View Full Version : % on Powershift jury member return

19-04-2013, 03:11 AM

LOL at Topaz :joker:

At least AJ had a healthy percentage

Surprised that Alec had that many votes

19-04-2013, 03:20 AM
I actually voted for Topaz. She was a fighter. Why would anyone want Alec or AJ to come back?

19-04-2013, 03:23 AM
Gary and Alec the clear top two, as it should be :love: good to see Canadian's have good taste and support the best <3

19-04-2013, 03:29 AM
Yeah, what were Canada thinking wasting that many votes on the slimy creep Alec. In the Canadian pictorial dictionary next to the word 'Disgusting' there's a picture of Alec!

Topaz actually got more votes than she deserved too. I didn't think one person could contain as much stupid as Topaz does, until i saw Peter's tantrum (eviction) tonight that is!:hugesmile:

19-04-2013, 10:24 AM
Topaz should've got more votes really. I'm happy AJ got so many though :love:

19-04-2013, 03:04 PM
If I had thought that Alec would even come close to Gary, I may have sent my votes his way just to keep Gary out of the house... hind sight being 20/20

I don't like Alec... I just didn't want to play into the producers hands by bringing Gary back

19-04-2013, 03:21 PM
not as bad as keiths 1% to return in BB14 :joker:

19-04-2013, 03:38 PM
I don't understand why people voted Alec. It was VERY clear that Peter would be evicted, so what would be the point of Alec being there if he didn't have any allies? As we've seen with Gary, he's already tried alligning himself with Talla, and also tried to make a few deals with Emmett too. Alec would've just been booted out again, as his relationship with the remaining HG's isn't very strong. At least Gary has Talla.

19-04-2013, 03:52 PM
I'm surprised Topaz was so low!

19-04-2013, 10:22 PM
Wish alec had gone back in

20-04-2013, 12:07 AM
Wish alec had gone back in

What ? Why the ***** would you want that ?
He was an asshole first time round and could only be an even bigger asshole the second time round. The longer he was in there the harder i found it to even tolerate him. He made Suzette seem watchable and i couldn't stand her!
Alec and Peter will be spending every second in the Jury house sucking each others tiny dicks!:hugesmile:

Aaahhhh......i just noticed that Peter was your favourite. Makes a bit more sense now!

20-04-2013, 12:39 AM
What ? Why the ***** would you want that ?
He was an asshole first time round and could only be an even bigger asshole the second time round. The longer he was in there the harder i found it to even tolerate him. He made Suzette seem watchable and i couldn't stand her!
Alec and Peter will be spending every second in the Jury house sucking each others tiny dicks!:hugesmile:

Aaahhhh......i just noticed that Peter was your favourite. Makes a bit more sense now!

Because people that actually bother to say things generally make for much better TV than those who don't.

Macie Lightfoot
20-04-2013, 12:45 AM
The logical fallacy that "well, at least <x> is doing SOMETHING that makes them good by default" will never not be wrong.

20-04-2013, 12:54 AM
But you always seem to forget that if the housemates that provide talking points weren't on the show, nobody would watch, because that's what a show like this thrives on. I really can't be bothered going into this now because we'll end up doing it in detail in the summer again but it's just basic objective logic. Like and dislike who you want, but unless you want to go out of your way to destroy the success of the show then it's silly to emotionally invest yourself in housemates relationships and feuds and want certain people to be evicted for that reason. I accept the US format is different in the sense the public doesn't make those decisions, but to still hope that someone who is actually giving us stuff to talk about leaves doesn't make sense. Nobody would watch a soap opera if all the big, main characters were axed and only the extras were left, and it's the same for a show like Big Brother.

20-04-2013, 01:15 AM
Entertainment is subjective though at the end of the day. My favourites are generally the more under the radar players of the season but IMO they've delivered more than any of the others, but that's because I tend to watch BBUS/Canada for the lolzy characters, whereas others value drama, showmances, strategy etc. Sure there's a popular opinion that people who have provided talking points could be considered "better" but that's sort of like saying pop music is better than classical because it's talked about more.

Macie Lightfoot
20-04-2013, 01:20 AM
It's not silly to emotionally invest in relationships and feuds because that's kind of a big reason why people watch shows like this. Like, you're acting as if all "big characters" are on the same level but they aren't. There are "big characters" who are absolutely repulsive and only bring uncomfortable or unenjoyable viewing moments. Alec being a womanizer and a sociopath might be a talking point but it doesn't mean that he's vital to the show's success and he's carrying the season on his back. It's just really uncomfortable viewing and not fun at all. God forbid I cast judgement and have opinions :rolleyes:

20-04-2013, 11:01 AM
If they had done this twist AFTER Peter had been evicted, do you think Gary would have still won? or do you think Peter would have been voted back in?

20-04-2013, 11:12 AM
You just know if Peter stayed thursday they would have rigged it that Alec had most votes.

Topaz being so low :(

20-04-2013, 11:35 AM
But you always seem to forget that if the housemates that provide talking points weren't on the show, nobody would watch, because that's what a show like this thrives on. I really can't be bothered going into this now because we'll end up doing it in detail in the summer again but it's just basic objective logic. Like and dislike who you want, but unless you want to go out of your way to destroy the success of the show then it's silly to emotionally invest yourself in housemates relationships and feuds and want certain people to be evicted for that reason. I accept the US format is different in the sense the public doesn't make those decisions, but to still hope that someone who is actually giving us stuff to talk about leaves doesn't make sense. Nobody would watch a soap opera if all the big, main characters were axed and only the extras were left, and it's the same for a show like Big Brother.

If they want Big Brother as Survivor then you probably need to make it all about strategy. As it is this kind of format can flop as you often have a mix of people many of which either aren't playing a strategic game at all, or have no clue what they are even doing. That enables some people like Emmitt (or Dan last year) to pretty much control the game and make it quite boring. Big Brother added some twists (not regular enough for me) to try and shake things up, but they haven't really done that.

20-04-2013, 04:55 PM
If they had done this twist AFTER Peter had been evicted, do you think Gary would have still won? or do you think Peter would have been voted back in?

Probably not. Tbh, I think Alec received so many votes, because Peter hadn't been evicted and all of his fans were able to focus on Alec. If they had waited until this week, the Sheyld fans would have split their vote.

Macie Lightfoot
20-04-2013, 05:50 PM
If they want Big Brother as Survivor then you probably need to make it all about strategy. As it is this kind of format can flop as you often have a mix of people many of which either aren't playing a strategic game at all, or have no clue what they are even doing. That enables some people like Emmitt (or Dan last year) to pretty much control the game and make it quite boring. Big Brother added some twists (not regular enough for me) to try and shake things up, but they haven't really done that.

Making the show all about strategy would probably be the worst thing to happen. Ever.