should do that...and all housemates should get something nice about themeslves.

27-07-2009, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by reallynow
I been in a senario like that before, you are all happy then someone comes in your life and drains all your energy from you, it is a terrible feeling. BB has to make them see what Tom has done and get their spirits back up!

A few VT's of the general public talking about their favourite housemate and their favourite moment should do that...and all housemates should get something nice about themeslves.
that's a good idea. but then again, maybe it isn't. it'd influence them.

27-07-2009, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by cookiemonster
Originally posted by reallynow
I been in a senario like that before, you are all happy then someone comes in your life and drains all your energy from you, it is a terrible feeling. BB has to make them see what Tom has done and get their spirits back up!

A few VT's of the general public talking about their favourite housemate and their favourite moment should do that...and all housemates should get something nice about themeslves.
that's a good idea. but then again, maybe it isn't. it'd influence them.

Anything to get their ego's pumped up again lol