View Full Version : New Year's Eve Nightfever

31-12-2001, 05:35 PM
Just a little reminder that Amma, Helen and Paul are on this evening's 'Nightfever' on Channel 5.

The show starts at 10:55pm and, apart from a 5min break for the news just before midnight, is on right through until 1am.

According to TV Quick, Helen is on in the first part, and Amma and Paul join her after midnight.

Video's to the ready!! :hugesmile:'

31-12-2001, 06:26 PM
thank yoU! i almost forgot and i just recorded it!

01-01-2002, 12:09 AM
Well, what a big cheat that was!!! http://www.plauder-smilies.com/madgo.gif

The section before midnight was a completely different show to the one shown after midnight. Helen was on one, and Paul was on the other. THEY WERE NOT ON TOGETHER!!! They didn't sing a duet, cos they weren't even on the same show!!

I'm trying to remember if any of the offical announcements actually said they were going to sing a duet, or whether it was just tabloid hype. Was it actually said at all, or did we just all jump to conclusions when we heard they were both going to be on on New Year's Eve?

It's very naughty of Channel 5 though - they must have known we'd all think they were going to be on together and they wanted to up their ratings.

I am very annoyed. http://www.plauder-smilies.com/screams.gif

01-01-2002, 12:26 AM
Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! :hello: :elephant: :hello:

Secondly, LEE I agree with you 100% - what a complete and utter let down. It was Ananova (normally quite reliable) who released the news that Paul and Helen would duet on Night Fever, and all the TV papers led us to believe that Helen would be on the first programme, and then be joined by Paul and Amma on the second one.

Yet another example of why not to believe anything written in the press, I think!! :nono:

Romantic Old Bird
01-01-2002, 10:22 AM
What a bummer!
As I couldn't go anywhere this year it was going to be my highlight. (I know, sad!)

I did think Ananova were reliable, now I will believe nothing where they are not directly quoted in heat!



01-01-2002, 01:48 PM
yeh well apart from that dissappointment, i thought night fever last night was quite funny, i was at a family party thing so i recorded it, both paul and helen seemed to be having a good time in their respective programmes, and paul seemed to be getting quite chummy again with people both on his team and the girls. Liked seeing him having a pillow fight with amma! (tho im quite glad he didnt have a solo :spin2:)


01-01-2002, 05:42 PM
I was terribly disappointed but do agree that they seemed to be having a good time. I thought Paul's dancing had come on tremendously, do you remember how bad his dancing was during the dance task? H must have been giving him lessons, I think.

01-01-2002, 06:02 PM
I missed this - it completely slipped my mind but after reading the reviews, I am not that disappointed.
Just as long as I dont miss January 5 documentary - you should all e-mail me and remind me cos I know what my memory is like and I will forget!!! And I will be moaning for ages on here!!:laugh:

01-01-2002, 08:40 PM
Like Wildchildd2K1, I forgot to set my video too (and I missed Eastenders as well as Night Fever!!). But I did catch a bit of the one with Amma and Paul on when I came back from partying.

Incidentally, I thought Amma looked really good and she can sing too! :joker: She seems to be the BB2 person most likely ot be destined for a glittering career.

01-01-2002, 08:47 PM
I agree kaphc - Amma does have a great voice - Its a shame she doesn't do anything about it...

:colour:Congratulations on your first post!:colour:


01-01-2002, 08:54 PM
Hi kaphc,

A big hello from me too.

I remember Amma saying farily recently that she has always wanted to be a singer, maybe someone will notice her. :dazzler:

02-01-2002, 01:58 PM
Didn't the article in the Times say something about her doing some work in a recording studio? I know she doesn't have a contract, but perhaps she's investing some of the money she's made to make some decent demos and develop her own sound. I'm sure I read somewhere (Cosmo?) that she always wanted to be a singer, and that she hoped BB would give her the break she needed.

She'll have her work cut out for her to be taken seriously after Craig's terrible efforts of last year. And Nicola and Caroline's. I'm not sure if she'll be accepted into the charts, but I think she has a realistic chance of making a decent living as a club singer etc. Maybe even musicals.

Fortunately I had the good fortune to read about this Night Fever before I had the chance to watch my video, thus saving gross disappointement. I had only videos the second show, so was sad to miss Helen, but enjoyed it for what it was.

Paul's dancing was definitely better. I wonder if he's been doing Helen's dance workout as practice? I said this elsewhere, but I think it might have something to do with those drinks they give them in the green room. He did seem remarkably relaxed! Much more than last time when we hardly saw any of his pretty face. He and Amma were definitely more professional at the pillow fighting than the others, but they have had more on-screen practice! Did anyone else notice Paul hitting the camera in his attempts to get a big back-swing when attacking Amma? Perhaps a few unresolved issues? :laugh:

Perhaps next time he'll get to speak! :dance: But not sing.:nono:

Although I do feel conned, I am glad they didn't do a bad duet. If just appearing on shows going out at the same time made it into the papers, just think what would happen if they indulged in some bad singing? The couple from Emmerdale were pretty good singers and got away with it.

I think Channel 5 were probably very sneaky when releasing information about the shows. They'll have said who was all appearing, giving the impression we would see Helen, Paul and Amma altogether on the one show, then make comments about a real life couple singing a duet. They'd have expected people to at least wonder if it would be P&H.

Poor Emmerdale couple. In spite of being proper actors and having a showbiz relationship all of their own, no-one even thought it might be them!:shocked:

03-01-2002, 06:14 PM
Hi Mark, Hi LEE - Thanx for the welcome :wavey:

As far as it goes with Amma, I think she could make it into the charts given the right manager / PR and a decent single. As far as I can tell, not much of the music in the Top 40 gets there on the basis of musical merit! There are a few notable exceptions of course.

05-01-2002, 03:41 PM
Amma would be taken more seriously as a singer than Craig was, because she can actually sing and her blackness would give her some added credibility especially if she follows the Destiny's Child type r&b/pop crossover sound. I remeber that to date, only Michelle Gayle (black former Eastenders actress) was given respect for going into singing after doing a soap. All the other Eastenders soap stars who have tried to do the same were panned heavily. I suppose an exception is Martine McCutcheon.