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View Full Version : Cher Lloyd To Cher or not to Cher that is the question

05-11-2010, 03:15 PM
I think why Cher is disliked so much is not just because of her weak vocals and her vile rapping, its mainly because she tried to pass off others work as her own, even in her audition she dressed the same as Keri hilson and said she wrote some lyrics, which were lies, then the judges tried to make out she was the best thing since sliced pan and very original, if you know anything about r&b or hip hop, you will discover this is all one big farce.

Cher has turned Plagiarism into an artform and the judges should know better, shame on them:devil:

Legend killer
05-11-2010, 03:16 PM
Hate Cher

05-11-2010, 03:22 PM
I think contestants get told what to say though at bootcamp and I'm pretty sure they get told what to sing. Hardly anything leading upto the live shows should be taken as truth as it's all pre-recorded. The producers want her to be seen as unique & different so they probably told her to do the Viva la Vida song and gave her the lyrics.

You can't really believe anything in the Audition stages is real.

05-11-2010, 03:26 PM
I think contestants get told what to say though at bootcamp and I'm pretty sure they get told what to sing. Hardly anything leading upto the live shows should be taken as truth as it's all pre-recorded. The producers want her to be seen as unique & different so they probably told her to do the Viva la Vida song and gave her the lyrics.

You can't really believe anything in the Audition stages is real.

I agree with alot of that tbh and i know that even the auditions are a bit shallow aswell, a friend of mine who is a fabulous singer tried out, they wanted a sob story from her and she said she didn't have any, well they didn't put her through :(

05-11-2010, 03:38 PM
I agree with alot of that tbh and i know that even the auditions are a bit shallow aswell, a friend of mine who is a fabulous singer tried out, they wanted a sob story from her and she said she didn't have any, well they didn't put her through :(Same happened with a friend of mine who is a professional singer. She didnt even get thru the first audition to get before the TV cameras. Yet when we get to the TV auditions so much time is taken up with dross.

Simon is yet to remind us that 'its a talent contest, after all' probably cuz even he cant utter such a bare faced lie.

05-11-2010, 08:22 PM
I've done just enough work in radio and television that I can ruin things for some viewers 'taking down that 4th wall'.

Radio is (more obviously I think) often constant contrivance and I think even the casual listeners have figured out that those 'spontaneous prank calls' were just interns and sales staff pretending to be someone.

Reality television is often contrived but what is really interesting to me is how often the applicants themselves are 'adapting' and playing into it.
They know that one way to get special consideration is to have a tragic backstory and set up for a 'journey' ride.
But wait,
There are some who also know the 'arrogant *****' is a big favourite.
But wait,
See, the producers are also into 'one-upping' the applicants too so they might make a point to find the 'contrived character' and turn the story back on them,
but wait,
applicants can see that trend and modify their 'plot' to play along and play into that new popular storyline they see getting attention.
and so on... and so on... and...

But here is the sort of really disappointing 'behind the behind the scenes' is that some of the contestants you see were already signed on long before you saw them get 'accepted'.
What you think are auditions (and they are not 'fake auditions') but the contract has already been signed a year (or more) earlier.
A storyline has already been arranged for the contestant including their 'struggle through auditions'.

I don't know about Cher specifically,
Do not be surprised if you found out Cher was already 'discovered' 4 years ago and it was 2 years ago X-Factor started signing things and waiting until she turned 16,
her parents/agent/manager/x-factor producers had already arranged her time off school and away from home during this season including the chaperons and all this BEFORE the audition.
Do not be surprised there was already a 'storyline' of how the 'fiesty kitten' would be a sort of wannabe-chav type (you are supposed to want to doubt her) and then see her scared ...but then see her little girl punch punch her heart out... the 'now im making a STATEMENT!' assertive rap,
as we all predicted the sudden.. oh.. oh my god.. evening gown beautiful song solo.. omg she is a beautiful young woman now who can really sing!

Hey man.. I love this stuff too and 'suspend disbelief' and buy into it too but just everyone understand a lot of this was already written, projected, signed, organized, arranged well before you and I saw Day One of the season.

Mystic Mock
05-11-2010, 09:11 PM
I think why Cher is disliked so much is not just because of her weak vocals and her vile rapping, its mainly because she tried to pass off others work as her own, even in her audition she dressed the same as Keri hilson and said she wrote some lyrics, which were lies, then the judges tried to make out she was the best thing since sliced pan and very original, if you know anything about r&b or hip hop, you will discover this is all one big farce.

Cher has turned Plagiarism into an artform and the judges should know better, shame on them:devil:

well we should keep telling her fans that she isnt orginal.

05-11-2010, 09:38 PM
well we should keep telling her fans that she isnt orginal.

I never thought she was original anyway and I think also many of the points made by ElProximo especaially as to Cher possibly being prepared long before this year for X Factor have likely a strong foundation.

I just don't go for Cher at all, despite the better performance of last week, it was better than the previous 3 weeks but still wasn't original and still nothing special that merits the overhyping she got from the judges.

Mystic Mock
05-11-2010, 10:37 PM
I never thought she was original anyway and I think also many of the points made by ElProximo especaially as to Cher possibly being prepared long before this year for X Factor have likely a strong foundation.

I just don't go for Cher at all, despite the better performance of last week, it was better than the previous 3 weeks but still wasn't original and still nothing special that merits the overhyping she got from the judges.

i think she was the best of that night,but as you said there was no orginality there or as they like to call them twists.

05-11-2010, 10:38 PM
The x factor is a drama and they sadly need to make the right cast at the expense of some great talent out there, you will always have a chico, jedward or wagner and the underdog, the pretty ones, the hated, the loved and so on, this is a show and has more in common with a soap than it has to do with music.It's there to entertain us and feed the cowell cashcow, but hell its a great show.