View Full Version : ''Evict the boring ones''

King Gizzard
30-06-2010, 09:23 PM
I don't really agree (as you probably have guessed) Imagine if it was 2 ''boring'' housemates up like loads of people want on here, wouldn't make for such a show would it, there wouldn't be any eviction related arguements that lets be honest, make the show

Eviction nights would be shockingly poor too. Just let them whittle in the corner doing not much for a bit.

30-06-2010, 09:31 PM
I would agree with evicting the boring ones but it seems I have a different idea to what's boring than most.

These bitches who talk behind peoples back and never say anything to their faces is not entertaining for me yet every bloody week we got bells on here telling us they're the entertaining ones and that they must stay.

A few years ago I would have agreed but now people like Cameltoe and Govan just bore the **** outta me.

I don't like JJ much but he's an example of someone that must stay, sure he talks behind peoples backs a lot but he will say just as much to their faces.

30-06-2010, 09:39 PM
Only to the safe ones though!!

He's the biggest cowardly bitch in the house!

30-06-2010, 09:41 PM
at the end of the day there shouldnt be any 'boring ones' and that is why BB11 is such a fail like most recent series.

30-06-2010, 09:42 PM
:sleep:if they just evict the boring ones....there would be noone left!!!!:sleep::joker:

30-06-2010, 09:42 PM
get corin and steve out they are the bores

King Gizzard
30-06-2010, 09:43 PM
Lol all comments true..I guess there is no way of checking if someones who they say they are or not?

30-06-2010, 09:43 PM
I'd prefer bigger characters to stay in even if I dislike them like Ben and Sunshine for example.

The boring ones do **** all and I'd much rather see action and drama instead of a 'happy house'.

30-06-2010, 09:44 PM
I'd prefer bigger characters to stay in even if I dislike them like Ben and Sunshine for example.

The boring ones do **** all and I'd much rather see action and drama instead of a 'happy house'.

i agree the house was much more entertaining with rachael and govan

30-06-2010, 09:46 PM
Speak for yourself. I would be super pleased if I had a choice of two bores to evict.

30-06-2010, 09:49 PM
Losing an exciting and involved HM is never a good thing. Especially when there is still months of the show to go.

Dull HMs are just a waste of a space. Get em out and put somebody more useful in their place. This is entertainment after all. Dull HMs are not worthy.

30-06-2010, 09:53 PM
evict the nasties first

then the boring ones

the most entertaining parts of big brother are the tasks not the bitches

30-06-2010, 09:56 PM
i agree the house was much more entertaining with rachael and govan

Yep, they were great.

Wish we could like trade them with two housemates in there :(

30-06-2010, 10:01 PM
Bores and bitches both need to go, but some bitches need to remain in the house to cause the drama, unless they are unbearably annoying.

30-06-2010, 10:08 PM
evict the nasties first

then the boring ones

the most entertaining parts of big brother are the tasks not the bitches

exactly, fed up with hearing year after year. 'keep the interesting HMs in', if that means bitching, backstabbing, wannabee, up their own backside types, then NO WAY, decent good people make interesting tv as its the tasks, surviving evictions etc that make the show what it is. NOT who can be the biggest ****stirring bugger in the house.

Peter Plunker
30-06-2010, 10:10 PM
I find bitchy moany drama queens far more boring than nice people.

30-06-2010, 10:11 PM
evict the nasties first

then the boring ones

the most entertaining parts of big brother are the tasks not the bitches

exactly, fed up with hearing year after year. 'keep the interesting HMs in', if that means bitching, backstabbing, wannabee, up their own backside types, then NO WAY, decent good people make interesting tv as its the tasks, surviving evictions etc that make the show what it is. NOT who can be the biggest ****stirring bugger in the house.

Ugh. Its morons like you two that result in the final weeks of BB always being utterly DULL.

King Gizzard
30-06-2010, 10:11 PM
exactly, fed up with hearing year after year. 'keep the interesting HMs in', if that means bitching, backstabbing, wannabee, up their own backside types, then NO WAY, decent good people make interesting tv as its the tasks, surviving evictions etc that make the show what it is. NOT who can be the biggest ****stirring bugger in the house.

Great point

30-06-2010, 10:20 PM
I find bitchy moany drama queens far more boring than nice people.

that is your choice of course but i find that type obnoxious

30-06-2010, 10:21 PM
Ugh. Its morons like you two that result in the final weeks of BB always being utterly DULL.

who you calling a moron? I have IQ of 162 whats yours?, double figures at least I hope!!

Mac Hiavellian
30-06-2010, 10:23 PM
In the old days when HMs weren't disliked as much evictions were all the rage. These days it's get the 'hated' ones out like they're panto villains and then the les sinteresting ones are given random questions and their HLs are desperate