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View Full Version : Think we have plenty of examples of antagonising behaviour by Marc

02-07-2015, 10:28 AM
If there was any doubt that Marc was an antagonist, last nights HL prove beyond all doubt. Sniping nasty little comments under his breath while grinning that inane grin of his. So for future reference if anyone wants examples please refer to HL show of 01/07/15.

02-07-2015, 10:30 AM
The shameless bullying of Harry in the first 2 weeks as well
Saying vile comments to Sam which was just past off as 'banter'
Being an irritant taking duvets off of housemates (which is not entertaining in the slightest)

02-07-2015, 10:32 AM
If there was any doubt that Marc was an antagonist, last nights HL prove beyond all doubt. Sniping nasty little comments under his breath while grinning that inane grin of his. So for future reference if anyone wants examples please refer to HL show of 01/07/15.

you are wrong and i disagree - marc is playing the game - no more no less.

02-07-2015, 10:42 AM
If there was any doubt that Marc was an antagonist, last nights HL prove beyond all doubt. Sniping nasty little comments under his breath while grinning that inane grin of his. So for future reference if anyone wants examples please refer to HL show of 01/07/15.

what i saw last night was a guest asking a leading question in regards to how he felt about bout asslenye and marc responding..then danny started in on him...then asslenye joining in cause she saw danny and marc exchanging words....when they start on him and you say he is antagonist you come off looking a fool to me


under one's breath, [meaning] in a low voice or whisper

[example]He protested under his breath because he was afraid to speak u

sounds the opposite of antagonist to me. sound like being bully and intimidated to the point you feel afraid to express yourself:) poor marc..lets start a marc is being bullied thread

02-07-2015, 10:50 AM
what i saw last night was a guest asking a leading question in regards to how he felt about bout asslenye and marc responding..then danny started in on him...then asslenye joining in cause she saw danny and marc exchanging words....when they start on him and you say he is antagonist you come off looking a fool to me


under one's breath, [meaning] in a low voice or whisper

[example]He protested under his breath because he was afraid to speak u

sounds the opposite of antagonist to me. sound like being bully and intimidated to the point you feel afraid to express yourself:) poor marc..lets start a marc is being bullied thread

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: you are such a joker

02-07-2015, 10:54 AM
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: you are such a joker

very nice reply..really addressed the points i made..way to go

chuff me dizzy
02-07-2015, 10:56 AM
Is the barrel scraped clean yet? it can't be far off

02-07-2015, 11:00 AM
As I said yesterday, it what happened on last nights show it an example of his antagonizing of other housemates, then yes. He certainly has done it :D

02-07-2015, 11:05 AM
very nice reply..really addressed the points i made..way to go

I have already made my points and don't agree with yours, I don't need to address them, I actually laughed out loud when I read them.:laugh:

02-07-2015, 11:12 AM
If there was any doubt that Marc was an antagonist, last nights HL prove beyond all doubt. Sniping nasty little comments under his breath while grinning that inane grin of his. So for future reference if anyone wants examples please refer to HL show of 01/07/15.
Why are people conveniently forgetting that Joel and Aisleyne were the one's who started the fight in the first place?

Sam asked how they were and Joel (being the arse he is) said: "We must remain in character mode until tomorrow", and Marc replied "until, we're off shift" and Aisleyne (under her breath) said "Shut the F up". Marc didn't even address her, he was talking to Joel and then she started again with "It better not involve me because my mind is ready to blow" (or some crap like that) and he replied with: "I haven't even mentioned you" - which was true. So how was he antagonising?

Jose Mourinho
02-07-2015, 11:16 AM
Marc IS an antagonist, no doubt he is class A knobhead. I cannot count how many times he has accused others of being A LOIR DONT LOI!! Hes the biggest fake ass in that house by a country mile. People wonder why Danny blew his top? Lol

Jose Mourinho
02-07-2015, 11:17 AM
i have already made my points and don't agree with yours, i don't need to address them, i actually laughed out loud when i read them.:laugh:dont fockin loi

02-07-2015, 11:19 AM
I have already made my points and don't agree with yours, I don't need to address them, I actually laughed out loud when I read them.:laugh:

but you did chose to reply to it..and when you do that i feel free to point out that you don't even have any counter argument to refute what i said:)

Jose Mourinho
02-07-2015, 11:23 AM
Is the barrel scraped clean yet? it can't be far offi love that avatar of marc it sums up how fake he is

02-07-2015, 11:47 AM
12.44pm: After taunting from Marc and James, Jack ate a bite of pastry. Now everyone's shouting about failing the task

02-07-2015, 11:51 AM
you are wrong and i disagree - marc is playing the game - no more no less.

It's more than just playing the game...Marc is the ultimate attention seeker. Almost everything he does is to get a reaction, and it doesn't matter whether it is a good or bad one, just as long as he is centre stage and all eyes are on him.
Strutting about in his drawers like a cock - of - the - walk? Hmmm. Getting right into peoples personal spaces 'for a laugh', pulling off bedclothes, jumping on top of them, using so called 'banter' (like the std remark to Chloe) to get the cameras on to him, relentlessly questioning people (like he did with Ash and Nick) and then disregarding their replies. Yes, it makes for good tv, but I can understand why the other HM's don't like him because it must be hard living with someone who seeks attention so relentlessly. If he's not being looked at for even a second he has to do something, ANYTHING, to get the focus back on him. Even in quieter moments, he has to appear windswept and interesting, like saying he doesn't like to be touched (which he copied from Helen) when in fact he was all over Jade hugging her and cuddling her in bed before he went into the bunker.

It's pathetic really.

Jose Mourinho
02-07-2015, 11:54 AM
It's more than just playing the game...Marc is the ultimate attention seeker. Almost everything he does is to get a reaction, and it doesn't matter whether it is a good or bad one, just as long as he is centre stage and all eyes are on him.
Strutting about in his drawers like a cock - of - the - walk? Hmmm. Getting right into peoples personal spaces 'for a laugh', pulling off bedclothes, jumping on top of them, using so called 'banter' (like the std remark to Chloe) to get the cameras on to him, relentlessly questioning people (like he did with Ash and Nick) and then disregarding their replies. Yes, it makes for good tv, but I can understand why the other HM's don't like him because it must be hard living with someone who seeks attention so relentlessly. If he's not being looked at for even a second he has to do something, ANYTHING, to get the focus back on him. Even in quieter moments, he has to appear windswept and interesting, like saying he doesn't like to be touched (which he copied from Helen) when in fact he was all over Jade hugging her and cuddling her in bed before he went into the bunker.

It's pathetic really. Pathetic is the word good post.

02-07-2015, 12:05 PM
Marc IS an antagonist, no doubt he is class A knobhead. I cannot count how many times he has accused others of being A LOIR DONT LOI!! Hes the biggest fake ass in that house by a country mile. People wonder why Danny blew his top? Lol

I don't wonder. He blew his top because he's a knob who is desperate to win and have control of 'his' house.

02-07-2015, 12:07 PM
Yes, there are many examples of marc being an antagonist...

So why people on this forum feel the need to invent new ones i'll never know.

Smash the Clique
02-07-2015, 12:38 PM
For the Marc-haters, when they say Marc is being "antagonistic" what they actually mean (but will never admit) is that "antagonistic" really means Marc handing everyone their arses in every argument/debate he's had in the house. Why do you think Aisleyne and Danny have resorted to physical threats against Marc? Because they have neither the intelligence nor the vocabulary to possibly get the better of Marc in a verbal argument. Aisleyne has more-or-less admitted as such in the diary room, saying that (I'm paraphrasing here) she's frustrated because she can't get the better of him in an argument.

If I was arguing with someone who was tying me in knots with logic, facts and (to be fair) a few perfectly-timed but well-deserved insults, I'd be antagonised too. But it would be my fault for going out of my depth.

02-07-2015, 12:44 PM
[/COLOR] Why are people conveniently forgetting that Joel and Aisleyne were the one's who started the fight in the first place?

Sam asked how they were and Joel (being the arse he is) said: "We must remain in character mode until tomorrow", and Marc replied "until, we're off shift" and Aisleyne (under her breath) said "Shut the F up". Marc didn't even address her, he was talking to Joel and then she started again with "It better not involve me because my mind is ready to blow" (or some crap like that) and he replied with: "I haven't even mentioned you" - which was true. So how was he antagonising?

It wasn't that point I was making, it was slightly earlier in the show between Danny and Marc but hey you raised another moment anyway.

02-07-2015, 12:46 PM
but you did chose to reply to it..and when you do that i feel free to point out that you don't even have any counter argument to refute what i said:)

Just watch the show and stop being in denial

02-07-2015, 01:12 PM
Yes how dare he antagonise anyone AFTER they treat him like **** all day

02-07-2015, 01:30 PM
So how was he antagonising?

By creating atmosphere in which she feels she's under constant scrutiny. Just cause now he doesn't talk about her, doesn't mean he didn't do it enough times for her to become jumpy.

that's what passive aggressive is all about.

02-07-2015, 02:15 PM
For the Marc-haters, when they say Marc is being "antagonistic" what they actually mean (but will never admit) is that "antagonistic" really means Marc handing everyone their arses in every argument/debate he's had in the house. Why do you think Aisleyne and Danny have resorted to physical threats against Marc? Because they have neither the intelligence nor the vocabulary to possibly get the better of Marc in a verbal argument. Aisleyne has more-or-less admitted as such in the diary room, saying that (I'm paraphrasing here) she's frustrated because she can't get the better of him in an argument.

If I was arguing with someone who was tying me in knots with logic, facts and (to be fair) a few perfectly-timed but well-deserved insults, I'd be antagonised too. But it would be my fault for going out of my depth.

Logic? I have seen hardly any evidence of lLogic from Marc. And having someone shout over you, constantly call you a liar and denying everything despite there being camera's everywhere is not an example of anyone having their arse handed to them.

02-07-2015, 02:21 PM
Yes how dare he antagonise anyone AFTER they treat him like **** all day

Last night was apparently an example of how he antagonizes Aisleyne and causes arguments. All I can say is he must have mastered the art of entering dreams or something, as from the second she woke up she was on the warpath for him despite admitting to big brother he had done nowt :laugh:

No denying he purposely got her more irrate AFTER she started on him, but come on...if this is an example of how he winds people up...I really do not think that arguing back is winding someone up tbh. She shouldn't start arguments if she cannot handle it, and she had already admitted in the same show that she can't argue with him...

I have also seen how he was in the wrong for saying **** like 'you have had more mickeys in ya than disneyland madam' and such. Completely ignoring the fact that those comments were in retaliation to her many jibes about his tiny penis (something he took well too...apparently he can't take criticism either :hehe: ) Its just getting ****ing mental :D

Miss Nicole
02-07-2015, 02:26 PM
what i saw last night was a guest asking a leading question in regards to how he felt about bout asslenye and marc responding..then danny started in on him...then asslenye joining in cause she saw danny and marc exchanging words....when they start on him and you say he is antagonist you come off looking a fool to me


under one's breath, [meaning] in a low voice or whisper

[example]He protested under his breath because he was afraid to speak u

sounds the opposite of antagonist to me. sound like being bully and intimidated to the point you feel afraid to express yourself:) poor marc..lets start a marc is being bullied thread

Firstly; Which guest?At what part of the show?
Secondly ; please refer to my thread 'Marc Clearly antagonising '

Miss Nicole
02-07-2015, 02:31 PM
Last night was apparently an example of how he antagonizes Aisleyne and causes arguments. All I can say is he must have mastered the art of entering dreams or something, as from the second she woke up she was on the warpath for him despite admitting to big brother he had done nowt :laugh:

No denying he purposely got her more irrate AFTER she started on him, but come on...if this is an example of how he winds people up...I really do not think that arguing back is winding someone up tbh. She shouldn't start arguments if she cannot handle it, and she had already admitted in the same show that she can't argue with him...

I have also seen how he was in the wrong for saying **** like 'you have had more mickeys in ya than disneyland madam' and such. Completely ignoring the fact that those comments were in retaliation to her many jibes about his tiny penis (something he took well too...apparently he can't take criticism either :hehe: ) Its just getting ****ing mental :D

I think she was upset by Mark , she wasn't on the war path, if you say awful things to people that allude to them personally then laugh in their face you are going to have to face the repercussions .She was after all in the diary room crying about how he made her feel.

He started the argument between him and her by telling g
her she had issues, if you watch the episode it's all very clear.

02-07-2015, 02:33 PM
I think she was upset by Mark , she wasn't on the war path, if you say awful things to people that allude to them personally then laugh in their face you are going to have to face the repercussions .She was after all in the diary room crying about how he made her feel.

He started the argument between him and her by telling g
her she had issues, if you watch the episode it's all very clear.

I watched the episode thanks, she was on the warpath all day. The later argument she started by getting all 'ya better not be talking about me' when he wasnt even saying anything about her. She was clearly after an argument, he gave it to her and she looked a fool, once again.

02-07-2015, 02:34 PM
It wasn't that point I was making, it was slightly earlier in the show between Danny and Marc but hey you raised another moment anyway.

In your OP you mentioned highlights. You didn't specify which part of the show you meant. We're not mind-readers, but since you pointed it out, it was Danny who started that argument.

Charley: You don't like Aisleyne, do you
Marc: I don't like people being spiteful to me
To which Danny jumped in (AGAIN) and said "Now you know how we feel about you", and then Marc retaliated.

Charley asked Marc a simple question and Marc answered with the truth. What did that have to do with Danny?

02-07-2015, 02:48 PM
Last night was apparently an example of how he antagonizes Aisleyne and causes arguments. All I can say is he must have mastered the art of entering dreams or something, as from the second she woke up she was on the warpath for him despite admitting to big brother he had done nowt :laugh:

No denying he purposely got her more irrate AFTER she started on him, but come on...if this is an example of how he winds people up...I really do not think that arguing back is winding someone up tbh. She shouldn't start arguments if she cannot handle it, and she had already admitted in the same show that she can't argue with him...

I have also seen how he was in the wrong for saying **** like 'you have had more mickeys in ya than disneyland madam' and such. Completely ignoring the fact that those comments were in retaliation to her many jibes about his tiny penis (something he took well too...apparently he can't take criticism either :hehe: ) Its just getting ****ing mental :D


02-07-2015, 03:01 PM
Last night was apparently an example of how he antagonizes Aisleyne and causes arguments. All I can say is he must have mastered the art of entering dreams or something, as from the second she woke up she was on the warpath for him despite admitting to big brother he had done nowt :laugh:

No denying he purposely got her more irrate AFTER she started on him, but come on...if this is an example of how he winds people up...I really do not think that arguing back is winding someone up tbh. She shouldn't start arguments if she cannot handle it, and she had already admitted in the same show that she can't argue with him...

It worked for Brian. So now super-attention seeker Aisleyene is following the exact same pattern.

Brian kissed Jade, started arguments while marking out Helen/Marc as 'bullys'.

Ais tried her best with Danny and is now trying her best to pursue Marc as HER 'bully'.

Both cry in the diary room at how they 'cannot take anymore'.

How long before Aisleyne exits and blames it on Marc, just as Brian did with Helen?

the truth
02-07-2015, 03:03 PM
marc is an evil deluded narcissist

02-07-2015, 03:08 PM
marc is an evil deluded narcissist

EVIL??? :joker::joker::joker:

02-07-2015, 03:11 PM
I've just watched the first part of episode (didn't see it last night) and Marc was the main antagonizer by far. It started off with Charly commenting on the way Marc was looking at Ash "You don't like her do you"? And Marc saying he didn't like Ash because she was spiteful to him -

Danny - "now you know how we feel"
Marc - "Just because you're dicking her doesn't mean you have to stick up for her" (which he wasn't anyway)
Charley "He's not having sex with her!"
Danny "You guys talk about dicking everyone who ****ing arrives in this house"
Marc "Ahh, look at you going mad, look at you going mad"
Danny "You're a dick mate"
Marc "At least I can spell, at least I have had an education"

Then Ash barges in wanting to know what is wrong and Danny says "Nothing, it's nothing". Then Ash calls him a smug bastard etc and is actually the only one of them all who says anything to him without being specifically provoked first.

Then Marc to Danny "Okay just because you want to be a defender again, at least I don't have to shack up with someone"...(murmur murmur)
Danny "Every time a bird comes in it's 'put me in your column' (that's what it sounded like...don't know if it was...
Marc "hahahhahhahahahah"

Then Ash starts again and Danny pulls her away.
Mark kept making remarks when everyone else had stopped and Christian was asking him over and over not to. He gets in a parting shot to Danny over something about getting the money.

The only one picking at Marc was Ash, and he gave worse back, otherwise it was Marc doing most of the antagonizing and others REACTING.

It's a good example of how he operates, I 'tink'. lol

02-07-2015, 03:13 PM
If there was any doubt that Marc was an antagonist, last nights HL prove beyond all doubt. Sniping nasty little comments under his breath while grinning that inane grin of his. So for future reference if anyone wants examples please refer to HL show of 01/07/15.

LOL - poor Aisleyne just trying to have a good time in the house and avoid confrontation :laugh::laugh::laugh:

02-07-2015, 03:30 PM
When Chloe tackles him about his 'at least I'm educated' insults, he NOW decides to walk away from it because it suits HIM, (another form of goading when he could just have said "I was wrong to say that") whereas earlier he didn't give a hoot about the task and kept sniping away when everyone else had stopped, ignoring Christians pleas to put an end to it.
I have yet to see this awful 'picking on him all day stuff' that some are talking about? :conf:

02-07-2015, 03:35 PM
The only one picking at Marc was Ash, and he gave worse back, otherwise it was Marc doing most of the antagonizing and others REACTING.

It's a good example of how he operates, I 'tink'.lol

Marc has no one to back him up, there are a group of people in the house who are gunning for him. He has to contend with 2,3,4 sometimes 5 people in a single argument.

So is it okay for the HM's to try ostracise someone who is answering back when their are arguements?

02-07-2015, 03:36 PM
When Chloe tackles him about his 'at least I'm educated' insults, he NOW decides to walk away from it because it suits HIM, (another form of goading when he could just have said "I was wrong to say that") whereas earlier he didn't give a hoot about the task and kept sniping away when everyone else had stopped, ignoring Christians pleas to put an end to it.
I have yet to see this awful 'picking on him all day stuff' that some are talking about? :conf:

I am sure people would still complain if Marc did engage her in a discussion/arguement. Can he do anything right in some people's eyes?

02-07-2015, 03:38 PM
For someone as seemingly intelligent as he is he should be more aware of the words he uses.

Ive heard him being sexist, racist, homophobic and sizest as well as ageist,

Note he has not as yet been hightest.

02-07-2015, 03:39 PM
I wish when people support Marc, they would do so by saying things like he's funny or he's hot or whatever, to support Marc and say he isn't cruel or mean-spirited and doesn't (very) occasionally use bullying tactics is just ridiculous, to me. You can support anybody but call a spade a spade, Marc does bully, Marc is a bully but it's fine to like him for other reasons. The defending of some of his behaviour is grim.

02-07-2015, 03:41 PM
I've just watched the first part of episode (didn't see it last night) and Marc was the main antagonizer by far. It started off with Marc saying he didn't like Ash because she was spiteful to him

No, it didn't.

You've missed the most crucial part where Charley asked Marc the question: "You don't like Aisleyne, do you" and he said "I don't like people being spiteful to me". He was answering a question that Charley had asked. He didn't just pluck it from thin air. Danny jumped into the conversation that had nothing to do with him. Marc was simply answering a question.

02-07-2015, 03:42 PM
Ive heard him being sexist, racist, homophobic and sizest as well as ageist.

When? Why was he not thrown out for racist or homophobic comments in the house?

*Because he did not say anything of that nature.

02-07-2015, 03:45 PM
Marc has no one to back him up, there are a group of people in the house who are gunning for him. He has to contend with 2,3,4 sometimes 5 people in a single argument.

So is it okay for the HM's to try ostracise someone who is answering back when their are arguements?

No -one (except Ash, who is leaving soon) is 'gunning' for him. They are all rather nice non - confrontational people, tbf. If Mark didn't antagonize, he wouldn't have a problem. When he isn't being a dick, he and Danny even get on.

02-07-2015, 03:47 PM
I am sure people would still complain if Marc did engage her in a discussion/arguement. Can he do anything right in some people's eyes?

He didn't need to have a discussion or argument with her. 'I was wrong to say that' would have sufficed.

02-07-2015, 03:49 PM
No -one (except Ash, who is leaving soon) is 'gunning' for him. They are all rather nice non - confrontational people, tbf. If Mark didn't antagonize, he wouldn't have a problem. When he isn't being a dick, he and Danny even get on.

They get along fine presumably as we only see roughly a hour each day. Until Danny decides to get in his face & the rest of the house will blame Marc as usual.
Even Harry sees what is going on.

02-07-2015, 03:51 PM
No, it didn't.

You've missed the most crucial part where Charley asked Marc the question: "You don't like Aisleyne, do you" and he said "I don't like people being spiteful to me". He was answering a question that Charley had asked. He didn't just pluck it from thin air. Danny jumped into the conversation that had nothing to do with him. Marc was simply answering a question.

Spill that truth Nancy:clap1::clap1::clap1:

02-07-2015, 03:51 PM
He didn't need to have a discussion or argument with her. 'I was wrong to say that' would have sufficed.

So apologise for something that was not even directed at her?
Oh dear, everyone is so sensitive in that house.

02-07-2015, 03:52 PM
When Chloe tackles him about his 'at least I'm educated' insults, he NOW decides to walk away from it because it suits HIM, (another form of goading when he could just have said "I was wrong to say that") whereas earlier he didn't give a hoot about the task and kept sniping away when everyone else had stopped, ignoring Christians pleas to put an end to it.
I have yet to see this awful 'picking on him all day stuff' that some are talking about? :conf:

Marc walked away to avoid another confrontation. If they had spoken about it, she would have ended up running off to the bedroom and crying again, causing Danny to once again come in for another round with Marc. He can't do right for doing wrong.

02-07-2015, 03:55 PM
I've just watched the first part of episode (didn't see it last night) and Marc was the main antagonizer by far. It started off with Marc saying he didn't like Ash because she was spiteful to him -

Danny - "now you know how we feel"
Marc - "Just because you're dicking her doesn't mean you have to stick up for her" (which he wasn't anyway)
Charley "He's not having sex with her!"
Danny "You guys talk about dicking everyone who ****ing arrives in this house"
Marc "Ahh, look at you going mad, look at you going mad"
Danny "You're a dick mate"
Marc "At least I can spell, at least I have had an education"

Then Ash barges in wanting to know what is wrong and Danny says "Nothing, it's nothing". Then Ash calls him a smug bastard etc and is actually the only one of them all who says anything to him without being specifically provoked first.

Then Marc to Danny "Okay just because you want to be a defender again, at least I don't have to shack up with someone"...(murmur murmur)
Danny "Every time a bird comes in it's 'put me in your column' (that's what it sounded like...don't know if it was...
Marc "hahahhahhahahahah"

Then Ash starts again and Danny pulls her away.
Mark kept making remarks when everyone else had stopped and Christian was asking him over and over not to. He gets in a parting shot to Danny over something about getting the money.

The only one picking at Marc was Ash, and he gave worse back, otherwise it was Marc doing most of the antagonizing and others REACTING.

It's a good example of how he operates, I 'tink'. lol

This is actually really interesting to see written down, I thought it was a lot more even than that. But it looks like he first argument was started by Marc too (the 2nd definitely was)

02-07-2015, 03:59 PM
This is actually really interesting to see written down, I thought it was a lot more even than that. But it looks like he first argument was started by Marc too (the 2nd definitely was)

I can see why Marc feels like banging his head against a brick wall. How can you make this judgement based on half baked truths?

02-07-2015, 04:02 PM
Marc not the only one antagonising people.


02-07-2015, 04:18 PM
No, it didn't.

You've missed the most crucial part where Charley asked Marc the question: "You don't like Aisleyne, do you" and he said "I don't like people being spiteful to me". He was answering a question that Charley had asked. He didn't just pluck it from thin air. Danny jumped into the conversation that had nothing to do with him. Marc was simply answering a question.

I know Charley asked him if he liked her. Does it matter? (I've edited my post seeing you think it's important) Marc is allowed to say he feels Ash is spiteful towards him whether he's asked or not. That wasn't the crucial part to me, nor was his answer at that point. He said he didn't like her being spiteful to him and Danny said 'now you know how we feel' which imo was quite funny. :hehe: The part that actually got nasty and started the argument imo was Marc saying to Danny he didn't have to stick up for her just because he was dicking her which was a lie and not fair on Ash who wasn't there to defend herself. That's when it all took off. Up to then it the convo was fair enough....as I said Marc is allowed to feel Ash was spiteful and Danny is allowed to feel that Marc is the same...and it should have ended there but for Marc's goading.
I'm not a supporter of either Marc or Danny. In fact I'm not a supporter of any of them this year so I'm impartial. I just can't stand anyone goading and then when they get a reaction having a glint of pleasure in their eyes and even smiling in triumph. Marc does this.

02-07-2015, 04:28 PM
I can see why Marc feels like banging his head against a brick wall. How can you make this judgement based on half baked truths?

I have no idea what you're talking about.. Did you mean to quote me?

after reading the script, it was clear that Marc started the argument? Did you read the same script that I was referring to? I would struggle to see how you could come up with a different conclusion but I would like to hear it if you did.

02-07-2015, 04:54 PM
I know Charley asked him if he liked her. Does it matter? (I've edited my post seeing you think it's important) Marc is allowed to say he feels Ash is spiteful towards him whether he's asked or not. That wasn't the crucial part to me, nor was his answer at that point. He said he didn't like her being spiteful to him and Danny said 'now you know how we feel' which imo was quite funny. :hehe: The part that actually got nasty and started the argument imo was Marc saying to Danny he didn't have to stick up for her just because he was dicking her which was a lie and not fair on Ash who wasn't there to defend herself. That's when it all took off. Up to then it the convo was fair enough....as I said Marc is allowed to feel Ash was spiteful and Danny is allowed to feel that Marc is the same...and it should have ended there but for Marc's goading.
I'm not a supporter of either Marc or Danny. In fact I'm not a supporter of any of them this year so I'm impartial. I just can't stand anyone goading and then when they get a reaction having a glint of pleasure in their eyes and even smiling in triumph. Marc does this.

Chloe does it too. In fact, team smug openly boast about and plan their attacks on bullied Marc.

02-07-2015, 05:01 PM
They get along fine presumably as we only see roughly a hour each day. Until Danny decides to get in his face & the rest of the house will blame Marc as usual.
Even Harry sees what is going on.

Yes, Marc just sits there minding his own business and not saying someone might have stds or dicking someone when they are not or are uneducated or whatever other of the dozens of insults that have come out of his mouth and Danny just gets in his face for bugger all.
They get on fine until Marc is a total dick, goads, then delights in Danny getting in his face - then Danny gets blamed here as usual for 'picking' on poor Marc who hasn't done a thing to deserve it. Neither of them are right, but Marc starts it more often than not.
Harry sees it? The rest of the HM's see the opposite - Nick was saying last night very clearly how difficult Marc is to get along with for everyone in the house. Harry is using Marc to get her own back on Nick..:smug:

02-07-2015, 05:03 PM
Chloe does it too. In fact, team smug openly boast about and plan their attacks on bullied Marc.


02-07-2015, 05:30 PM
Why do you think Aisleyne and Danny have resorted to physical threats against Marc? Because they have neither the intelligence nor the vocabulary to possibly get the better of Marc in a verbal argument.

What intelligence and vocabulary? Throwing insults around and goading people doesn't need anything other than a cruel mind set and a disregard for the feelings of others. If Marc's that intelligent, he would save his 'banter' for those who appreciate it and not make enemies of those that don't. Having most of the house nominating you and disliking you doesn't show much intelligence, does it? :laugh:

02-07-2015, 07:43 PM
I know Charley asked him if he liked her. Does it matter? (I've edited my post seeing you think it's important) Marc is allowed to say he feels Ash is spiteful towards him whether he's asked or not. That wasn't the crucial part to me, nor was his answer at that point. He said he didn't like her being spiteful to him and Danny said 'now you know how we feel' which imo was quite funny. :hehe: The part that actually got nasty and started the argument imo was Marc saying to Danny he didn't have to stick up for her just because he was dicking her which was a lie and not fair on Ash who wasn't there to defend herself. That's when it all took off. Up to then it the convo was fair enough....as I said Marc is allowed to feel Ash was spiteful and Danny is allowed to feel that Marc is the same...and it should have ended there but for Marc's goading.
I'm not a supporter of either Marc or Danny. In fact I'm not a supporter of any of them this year so I'm impartial. I just can't stand anyone goading and then when they get a reaction having a glint of pleasure in their eyes and even smiling in triumph. Marc does this.

Indeed he is, but in the context of it all, Marc wasn't the first one to open his mouth about Aisleyne (like your post suggested). If Charley hadn't asked the question, Danny wouldn't have jumped in with a rude remark and the argument would never have happened. He was asked what he thought about Aisleyne and he replied...which then prompted the lone ranger (Danny) to butt into another conversation that he had no business interfering in. The part that got nasty was when Danny actually said to Marc: "fkuc me, now you know how we feel' - It was an obvious dig at Marc which prompted Marc to retaliate. He wasn't even speaking to Danny until he stuck his oar in, so I fail to see how it was any of Marcs fault. I don't understand why people can't see this. and what does Aisleyne not being there when Charley addressed a question to Marc have to do with anything? Must all housemates be present whenever two people are asking each other questions about the others?

All Marc was doing was sticking up for himself when being attacked. There's really nothing else to it.

02-07-2015, 07:43 PM
after reading the script, it was clear that Marc started the argument? Did you read the same script that I was referring to? I would struggle to see how you could come up with a different conclusion but I would like to hear it if you did.

When I said half baked truths, I was referring to the fact that you commented on Jet's post when he didn't post the full transcript of what happened. He missed off the part where Marc was simply responding to Charley's question and I think it shed a whole light on the fact that Marc didn't just have a go at Aisleyne for nothing.

Smash the Clique
02-07-2015, 07:51 PM
What intelligence and vocabulary? Throwing insults around and goading people doesn't need anything other than a cruel mind set and a disregard for the feelings of others. If Marc's that intelligent, he would save his 'banter' for those who appreciate it and not make enemies of those that don't. Having most of the house nominating you and disliking you doesn't show much intelligence, does it? :laugh:

You're thinking of "intelligence" in purely linear terms; getting nominated equals stupid, not getting nominated equals intelligent. Believe me, Marc knew going into that house that he'd be nominated most every week. But he's like a champion poker player or chess grandmaster. They will think several moves ahead and take calculated risks in order to achieve their ultimate goal. Marc is willing to risk these nominations if it means his actually getting further in the competition. Also, surely it takes a particular type of genius to be hated by nearly every housemate yet at the same time be the public's favourite. How many people could achieve that?

02-07-2015, 07:57 PM
When I said half baked truths, I was referring to the fact that you commented on Jet's post when he didn't post the full transcript of what happened. He missed off the part where Marc was simply responding to Charley's question and I think it shed a whole light on the fact that Marc didn't just have a go at Aisleyne for nothing.

Nobody said he did, so it shed light on nothing. I was simply relaying the convo and mistakenly left a bit out which I then edited in when it was pointed out. :shrug:

02-07-2015, 08:03 PM
When I said half baked truths, I was referring to the fact that you commented on Jet's post when he didn't post the full transcript of what happened. He missed off the part where Marc was simply responding to Charley's question and I think it shed a whole light on the fact that Marc didn't just have a go at Aisleyne for nothing.

I was aware of what happened before, I made a post yesterday about how nobody really started it and it just snowballed and it started from a nothing comment from charley and a standard reply from Marc, but reading through it, it was clear that I was wrong and Marc started the argument.

02-07-2015, 08:08 PM
Indeed he is, but in the context of it all, Marc wasn't the first one to open his mouth about Aisleyne (like your post suggested). If Charley hadn't asked the question, Danny wouldn't have jumped in with a rude remark and the argument would never have happened. He was asked what he thought about Aisleyne and he replied...which then prompted the lone ranger (Danny) to butt into another conversation that he had no business interfering in. The part that got nasty was when Danny actually said to Marc: "fkuc me, now you know how we feel' - It was an obvious dig at Marc which prompted Marc to retaliate. He wasn't even speaking to Danny until he stuck his oar in, so I fail to see how it was any of Marcs fault. I don't understand why people can't see this. and what does Aisleyne not being there when Charley addressed a question to Marc have to do with anything? Must all housemates be present whenever two people are asking each other questions about the others?

All Marc was doing was sticking up for himself when being attacked. There's really nothing else to it.

Marc butts in on peoples conversations all the time, they all do, so I don't see how it has to start an argument every time that happens. Ash not being there was crucial because Marc was saying Danny dicked her, which very much involved her as the person he is supposed to have 'dicked' and she wasn't there to defend herself - if you read my post properly instead of jumping to conclusions you would see I didn't say she should have been there when Charley asked Marc if he liked her.

02-07-2015, 08:09 PM
Nobody said he did, so it shed light on nothing. I was simply relaying the convo and mistakenly left a bit out which I then edited in when it was pointed out. :shrug:

...but the first part of your post (now edited) implied that he did when he didn't. How convenient to leave a question off that prompted Marc's answer and Danny's response.

Original paragraph of your now edited post:
"I've just watched the first part of episode (didn't see it last night) and Marc was the main antagonizer by far. It started off with Marc saying he didn't like Ash because she was spiteful to him"

Marc didn't even say that he didn't like Aisleyne. All he said was that he didn't like people being spiteful to him. Jesus

02-07-2015, 08:20 PM
...but the first part of your post (now edited) implied that he did when he didn't. How convenient to leave a question off which promted Marc's answer and Danny's response.

Original paragraph of your now edited post:
"I've just watched the first part of episode (didn't see it last night) and Marc was the main antagonizer by far. It started off with Marc saying he didn't like Ash because she was spiteful to him"

Marc didn't even say he didn't like Aisleyne. All he said was that he didn't like her being spiteful to him. Jesus

I was relaying the convo and that is how it started off, yes, including the piece I edited in. I didn't say the argument started at that point, that came a few sentences later, imo. I didn't omit it on purpose, I didn't think it was important so mistakenly overlooked it. I still don't think whatever Marc said about Ash's spitefulness or Danny's reply was enough to start an argument. Not by a long way. It was Marc goading Danny about dicking Ash that was nasty and the way he kept goading after it had died down. Yet you pick on a little detail and ignore the rest of Marc's goading. Way to deflect I suppose. lol
Anyway, we will just have to agree to disagree because we see it differently, which is fine.

02-07-2015, 08:22 PM
Im sorry but I love watching Marc and it is mostly watching how he goads others and they show their true colors. The house would have been dull without him. He also makes me laugh and is so quick witted and that drives the house even more mad.

02-07-2015, 08:26 PM
Im sorry but I love watching Marc and it is mostly watching how he goads others and they show their true colors.

Sums up the series

02-07-2015, 08:29 PM
Im sorry but I love watching Marc and it is mostly watching how he goads others and they show their true colors. The house would have been dull without him. He also makes me laugh and is so quick witted and that drives the house even more mad.

I love how marc has drawn the housemate's true personalities out of them.

My fear now though is that every series is going to need that kind of intervention because people just try and fly under the radar and form a nice little getalong gang.

02-07-2015, 08:37 PM
I love how marc has drawn the housemate's true personalities out of them.

My fear now though is that every series is going to need that kind of intervention because people just try and fly under the radar and form a nice little getalong gang.

I don't think he brings out their true personalities at all. I think he brings out the worst in people which is only a small part of a whole personality. Why would anyone just want to see the worst in people?

02-07-2015, 09:08 PM
I don't think he brings out their true personalities at all. I think he brings out the worst in people which is only a small part of a whole personality. Why would anyone just want to see the worst in people?

Seeing people get along and lick each other's arses is boring. It can't sustain 70 hours of television.

02-07-2015, 09:13 PM
The shameless bullying of Harry in the first 2 weeks as well
Saying vile comments to Sam which was just past off as 'banter'

Sam herself said last week that her and Marc have great banter. Sam even said if it goes to far she'll kick him in the nuts in the form of banter.

She said this to Nikki just last week so it was just banter.

02-07-2015, 09:53 PM
I was relaying the convo and that is how it started off, yes, including the piece I edited in. I didn't say the argument started at that point, that came a few sentences later, imo. I didn't omit it on purpose, I didn't think it was important so mistakenly overlooked it. I still don't think whatever Marc said about Ash's spitefulness or Danny's reply was enough to start an argument. Not by a long way. It was Marc goading Danny about dicking Ash that was nasty and the way he kept goading after it had died down. Yet you pick on a little detail and ignore the rest of Marc's goading. Way to deflect I suppose. lol
Anyway, we will just have to agree to disagree because we see it differently, which is fine.

You can argue till you're blue in the face but if you had relayed the conversation correctly and not started off with "Marc said he didn't like Ash because she was spiteful to him", it would have put the whole thing into perspective and the context would have been relevant. You only edited it in when I pointed it out later on.

You keep ignoring the fact that Danny stuck his oar into Charley and Marc's conversation with a nasty comment and that was what initially started the argument off in the first place, and as they despise each other it wouldn't have taken much to start an argument anyway.

I'm not excusing the fact that Marc said some awful things but he was retaliating to Danny's comment. What was he supposed to do, sit there and take it?

I'm sick of hearing people say Marc did this and Marc did that. What about what Danny did?
Marc was simply retaliating to being treat like sh!te. Danny did a fine job of goading Marc into an argument with that first comment and yet it's Marcs fault for standing up to him?

02-07-2015, 11:58 PM
You can argue till you're blue in the face but if you had relayed the conversation correctly and not started off with "Marc said he didn't like Ash because she was spiteful to him", it would have put the whole thing into perspective and the context would have been relevant. You only edited it in when I pointed it out later on.

You keep ignoring the fact that Danny stuck his oar into Charley and Marc's conversation with a nasty comment and that was what initially started the argument off in the first place, and as they despise each other it wouldn't have taken much to start an argument anyway.

I'm not excusing the fact that Marc said some awful things but he was retaliating to Danny's comment. What was he supposed to do, sit there and take it?

I'm sick of hearing people say Marc did this and Marc did that. What about what Danny did?
Marc was simply retaliating to being treat like sh!te. Danny did a fine job of goading Marc into an argument with that first comment and yet it's Marcs fault for standing up to him?

I'm not arguing, I'm discussing. We have different opinions as to what started the argument between Marc and Danny and who goaded the most and neither of us will change our minds so that's were I'm going to leave it.

Macie Lightfoot
03-07-2015, 12:15 AM
I love how marc has drawn the housemate's true personalities out of them.

My fear now though is that every series is going to need that kind of intervention because people just try and fly under the radar and form a nice little getalong gang.

ummmmmmmmmmm this "nice little getalong gang" formed BECAUSE OF Marc. It was completely reactionary to the trauma of the quad eviction and having to put up with Marc's godawful personality that the show is actively endorsing.

03-07-2015, 12:20 AM
ummmmmmmmmmm this "nice little getalong gang" formed BECAUSE OF Marc. It was completely reactionary to the trauma of the quad eviction and having to put up with Marc's godawful personality that the show is actively endorsing.

Please tell me you aren't serious.

They had already formed. You just have to look at who was actually nominated the first 2 weeks and then see how danny behaved when Marc dissed chloe on 4in4out night.

Macie Lightfoot
03-07-2015, 12:29 AM
and Marc's antics only encouraged them to double down and solidify their bond even more. There's literally no room for forward plot movement as long as Marc is in there.

03-07-2015, 12:37 AM
and Marc's antics only encouraged them to double down and solidify their bond even more. There's literally no room for forward plot movement as long as Marc is in there.

You really think there will be a plot if Marc goes?

Can you imagine the state of the highlights with him gone? The rest of the housemates all get along really and there is no edge to any of them. The banter in the getalong gang is arse clenchingly embarrassing. Harry can't even liven it up now as she is just miserable.

The series dies without Marc.

Macie Lightfoot
03-07-2015, 12:44 AM
There's a hell of a lot more chance of any sort of forward plot movement without Marc. But alas, he'll stay until the end and we'll get two more weeks of what we've been watching for the past four weeks.

And the series is already dead with Marc there. In fact, it died as soon as he entered.

03-07-2015, 01:15 AM
and Marc's antics only encouraged them to double down and solidify their bond even more. There's literally no room for forward plot movement as long as Marc is in there.

I agree with this, as Marc is an attention seeker who gets most of the camera time - and they also had the past HM's coming in and getting all the attention as well. The other HM's have never had a chance to develop without interference with the focus being on everyone else but them 80% of the time.

I feel sorry for the original HM's this year. Their time in the house has been sabotaged to such an extent that they were only bit players instead of the main characters. I'd like them to have THEIR time for the last lap, they deserve it.

With Marc around, being overbearing and full - on as he is and the producers all over him, that won't happen, and that is fine for those who find him entertaining but he's wearing thin for me. And then the past HM's as well....As you say, the other HM's formed a bond and kind of froze right there instead of moving forward. They must have been so excited to get on to BB, only to be delegated as sidelined understudies. Sad as I don't think any of them are really enjoying what should have been a great experience.

03-07-2015, 11:38 AM
You really think there will be a plot if Marc goes?

I'd just like to get to know the other HM's without Marc there. I think he overshadows them. He's a big personality but I think we've seen it all from him now. :shrug:

03-07-2015, 12:46 PM
I'd just like to get to know the other HM's without Marc there. I think he overshadows them. He's a big personality but I think we've seen it all from him now. :shrug:

yes we probably know marc rather well... but it is more then enough to make him the most worthy winner by far...so why in hell would we boot him with 10 days to go in the hopes that one of the others will magically show some hidden quality they have kept hidden for 2 months ?

03-07-2015, 12:53 PM
I'd just like to get to know the other HM's without Marc there. I think he overshadows them. He's a big personality but I think we've seen it all from him now. :shrug:

I agree with this ^^^
Would be nice to see them without him around.

03-07-2015, 01:39 PM
yes we probably know marc rather well... but it is more then enough to make him the most worthy winner by far...so why in hell would we boot him with 10 days to go in the hopes that one of the others will magically show some hidden quality they have kept hidden for 2 months ?

If you read my longer post a few posts up I explain why I'd like him to go.