View Full Version : John James - Dimwitted Bully

30-06-2010, 10:54 AM
He slags off Sunshine about her dress, her nose..makes her feel very uncomfortable..shouts down anyone who dares joke at him.. he's weak and a nasty bully..

the type of person who hides behind others, while jeering at them from afar.

If Dave was reading the Koran..no way he would have said 'what are you reading that **** for..' he is a typical insecure, very, very unintelligent personification of of moral bankruptcy.

30-06-2010, 10:58 AM
This guy is the biggest LOSER.. Now Sunshine.

To all you female fans, I hope when he gets out.. you meet him & you like him, then he stands on your face in public.

What a loser, always picking fights with girls, I just don't understand that.

30-06-2010, 10:59 AM
He certainly can't take what he dishes out.

30-06-2010, 10:59 AM
and yet he seems popular... cant see why.... oh wait!

30-06-2010, 11:00 AM
JJ is an Australian - chauvanistic, arrogant, obnoxious & over-confident.

30-06-2010, 11:01 AM
JJ is an Australian - chauvasitic, arrogant, obnoxious & over-confident.

All Australians are crazy... just look at Percy Grainger.

30-06-2010, 11:03 AM
he's a eejit who when he comes up agaisn't a Hm who's able for his nasty behaviour he crys i.e Josie or goes to bitch behind their back i.e Ben

30-06-2010, 11:20 AM
I agree he likes to dish it out but he can't take it and I'm not dave's biggest fan but I like how he turned the situation round from jj taking the piss to him being a humuorless paranoid annyoying freak and I was hoping that would show him up for what he is but still he has many supporters smh....also when he went around telling everyone what dave had said he left out the part that he had provoked him

30-06-2010, 11:23 AM
JJ is an emotionally stunted mummy's boy who, unable to find his own persona, attempts to emulate a middle-aged footballer's to boost his ego. He enjoys picking on weak targets, especially women, to make himself feel better about his pointless and charisma free self. He deliberately targetted Rachael (who I detested anyway), because he recognised that she was exactly like him, i.e. just a bimbo exploiting a passing likeness to a celebrity when she had little else to offer, and no-one likes to see a bad reflection of themselves in a mirror.

30-06-2010, 11:24 AM
i was a big JJ supporter but lately hes lost the plot big time.

30-06-2010, 11:28 AM
All Australians are crazy... just look at Percy Grainger.

Sir Les Patterson would beg to differ.

30-06-2010, 11:31 AM
Sir Les Patterson would beg to differ.

Lol, I didn't know who he was, but I like wikipedia's description of him as an 'antipodean Falstaff'.

30-06-2010, 11:35 AM
Lol, I didn't know who he was, but I like wikipedia's description of him as an 'antipodean Falstaff'.

Yeah - Barry Humphries (Dame Edna) - Sir Les was a more amusing character.

30-06-2010, 11:42 AM
I like JJ myself, hes funny, down to earth and tells it how it is! on the other hand 'KeEeva' and scabby are the arrogant bullies. think they rule the house!!

30-06-2010, 11:44 AM
Dunno how some of those can take some of the insults hee says.. i wouldnt be able too.

30-06-2010, 12:28 PM
JJ is an Australian - chauvanistic, arrogant, obnoxious & over-confident.


30-06-2010, 01:04 PM
He slags off Sunshine about her dress, her nose..makes her feel very uncomfortable..shouts down anyone who dares joke at him.. he's weak and a nasty bully..

the type of person who hides behind others, while jeering at them from afar.

If Dave was reading the Koran..no way he would have said 'what are you reading that **** for..' he is a typical insecure, very, very unintelligent personification of of moral bankruptcy.

I just think he is very, very ignorant and finds books and topics of conversation above his head. What he doesn't understand he criticises in a childlike manner. But its definitely not bullying.

30-06-2010, 01:19 PM
He's extremely stupid and very easily lead.
He's also absolutely retarded when it comes to reading situations and comments for what they really are. You could show him a picture of a dog and he'd argue 'til he's blue in the face that it's actually a cat and it's making fun of him :)

30-06-2010, 01:20 PM
I really like JJ.. He is the type of person I am sure I could get on well and have a lot of fun with. I think he is the kind of person that you have to learn how to take.

30-06-2010, 01:22 PM
I just think he is very, very ignorant and finds books and topics of conversation above his head. What he doesn't understand he criticises in a childlike manner. But its definitely not bullying.

That -may be- true, he -may not- be a bully but he most definately -is- a hypocrite-he seems to think his way of living life- "don't give a ****" "stay at home with mom and get looked after"-is fine, but everyone else (especially the women in the house) is wrong about most of their beliefs and attitudes.

30-06-2010, 01:25 PM
JJ is an emotionally stunted mummy's boy who, unable to find his own persona, attempts to emulate a middle-aged footballer's to boost his ego. He enjoys picking on weak targets, especially women, to make himself feel better about his pointless and charisma free self. He deliberately targetted Rachael (who I detested anyway), because he recognised that she was exactly like him, i.e. just a bimbo exploiting a passing likeness to a celebrity when she had little else to offer, and no-one likes to see a bad reflection of themselves in a mirror.

this, also wit rachel i think she went into the house first and he saw her get a lot of h8 from the pll, so he thought he would get on ppl side by acting like the nice guy sticking up for " normal ppl"

30-06-2010, 01:57 PM
Ugh is there a hate club someone can start?

30-06-2010, 02:30 PM
I agree he likes to dish it out but he can't take it and I'm not dave's biggest fan but I like how he turned the situation round from jj taking the piss to him being a humuorless paranoid annyoying freak and I was hoping that would show him up for what he is but still he has many supporters smh....also when he went around telling everyone what dave had said he left out the part that he had provoked him

Thank you for pointing that out. I thought exactly the same. JJ was very quick to hold court in the garden with an audience of HMs who he already knows find Dave disgusting. He omitted to inform them that he called the Bible s**t and full of crap. JJ is a sly Housemate and I wish Dave had replaced him when he won the 'save' task.

30-06-2010, 03:41 PM
Paranoid and a cert dimwit, however some of it is a dry sense of humor I dont think he realises how he comes across when he goes on at sunshine he treats her like he is teasing his baby sister ( and Dave and some others even joing in ie this afternoon LF about her make up) he is spiteful to her

He definately as another poster say, can dish it out but can not take it back.

He did make me laugh with one of his lines '' dont P*ss on my back and tell me its raining. I can not help but still like him as HM though, just he needs to lay off sunshine

30-06-2010, 03:44 PM
Paranoid and a cert dimwit, however some of it is a dry sense of humor I dont think he realises how he comes across when he goes on at sunshine he treats her like he is teasing his baby sister ( and Dave and some others even joing in ie this afternoon LF about her make up) he is spiteful to her

He definately as another poster say, can dish it out but can not take it back.

He did make me laugh with one of his lines '' dont P*ss on my back and tell me its raining. I can not help but still like him as HM though, just he needs to lay off sunshine

I liked the "I didn't fall out of a lemon tree" one - he makes me laugh at times - but annoys me more!

30-06-2010, 03:47 PM
He slags off Sunshine about her dress, her nose..makes her feel very uncomfortable..shouts down anyone who dares joke at him.. he's weak and a nasty bully..

the type of person who hides behind others, while jeering at them from afar.

If Dave was reading the Koran..no way he would have said 'what are you reading that **** for..' he is a typical insecure, very, very unintelligent personification of of moral bankruptcy.

but he doesn't care about what anyone says or thinks about him

did i mention that he couldn't care what we say or think about him

He keeps on telling us how much he doesn't care what we say or think of him

he might have mentioned a few thousand times how much he doesn't care what we think or say about him:sleep:

I think that he goes on so much about how much he DOESN'T care what we say or think about him that he really does:spin:

30-06-2010, 03:50 PM
but he doesn't care about what anyone says or thinks about him

did i mention that he couldn't care what we say or think about him

He keeps on telling us how much he doesn't care what we say or think of him

he might have mentioned a few thousand times how much he doesn't care what we think or say about him:sleep:

I think that he goes on so much about how much he DOESN'T care what we say or think about him that he really does:spin:

He doth protest too much! :hugesmile:

30-06-2010, 03:52 PM
I liked him for standing up to Rachael, but now he's being a plain dick. :/

30-06-2010, 04:01 PM
I liked him for standing up to Rachael, but now he's being a plain dick. :/

You liked him for standing up to Rachael? why did he need to stand up to Rachael he doesn't own her and what she does and says is her damn business nothing to do with him whatsoever! its a pity he doesn't behave the way he expected her to the hypocrite.

30-06-2010, 04:04 PM
Good housemate.

Keep him in.

30-06-2010, 04:07 PM
Good housemate.

Keep him in.

Let's kick Vuvuzelas OFF TiBB

30-06-2010, 04:11 PM

30-06-2010, 04:13 PM
I noticed with the crisp thing, that he had been sunshines friend the past day or two and even that day, then he saw people were having a go and he jumped right on in and starting pulling down sunshine, in the hope she will get put up and he is keeping the others happy, idiot he is.

30-06-2010, 04:15 PM
but he doesn't care about what anyone says or thinks about him

did i mention that he couldn't care what we say or think about him

He keeps on telling us how much he doesn't care what we say or think of him

he might have mentioned a few thousand times how much he doesn't care what we think or say about him:sleep:

I think that he goes on so much about how much he DOESN'T care what we say or think about him that he really does:spin:

Really liked this. Dead funny (and slightly sarcastic, which I also love).:joker:

30-06-2010, 04:17 PM
You liked him for standing up to Rachael? why did he need to stand up to Rachael he doesn't own her and what she does and says is her damn business nothing to do with him whatsoever! its a pity he doesn't behave the way he expected her to the hypocrite.

Two words come to mind. The first word is "Spot" and the second word is "On". :dance:

30-06-2010, 06:00 PM
I Think his game is up...
