View Full Version : Cure for HIV???

14-11-2005, 05:34 PM
Has anyone seen this article about the man who rid his body of the HIV virus?

Click here for Daily Record article (http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/tm_objectid=16367326%26method=full%26siteid=66633% 26headline=miracle%2dhiv%2dscot%2dcould%2dcure%2dm illions-name_page.html)

I hope this is true, and not some lab error. This is huge.

My immediate concern is that it seems he got the all clear in October 2003, which is 2 years ago, so why has it only just come to light?

14-11-2005, 05:49 PM
Ah yes, read about this earlier. God, I hope it's not a lab error, everyone's getting excited there might be a cure for AIDS, imagine if it all turned out to be a feck up.

14-11-2005, 07:06 PM
Yes I've heard about this too. If it's right, it's quite amazing. It makes me wonder if his original test results where he was found positive were right.

14-11-2005, 07:16 PM
I heard it on Spin,I hope people dont get their hopes up

14-11-2005, 10:55 PM
Doubt they'll find a cure for everyone, its based on people's will to live more then anything. Most people when they are told they have an illness don't see a light, and without that hope, no cure in the world will help you(unless it 100% guarentees so).

That man's actions showed he didn't want to die and he took measures to stop him contracting full blown aids. If they find something he done helps or irradicates the problem... great. But i don't see it coming in the near future.

The poor man will be a guniea pig for some years yet.

15-11-2005, 06:36 AM
Originally posted by Tanser_Man
The poor man will be a guniea pig for some years yet.
Ah yes, there is that to it as well. The good news is he's HIV free, the bad news is he's going to be harrassed by scientists who want to use him as a lab-rat. Poor bloke.

Romantic Old Bird
15-11-2005, 09:44 AM
This phenomenom has been reported elsewhere before - Africa I think.

We also don't know why some people seem almost immune and others don't.

As with any pandemic, there will be a few who are immune, and a few whose immune system manages to suss it out.

I think if I were this bloke I would be delighted to be alive and only too glad to be a guinea pig. Imagine if you held the key to ending such misery?

However, if he really has somehow managed to fight this off, it will still be a massive job to work out what genetic markers he has, what his precise medical history is etc.

15-11-2005, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by Fangz
Ah yes, there is that to it as well. The good news is he's HIV free, the bad news is he's going to be harrassed by scientists who want to use him as a lab-rat. Poor bloke.

It's fortunate that he is extremely willing to hand himself over to the scientists in order that they might find something useful.

What we have to remember is, he has possibly lost friends to HIV, and in that case, he will be glad to go through all the tests etc. if there is a slight chance he might hold the key to the cure.

*Gets on soapbox*

Before the self-appointed forum-gay-police start quoting me and calling me homophobic, I would like to add this:

The reason I said he "possibly lost friends to HIV" is because he originally contracted it from a sexual partner, so therefore he definitely knows one person who is HIV+. Whether the person is dead or alive I do not know. I was in no way inferring that he would know HIV+ people on the basis of his sexuality.

Thank you.

*Steps down from soapbox*

15-11-2005, 11:05 AM
'Forum gay police'? Lol, I know I act that way sometimes. Really though, I don't think anyone could pick out anything homophobic in that post.:thumbs:

15-11-2005, 11:59 AM
ur not the worst offender Fangz. LoL.. but, some people are almost waiting for a slip-up so they can jump on the Racist/Homophobic/Bigot arguments.

I really can not be ar5ed with some of the pointless/futile arguments which get stirred up on here. If someone is genuinely being any of the above it's fair enough, but you know what I mean. We seen it time and time again during BB6. It's beyond tiresome. :sleep:

O.T. Love your avatar btw,, it's well funny!

15-11-2005, 12:17 PM
Yeah, I like my avvy too. If I think someone's genuinely being prejudiced, I do tend to jump down their throats and overreact.

16-11-2005, 06:07 PM
yer ive heard about this, not this particular story, but ive heard that some people have a special gene that kills the virus, but very very very few people are blessed with this gene, lucky him!

16-11-2005, 06:25 PM
Wow, goes to show that there are miracles!

Until science comes up with logic. Then it's something you discuss at dinner.