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View Full Version : What have i miised since sat morning?

01-07-2015, 07:20 PM
roughly what went on in a few sentences, if you can be bothered?

01-07-2015, 07:22 PM
You haven't missed anything!:laugh:

Pink Pegasus
01-07-2015, 08:23 PM
Marc and Danny had a big argument because Marc was asking Nick "do you want to win?" and didn't believe Nick's answer or something so Danny got involved. Got really aggressive and said if he was outside his can/glass would be smashed in Marc's face then he went in with his face mm from Marc's face shouting at him. He got called away by BB and threw his ham sandwich at Marc. Danny got a warning.

Marc and Aisleyne also got into an argument on the same night . She appeared on some show called Judge Rinder. She was saying that she never knew something about costs getting paid for her and the friend that she brought to show, but Marc said he was on the show himself and that she was an absolute liar because you have to sign a contract before the show that explains everything. Aisleyne was very drunk and swore on her mother's grave she wasn't lying but Marc still didn't believe her so she also got really aggressive going into his face and she also got called to diaryroom.

Sam Jack Marc and Harry are put up for eviction. Jack is very unhappy at first and says he trusts nobody now. He also says he wishes Sam would just "fcuk off" and gets a bit drunk and moody in general.
Nick face to face noms Marc his reason being that he made Brian leave. He also can't really back his reason up to Marc and Harry says she feels Nick's reason was unfair as Marc isn't able to defend himself whilst he's in the house to people on the outside saying he caused Brian to leave.
She also in another episode says that Marc didn't make Brian leave that it's an unfair accusation and that when Brian scaled the wall he did it of his own accord and wasn't forced by anyone to do so.
She defends Marc in these instances even though she says she still "detests" him but says she will speak up when something is unfair whether she likes the person or not.
Marc in another episode in diaryroom calls her his "ex" arch nemesis and commends what she said.

Harry and Nick have a few tiffs with each other. Harry thinks that since Nikki entered house Nick often is dismissive or just brushes her (Harry) off and that she's always made to look like the bad guy. Nick says he feels this very unfair of Harry to say.

Task - "Hotel BB"

Aisleyne Joel Chloe and Danny are the first guests and the others have to tend to their every need.

Jack is the concierge of the "hotel".

First 2 outside guests to visit the house are Charley from BB8 and John McCririck(spelling?).

Aisleyne very drunk in middle of day, is friends with Charley and very excited when she sees her. Aisleyne knocks over something cos she's drunk and also acts like an ass towards Jack and others barking orders and treating them like dirt but it's taken in good spirits by the housemates.

Charley comes across really lovely. Gets along with all the housemates even Marc. Marc really really fancies her and flirts with her a bit. She's not interested in him in that way but is very pleasant to him.

John hates Marc and tells him what a horrible person he is and how unpopular he is on the outside. He also tells him that he is an intelligent guy and that there is no need for him to swear so much.

Jack has to give John a back massage and pedicure.

Marc sick of John and others saying that he made Brian leave loses the cool in the diaryroom, then asks the other housemates to name even just 1 thing he did to Brian apart from splash him once with water. He asks them repeatedly and they just say he antagonized Brian but nobody can give him one single example to back up what they are saying.

He makes the same argument with Aisleyne and points out that she also wasn't even there when Brian was and also can't name one specific example of what he did wrong just that she believes her friend. She later cries in the bedroom to Chloe that Marc is too clever to argue with and that she can't articulate herself as well as him.

That's all I can remember of the top of my head anyways.

01-07-2015, 08:26 PM
Cristian has a girlfriend! :flower:

Pink Pegasus
01-07-2015, 08:33 PM
Oh yeah there was one episode where Aisleyne got really really drunk and was saying to Nick that she really liked Danny or something, when Jack comes to sit with them she asks him does Danny like her. Jack puts his foot in it and says something like "no not in that way, but he thinks you're great banter" Aisleyne gets very upset about all this, cries to Marc and Harry and cries in the diaryroom that men never like her but just see her as "a piece of meat". All the housemates are very nice to her and try to cheer her I think because they just understand she is very drunk. Her and Danny have a chat in the storeroom and says he does like her they share a quick peck and spoon for the night. Although behind her back Danny says he doesn't want to share a bed with her or do anything on telly with her. Also when Aisleyne calls him "her man with banter" when Chloe tells Danny he seems horrified that she referred to him as "my man".

Oh and John also tells Jack how bad he comes across outside and is disliked and that he has a "big task" ahead of him if he wants to turn it around.

01-07-2015, 09:06 PM
Marc and Danny had a big argument because Marc was asking Nick "do you want to win?" and didn't believe Nick's answer or something so Danny got involved. Got really aggressive and said if he was outside his can/glass would be smashed in Marc's face then he went in with his face mm from Marc's face shouting at him. He got called away by BB and threw his ham sandwich at Marc. Danny got a warning.

Marc and Aisleyne also got into an argument on the same night . She appeared on some show called Judge Rinder. She was saying that she never knew something about costs getting paid for her and the friend that she brought to show, but Marc said he was on the show himself and that she was an absolute liar because you have to sign a contract before the show that explains everything. Aisleyne was very drunk and swore on her mother's grave she wasn't lying but Marc still didn't believe her so she also got really aggressive going into his face and she also got called to diaryroom.

Sam Jack Marc and Harry are put up for eviction. Jack is very unhappy at first and says he trusts nobody now. He also says he wishes Sam would just "fcuk off" and gets a bit drunk and moody in general.
Nick face to face noms Marc his reason being that he made Brian leave. He also can't really back his reason up to Marc and Harry says she feels Nick's reason was unfair as Marc isn't able to defend himself whilst he's in the house to people on the outside saying he caused Brian to leave.
She also in another episode says that Marc didn't make Brian leave that it's an unfair accusation and that when Brian scaled the wall he did it of his own accord and wasn't forced by anyone to do so.
She defends Marc in these instances even though she says she still "detests" him but says she will speak up when something is unfair whether she likes the person or not.
Marc in another episode in diaryroom calls her his "ex" arch nemesis and commends what she said.

Harry and Nick have a few tiffs with each other. Harry thinks that since Nikki entered house Nick often is dismissive or just brushes her (Harry) off and that she's always made to look like the bad guy. Nick says he feels this very unfair of Harry to say.

Task - "Hotel BB"

Aisleyne Joel Chloe and Danny are the first guests and the others have to tend to their every need.

Jack is the concierge of the "hotel".

First 2 outside guests to visit the house are Charley from BB8 and John McCririck(spelling?).

Aisleyne very drunk in middle of day, is friends with Charley and very excited when she sees her. Aisleyne knocks over something cos she's drunk and also acts like an ass towards Jack and others barking orders and treating them like dirt but it's taken in good spirits by the housemates.

Charley comes across really lovely. Gets along with all the housemates even Marc. Marc really really fancies her and flirts with her a bit. She's not interested in him in that way but is very pleasant to him.

John hates Marc and tells him what a horrible person he is and how unpopular he is on the outside. He also tells him that he is an intelligent guy and that there is no need for him to swear so much.

Jack has to give John a back massage and pedicure.

Marc sick of John and others saying that he made Brian leave loses the cool in the diaryroom, then asks the other housemates to name even just 1 thing he did to Brian apart from splash him once with water. He asks them repeatedly and they just say he antagonized Brian but nobody can give him one single example to back up what they are saying.

He makes the same argument with Aisleyne and points out that she also wasn't even there when Brian was and also can't name one specific example of what he did wrong just that she believes her friend. She later cries in the bedroom to Chloe that Marc is too clever to argue with and that she can't articulate herself as well as him.

That's all I can remember of the top of my head anyways.

omg that is so kind

thanks so much


Pink Pegasus
01-07-2015, 09:12 PM
omg that is so kind

thanks so much


No problem, it's just what I can remember of the top of my head so hopefully I haven't missed anything too important out! :)

01-07-2015, 09:33 PM
Jack gaves John Mac a pedicure.