View Full Version : What's happended to formal warnings?

16-08-2006, 11:54 AM
In past BB's housemates were given formal warnings when ever they broke the rules, three formal warnings and your out. But this year Big Brother has decided to give stupid punishments like sitting silently in the Diary Room or the whole house up for eviction except the one who broke the rules. What's up with that?

Jayne, Nikki, Glyn and Pete would definatley have a few.

16-08-2006, 12:02 PM
Glyn should have been evicted

16-08-2006, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by JakeyBoy
Glyn should have been evicted

Why? Housemates have climbed onto the roof in previous Big Brothers and has no punishment at all.

16-08-2006, 12:05 PM
He would have been chucked out over here

16-08-2006, 12:08 PM
I can't remember all the housemates who climbed up on the roof and what exactly happened to them.

I remember Kitten, but didn't she climb up on the roof when her name was announced as being evicted. So there was little point to punishing her as she was on her way out anyway!

And Sandy climbed up on the roof to escape!

Anyone remember who else has went roof walkabout and what happened to them?

16-08-2006, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by Slartibartfast
I can't remember all the housemates who climbed up on the roof and what exactly happened to them.

I remember Kitten, but didn't she climb up on the roof when her name was announced as being evicted. So there was little point to punishing her as she was on her way out anyway!

And Sandy climbed up on the roof to escape!

Anyone remember who else has went roof walkabout and what happened to them?

Kitten got her second formal warning for climbing the roof. Shell also protested on the roof that year, also there was Sandy but he couldn't exactley get punished for that. I'm sure Jade did it also and another housemate in BB 2 and 6.

16-08-2006, 01:29 PM
Over the past couple of years there doesn't seem to be a set punishment for housemates.

I suppose, in a way, it keeps thing fresh and entertaining.

On the other hand, it gives Big Brother power to play with who'd they like and ignore those they don't. With Nikki being made silent, it was definately deliberate.

I think it should be back to formal warnings. They weren;t as entertaining but at least they made the game fair for everyone.