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07-07-2015, 05:08 PM
Nick has possibly been the most disappointing housemate this year. He started well and even though I had written on my first night observations that Nick looked like a 'posh layabout' he changed my opinion of him quite early in the time. His friendship with Jade was at first a bit strange and many people said it was only for airtime but as time went on I could see how genuine it was. Opposites attract and all that.

Once Harry came into the house he CLUNG to her straight away. Jade was happy enough for him and he still got to have a few moments with her. Once she was evicted he became a complete wimp and a limpet. Harry has been blowing hot and cold on him, fighting with him, demanding attention. disagreeing, going off on her own etc and he keeps coming back to her and crawling into bed with her. She was mad at him for taking the 5 grand for saving himself and putting Chloe up but that only lasted a second.

I have been watching Nick and Harrys relationship closely and I don't for a SECOND believe there will be anything between them outside the house. In fact I think he and Jade might certainly have some sort of friendship outside the house seeing that he is wearing her jumper almost all the time. Nick is a huge disappointment. He seems to CRAVE female attention and hasn't really forged ANY KIND of connection or friendship with ANY other housemate. Despite Dexter and Jas telling him in a nice way he needs to be his own person he is still stuck to Harry. Does anyone agree? I thought at one stage he might be a good winner but now because he hasn't done ANYTHING of his own accord he certainly doesn't deserve it

07-07-2015, 05:10 PM
I don't get this guy's popularity. He's such a wet blanket.

07-07-2015, 05:14 PM
Sadly I agree. I'd like to like Nick, but the more I see the less I like. When he entered the house he made no secret that he had no friends and no job. I now see why.