View Full Version : nikki on the musical task

16-08-2006, 12:28 PM
i think she behaved absolutely disgraceful. if i where her mum i would be ashamed of nikki and also start to address my parenting skills, cos nikki has to be the most spoilt little girl i have ever come across, she has obviously thrown tantrums all her life to get her own way, anything for a quiet life heh parents, she is a monster..
yes! in the beginning she was quite entertaining, now! she is just getting tedious.

richard should not have given in to her, i've seen children act more responsible than nikki.. silly little girl

16-08-2006, 01:40 PM
i think she's only having tantrums because she's been on the outside and know's that people liked it when she was in the house before,i did like nikki but since she came back,she seems a bit fake as she knows how she was percieved on the outside world.

sorry to nikki fans,like i said,i did like nikki at first,but last night she was just acting like a spoilt child!

16-08-2006, 03:06 PM
totally agree - her tantrums are now so contrived and she now comes across as so spoiled and spiteful whereas in the beginning it was entertaining - also she didn't know how she was perceived so it was more natural when she lost her temper - she had better be careful or she will be thoroughly disliked on her return to the outside world.

16-08-2006, 03:09 PM
Staged or Not - It was histerical imo. And her playing Bonnie and Glyn as George was so funny.