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09-06-2015, 12:38 PM
Day 29: Shopping task alert! The Zone

Housemates will need to get into the Zone for this week's shopping task. More specifically, they'll need to get into five zones - because the House has been divided up into five separate zones, and housemates are forbidden to enter any of them until they've completed a challenge.

If they fail at a challenge? They'll be zoned out, and locked into that zone for the entire duration of the shopping task. Including overnight.

The five zones are: the Bedroom Zone, the Kitchen Zone, the Bathroom Zone, the Garden Zone, and the Diary Zone. Will the housemates manage to unlock the House and win themselves a luxury shopping budget?


I love it! It's a bit Crystal Maze! :hugesmile:

09-06-2015, 12:39 PM
1.27pm: Marc's chasing Nick around the living room. They're not allowed to go anywhere else. What could go wrong?! :joker:

09-06-2015, 12:40 PM
i love tasks like this :clap1::clap1:

chuff me dizzy
09-06-2015, 12:45 PM
Please merge mods Ive posted the same thing

09-06-2015, 12:48 PM
They did this in BB13 didn't they?

If they don't unlock the Diary Zone by the end of the task then there probably won't be nominations on Saturday.

09-06-2015, 12:49 PM
They did this in BB13 didn't they?

If they don't unlock the Diary Zone by the end of the task then there probably won't be nominations on Saturday.

:clap1: everyone up maybe?

09-06-2015, 12:54 PM
This sounds quite good

09-06-2015, 12:55 PM
Imagine being stuck in the bathroom overnight. No food. :shocked:

09-06-2015, 12:57 PM
the bedroom

09-06-2015, 12:58 PM
the bedroom

At least if you're stuck in the bedroom you can just go to sleep. :laugh:

09-06-2015, 01:00 PM
At least if you're stuck in the bedroom you can just go to sleep. :laugh:

just trying to think wear the worst place to be is

09-06-2015, 01:01 PM
just trying to think wear the worst place to be is

The kitchen would be the best place. At least you have food. :joker:

09-06-2015, 01:02 PM
Big Brother Live ‏@BBUKLive 5 mins5 minutes ago
1.57pm: Jack's still washing up. Not much else to do while you're locked in the kitchen we suppose. #BBUKLive

09-06-2015, 01:03 PM
Big Brother Live ‏@BBUKLive 5 mins5 minutes ago
1.57pm: Jack's still washing up. Not much else to do while you're locked in the kitchen we suppose. #BBUKLive

Lucky! :laugh:

09-06-2015, 01:07 PM
Big Brother Live ‏@BBUKLive 5 mins5 minutes ago
1.57pm: Jack's still washing up. Not much else to do while you're locked in the kitchen we suppose. #BBUKLive

haha it just had to be jack locked in there

09-06-2015, 01:09 PM
Yes, I love the sound of this. Turf wars was the best task in BB13.

09-06-2015, 01:18 PM
OMG Chloe and Jack are stuck in the kitchen. The rest of the housemates won't be able to eat today. :laugh:

09-06-2015, 01:18 PM
Finally a good task

09-06-2015, 02:19 PM

Big Brother has set the housemates their latest shopping task, The Zone.

The task seems to be a tribute to (or a ripoff of, we’re not sure yet) The Crystal Maze gameshow.

This morning the group awoke to find that parts of the house had been zoned off with a map similar to what used to feature in The Crystal Maze on the wall of the living room.

The housemates began stuck in the Living Room Zone and were told the rest of the house had been split into five other zones:

– The Kitchen Zone
– The Bathroom Zone
– The Bedroom Zone
– The Diary Zone
– The Garden Zone

As things stand, housemates cannot use any of the five other zones until they’ve earned access and must remain in the living area.

Over the next two days, the group will be a set a challenge in each of the five zones.

For each challenge, Big Brother will tell the housemates how many of them are needed and give a clue as to what the challenge involves before asking them to select who will take part.

The selected housemates will then take on the challenge within the zone and if they pass, win access to that zone for them and the rest of the group, as well as allowing them to take on other challenges.

HOWEVER, should the housemates attempting the challenge fail then they’ll be locked in the zone and will have to remain there for the duration of the task, including sleeping.

The more zones the housemates unlock the better the chances they have of winning a luxury shopping budget at the end of the task.

Read more: http://www.tellymix.co.uk/reality-tv/big-brother/223600-big-brother-housemates-get-latest-shopping-task-the-zone.html#ixzz3cZh4IUoN
Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook

Day 29: The Zone shopping task - Pie eating contest!
Caught up on how this week's task works? Good. In the Kitchen Zone is a giant stack of twenty savoury pies and a padlocked box containing the 'key' to the room.

Inside four random pies are laminated numbers, representing the padlock combination. Housemates must eat their way through the pies in order to find all four digits. Easy, right? Well, not so much. Once a pie has been selected, it must be eaten to completion with a knife and fork on a plate. If Housemates fail to find all four numbers and unlock the key within an hour, they will remain in the Kitchen Zone – and the zone will remain out of bounds - for the duration of the shopping task.

1.57pm: Jack's still washing up. Not much else to do while you're locked in the kitchen we suppose.

2.24pm: Think Chloe and Jack are sick of being stuck in the Kitchen Zone? #BBUKLive http://t.co/CGxRRPLN1E

3.48pm: Nick and Joel are speculating about the task. They're considering failing the Bathroom Zone on purpose. :joker:

09-06-2015, 02:56 PM
Big Brother Live ‏@BBUKLive 2 mins2 minutes ago
3.54pm: Big Brother has asked for the three "squeaky cleanest" HMs to take on the next challenge. It's caused some debate. #BBUKLive

09-06-2015, 03:02 PM

Posted ^^^

09-06-2015, 03:07 PM
Big Brother Live ‏@BBUKLive 1 min1 minute ago
4.06pm: Harry Amelia, Joel and Danny are suiting up for the next part of the task. #BBUKLive

09-06-2015, 09:30 PM
4.40pm: Well, the Bathroom Zone bit of the task is over. Our mucky housemates are taking showers. #BBUKLive

4.32pm: The task is causing controversy - not because of the content, just because HMs keep getting the questions wrong. #BBUKLive

4.19pm: Oh dear. Our squeaky clean housemates are answering questions about their fellow HMs that are decided not clean... #BBUKLive

4.32pm: The task is causing controversy - not because of the content, just because HMs keep getting the questions wrong.

4.40pm: Well, the Bathroom Zone bit of the task is over. Our mucky housemates are taking showers

Chloe and Jack play house vid

Day 29: The Zone shopping task - getting dirty!

Danny, Harry and Joel have entered The Bathroom Zone. Their task is to sit in a freezing mucky bath and correctly answer “dirty” questions about their fellow housemates. The correct answers are inside filthy bubbles they must burst. For every correct answer Big Brother will flush some foul water out of the waste pipe. If they get six of them right the key will be theirs

8.16pm: It's time for part three of the task. Which housemates would you say were the quietest? HMs have picked Simon

8.28pm: Do you think Jack and Chloe might be feeling a bit left out. #BBUKLive http://t.co/jjCNwCFSVy

8.47pm: In the bedroom zone, Jade is barking orders at Simon. Can they get the keys to this room tonight?

9.10pm: Nick is battling through a bedroom zone full of scary stuff. Like tambourines. And squeaky horns.#BBUKLive http://t.co/uR8HaA51qe

9.24pm: So it looks like Nick and Jade could be locked in the bedroom tonight (with Simon). Harry Amelia isn't going to like that :joker:

So we have Chloe and Jack in the kitchen Zone with no other Hms having access to the kitchen
Simon Jade and Nick in the bedroom zone ,with the others having no access to the bedroom ...love it !!!

Day 29: The Zone shopping task - it’s all so quiet

For the third part of The Zone shopping task Nick and Simon must navigate around the bedroom, being careful not to step on the many noisy obstacles. Unfortunately they’re blindfolded and only have Jade to guide them. What can possibly go wrong? Quite a lot.

See more from the first day of the shopping task:

Harry, Joel and Danny get dirty in the bath.^^

Jack and Chloe (try to) eat all the pies. ^^


TiBB Frontpage Article
09-06-2015, 10:25 PM
Josy has posted a new TiBB frontpage article.

Housemates have been set this weeks shopping task - The Zone.

The House has been divided up into five separate zones, and housemates are forbidden to enter any of them until they've completed a challenge. If they fail at a challenge? They'll be zoned out, and locked into that zone for.....

Excerpt of article quoted above. Read full article here - http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/bigbrother16-2015/news-280058/the-zone-shopping-task.html

10-06-2015, 10:33 AM
10.45am: Jack: "We must pass the task. I need potato wedges."

10-06-2015, 11:30 AM
12.20pm: Another part of the task is about to kick off. Will our housemates be able to get in the zone?

10-06-2015, 02:20 PM
3.13pm: Joel and Marc have been locked in the Diary Zone for HOURS. What a bonding experience

10-06-2015, 02:23 PM
3.13pm: Joel and Marc have been locked in the Diary Zone for HOURS. What a bonding experience

Thought Joel had already done the bathroom zone task?

10-06-2015, 04:14 PM
Day 30: The Zone shopping task - who said what?

As part of this week's shopping task, Marc and Joel have been selected to enter the Diary Room Zone, where they face some tricky questions regarding their gossiping housemates. Can they win the key by getting enough answers right?


10-06-2015, 04:51 PM
If Cristian and Sam fail the task they have to sleep outside. :shocked::shocked:

I thought the task had finished. What are Cristian and Sam doing?

10-06-2015, 04:52 PM
I thought the task had finished. What are Cristian and Sam doing?

Oh yes, i just realised. I wonder if they passed. :laugh:

10-06-2015, 05:05 PM
Cristian is pretty annoyed about the quote about him from the Diary Room task. Soon, he's back onto being called greedy again. Don't worry though, he's got a great analogy to explain why he eats more than most.


10-06-2015, 05:09 PM
He likes his food. :laugh:

10-06-2015, 05:16 PM
Cristian is pretty annoyed about the quote about him from the Diary Room task. Soon, he's back onto being called greedy again. Don't worry though, he's got a great analogy to explain why he eats more than most.


Loving Cristian's analogy there. :laugh:

10-06-2015, 05:19 PM
Loving Cristian's analogy there. :laugh:

He's a growing lad, he needs to eat. :smug:

10-06-2015, 05:19 PM
Oh yes, i just realised. I wonder if they passed. :laugh:

It was strange because the live feed said that two large boxes had appeared in the garden, is it part of the task, and then 10 minutes later it said the task was over. Another example where everyone else gets a task and airtime and Cristian doesn't appear to have done anything and then they wonder why he is " boring" on the highlights.

10-06-2015, 05:20 PM
It was strange because the live feed said that two large boxes had appeared in the garden, is it part of the task, and then 10 minutes later it said the task was over. Another example where everyone else gets a task and airtime and Cristian doesn't appear to have done anything and then they wonder why he is " boring" on the highlights.

harry is after him now. he might get airtime. :joker::dog:

10-06-2015, 05:24 PM
6.17pm: Joel's laying down the law on the cereal allowance. "One bowl a day on a case-by-case basis."

Could this mean they have lost the task?

10-06-2015, 05:24 PM
harry is after him now. he might get airtime. :joker::dog:

Run Cristian run. She was lucky to get a foot massage off of him.

10-06-2015, 05:26 PM
Run Cristian run. She was lucky to get a foot massage off of him.

They all want a bit of Cristian. :creep:

10-06-2015, 05:54 PM
just trying to think wear the worst place to be is

Definitely the garden!

10-06-2015, 06:00 PM

Big Brother has set the housemates their latest shopping task, The Zone.

The task seems to be a tribute to (or a ripoff of, we’re not sure yet) The Crystal Maze gameshow.

This morning the group awoke to find that parts of the house had been zoned off with a map similar to what used to feature in The Crystal Maze on the wall of the living room.

The housemates began stuck in the Living Room Zone and were told the rest of the house had been split into five other zones:

– The Kitchen Zone
– The Bathroom Zone
– The Bedroom Zone
– The Diary Zone
– The Garden Zone

As things stand, housemates cannot use any of the five other zones until they’ve earned access and must remain in the living area.

Over the next two days, the group will be a set a challenge in each of the five zones.

For each challenge, Big Brother will tell the housemates how many of them are needed and give a clue as to what the challenge involves before asking them to select who will take part.

The selected housemates will then take on the challenge within the zone and if they pass, win access to that zone for them and the rest of the group, as well as allowing them to take on other challenges.

HOWEVER, should the housemates attempting the challenge fail then they’ll be locked in the zone and will have to remain there for the duration of the task, including sleeping.

The more zones the housemates unlock the better the chances they have of winning a luxury shopping budget at the end of the task.

Read more: http://www.tellymix.co.uk/reality-tv/big-brother/223600-big-brother-housemates-get-latest-shopping-task-the-zone.html#ixzz3cZh4IUoN
Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook

Day 29: The Zone shopping task - Pie eating contest!
Caught up on how this week's task works? Good. In the Kitchen Zone is a giant stack of twenty savoury pies and a padlocked box containing the 'key' to the room.

Inside four random pies are laminated numbers, representing the padlock combination. Housemates must eat their way through the pies in order to find all four digits. Easy, right? Well, not so much. Once a pie has been selected, it must be eaten to completion with a knife and fork on a plate. If Housemates fail to find all four numbers and unlock the key within an hour, they will remain in the Kitchen Zone – and the zone will remain out of bounds - for the duration of the shopping task.

1.57pm: Jack's still washing up. Not much else to do while you're locked in the kitchen we suppose.

2.24pm: Think Chloe and Jack are sick of being stuck in the Kitchen Zone? #BBUKLive http://t.co/CGxRRPLN1E

3.48pm: Nick and Joel are speculating about the task. They're considering failing the Bathroom Zone on purpose. :joker:

Christian looks like he has a ponytail in that pic:joker::joker:

10-06-2015, 06:01 PM
Christian looks like he has a ponytail in that pic:joker::joker:


10-06-2015, 10:27 PM
Pass or fail