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View Full Version : Jo Housemate bio: Jo Butler

24-07-2010, 09:10 AM
Age: 41
From: Luton
Occupation: Make-up artist

Jo is a 41-year-old, single make-up artist from Luton.

She has never had a relationship as she has too many things she wants to achieve in life such as DJ'ing and getting into the Big Brother House.

Her DJ name is DJ Naked and mixing the decks is one thing that makes her really happy.

Jo thinks she would be a nightmare to live with, as she is lazy in terms of housework.

The self-proclaimed feisty cougar thinks she's friendly to live with but after a while if she doesn't have her own space she could get moody.

She snores really badly which annoys her mates.

Jo has got a thing for younger guys as they're fitter and better looking, normally they're about 25-ish.

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