View Full Version : Whats the worst xmas pressy you have ever recieved

26-12-2005, 08:42 PM
Mine has to be stripey socks with toes in its a nightmare havinng to try to put your little to into them

26-12-2005, 08:45 PM
oh i was very annoyed that my auntie got me the same book from last year

26-12-2005, 08:47 PM
how unthoughtful was that

26-12-2005, 08:59 PM

i got all good ones this year

26-12-2005, 09:06 PM
It has to be the action man dvd I got :shocked:

26-12-2005, 09:19 PM

i once got 2 green soaps off ma dad that smelt like summit from a sewer

27-12-2005, 02:59 AM
Hmm, worst xmas prezzie ever...

Well, when I was younger, one of my uncles always bought me a barbie doll, which would have been okay except for the fact that I've never played with dolls, I always preferred playing with bugs and climbing trees, etc.

Oh, and one of my aunts always buys me a pop cd and some sort of sparkly pink top that sheds glitter over everything.
For the record, I rarely wear colours other than black (and sometimes red), and I despise most pop songs.

27-12-2005, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by BB fernzy
It has to be the action man dvd I got :shocked:

lol! who got you that? :shocked: :laugh:

Mine is probably a 1960's Compilation CD that my parents bought be about 4 years ago :spin:

27-12-2005, 05:24 PM
An alarm clock. Come on, seriously, I ALREADY HAVE A ****ING ALARM CLOCK!

27-12-2005, 06:21 PM
I suppose a nasty pair of jeans my sister bought me a few years back would be my worst pressie!!

27-12-2005, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by sol
Originally posted by BB fernzy
It has to be the action man dvd I got :shocked:

lol! who got you that? :shocked: :laugh:

Mine is probably a 1960's Compilation CD that my parents bought be about 4 years ago :spin:

My nan got it for me lol.

27-12-2005, 06:46 PM
lol, i bet it was hard to put a smile on your face when you opened that one!! :bigsmile:

27-12-2005, 06:49 PM
Luckily my nan was not there lol. I said what the I'm not 8 years old!

27-12-2005, 07:15 PM
XD, I love it when you get these random presents from relatives you barely know. Like 50 pounds from an uncle I've met twice! Twice! And once was after my granny died! O_O

27-12-2005, 07:31 PM
A Ricky Martin calendar..i mean really, my mate got me it..probably a piss take but still..thats taking things too far

saying that i did get him an Orlando Bloom T-shirt..

but Ricky freaking Martin?

( I would just like to add that i am infact a 100% straight guy and i am in no way a fan of Mr.Martin )

27-12-2005, 07:31 PM
Yer I get gift vouchers and stuff from my Aunt and Uncle who live in Kent, I only really see them for funerals.

29-12-2005, 09:33 PM
i always get the worst presents from ma auntie n uncle

like egg yolk body lotion

yer i really wanna smell of egg lool :shocked::conf:

23-01-2006, 10:45 AM
I once received a CD from Belgian artist Eddy Wally. I don't know if people in England have heard of him, but friends of ours went to Belgium on holiday, and purchased this for me, thinking I was Belgian, when I am in fact from Holland.

Eddy Wally is a kind of Belgian version of Des O'Connor :bawling:

23-01-2006, 10:59 AM
I once got this god awful silver champagne flute that had a nasty crystal in the middle of the stem - spent all day christmas sayign to my mam how could my sister think I would like that nasty piece of junk. Lunch ends and she says I have surprises for everyone and out comes a wrapped box for me that looks identical to the one she had given me in the morning - yes you guessed it a matching one!