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25-05-2003, 12:03 PM
Big Brother has just set the housemates their task...

Ray came out the Diary room to announce "We have to ride a pedalow constantly for 72 hours and keep it above 60 revolutions a minute at all times"

They are allowed to bet between 50% and 100% of their shopping budget on ompleting their task :dance:

The task was designed to test teamwork, Big Brother said....

So thats what Big Brother means by 'going back to its roots'
In Big Brother 1, the group had to cycle a bike for 72 hours....

What do you think of the task?
I think it's good, but watching people on a pedalow for 72hours doesn't always make great tv... :wavey:
Also it means the group won't be together as a whole for 72hours for example when eating dinner.... 3 people will be at the pedalow while the others eat

- Mark

25-05-2003, 12:06 PM
Looks like a good task to me :thumbs: I remember some thing similar in BB1 with a bike :wavey:

25-05-2003, 12:13 PM
This seems like a really good task! its also a bit like the bb2 task of watching the fire constantly and working as a team nice one big brother :hugesmile::spin2:

25-05-2003, 12:32 PM
Cant they stop it for a while while they get on and off?? IT sounds like a better task than the ones they had in BB3 yet I'm still not convinced...

25-05-2003, 12:46 PM
The way it works is like this...

The pedalow has two seats in it, both with a set of pedals. The pedalow also has a display showing how many revolutions are being done a minute - this is on the front, so the pedalers cannot see it

So at all times, the task requires 3 people, two in the seats pedaling, and one person watching the dial making sure they stay above 60rpm.

They can't stop for a while and get off :bawling:
They will have to make shifts for all 72 hours.... If they fall below 60rpm they fail!
The group were concerned before as they said when they change shifts it will most likely fall below 60rpm - so Jon went and asked Big Brother, and BB said they would make allowances for this.

They have bet 52% on their task, I think I heard Anouska say...

There was also a mention of Helen :love:
Sissy and Ray were talking about how strict Big Brother would be if they dropped below the limit... and SIssy said

Sissy: Wasn't it like that in the other one, they failed...
Jon: yeah
Sissy: Yeah, Helen went to show the others her dress

The group are practcing at the moment, and they are finding 60rpm easy to keep.... but will they find it easy 4am in the morning :laugh::laugh:

- Mark

25-05-2003, 01:38 PM
I agree mark it looks easy now. They are all going to be deprived of some sleep and you know what that means - people get moody. Also it should be fun to see how they cope when the hot shower is on he he. Godd one Big Brother.

25-05-2003, 01:49 PM
A little earlier... Anouska was making a deal out of the rate dropping to 52, iirc, whilst two people were peddling away. If BB is going to be strict, be rather amusing to know that they've already failed and the next 71 hours or so are utterly pointless... and if anyone's watching really carefully, it's not the only time in the past hour that's ocurred... so if their current ability is anything to go by, they're doomed :devil:

I'll just go cackle in the corner now.


25-05-2003, 01:52 PM
Did the counter hit 52 :shocked::shocked::shocked:

I must have missed that :blush:

- Mark

25-05-2003, 01:56 PM
I *think* so, it was definetly 50-something, I swear it was 52. Anouska spent a few seconds screaming about it (as per usual), then they decided that "it'll be a 5 minute average" or something along those lines. It does make me wonder how much of BB they've watched in the past, 'cos we know BB's never that kind.

Marky Warky

25-05-2003, 01:56 PM
Lol there not of to a very good start! i wonder if they have failed already!! :shocked:

25-05-2003, 02:13 PM
When I was watching it earlier, they were around the 90 mark. On one occasion it was 94. I can't believe they've let it get down to 52!!

If you're right, Marky, that's 52% of their shopping budget they've just blown.



25-05-2003, 02:31 PM
heh.. I'm being told by a friend with Sky+ that it dropped to 56 for about 3 seconds, which lead to the Anouska outburst, it went back up after that to 74... at which point they all decided that BB would be using an average to work it out...

Uhhmm, BB, be that kind? Who knows? Yo.. well They decide.


25-05-2003, 03:17 PM
I'm really enjoying watching this task :spin2: I especially like Cameron and Tania at the moment :laugh: Nearly lost it then Tania :spin2:

25-05-2003, 03:41 PM
If they have let it dropped then I think they might have failed:laugh:
Did any1 see Anouska pick the people then say Me and Frederico are going on together

25-05-2003, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by BigSister
If they have let it dropped then I think they might have failed:laugh:
Did any1 see Anouska pick the people then say Me and Frederico are going on together

What a shame if they have failed already :laugh:

And yep, I saw that bit; had to laugh at it!!!

Okay, probably a stupid question from me, but what happens when they're switching places? How would you manage that without letting it drop below 60? :conf:


25-05-2003, 05:25 PM
I think this is a good task because they have to work together to achieve success. It will also mean that there is always something to watch on the live feeds which is good. And with the group split up a bit more it should be easier to make out who is saying what on the live feeds too.

BB is back on form!!:hello::hello:

Stu xxx
25-05-2003, 06:29 PM
i think the first task involving all the housemates in a team effort is an excellent idea! They missed this out in bb3 and you know the consequences x

25-05-2003, 07:47 PM
If this is an example of the tasks to come - then they are 1000% better than BB3.

Just a thought if BB3 was such a success then why have they gone back to previous years?:conf::conf:

25-05-2003, 10:07 PM
good task:wavey:

25-05-2003, 10:17 PM
seems like a good task 2 me but cud b hard @ times

26-05-2003, 10:12 AM
The task seems to be going well but are they going to pass it? There has been some close calls :shocked:

28-05-2003, 01:17 PM
They have finished the task but the speed dropped below 60 today :shocked: So it looks like they have failed the task :bawling:

28-05-2003, 01:21 PM
There is a picture in the Daily Express today which shows Nush and Jon on the pedalo and the speed at 55.

Funnily enough the Express didn't pick up on the fact that this means failure!


28-05-2003, 01:37 PM
The failure of this task could cause friction, especially if Big Brother revela who it was that actually failed the task. This could be a motive for the two victims to be nominated.

28-05-2003, 01:45 PM
This is from Ananova ....
The 12 housemates will be celebrating Steph's 28th birthday tonight once they complete their three-day pedalo task.

Jon paid a visit to the diary room to ask Big Brother if they could spend more time on the pedalo to make up for the fact that the counter dropped below 60 earlier.

But Big Brother refused, saying it was against the rules of the competition.

28-05-2003, 01:57 PM
They have FAILED this weeks task :bawling:

28-05-2003, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by Amy
They have FAILED this weeks task :bawling:
Did Big Brother just announce it over the tannoy?
Can't believe I missed it!
Shame, poor housemates!:bawling:

28-05-2003, 02:00 PM
Apparently they kept the pedalo speed above the required 60 revolutions per minute for the time (so what was the photo in the Daily Express about then??).

But they failed becuase they didn't have at least two people in the pedalo at all times except for changeovers - this rule was broken on one occasion.

Unfortunately E4 kept dipping the sound suring the announcement but I think that's the main points.

They're gonna be on lentils next week!!!

28-05-2003, 02:02 PM
It was quite a hard task though, I think so. Compared to a quiz last year, having to keep a pedalo going for 72 hours is very hard.

28-05-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by kaphc
Unfortunately E4 kept dipping the sound during the announcement

So annoying isn't it :mad: I'm sure they keep dipping it to keep for the 10pm show :mad:

28-05-2003, 02:12 PM
The housemates were probably swearing at the result as well though!

28-05-2003, 02:25 PM
Apparently Federico said he had to get out for chewing gum
I dont k ow if that is true or not

28-05-2003, 02:30 PM
Here's the story from ananova ...

Housemates disappointed at task failure

The Big Brother housemates have failed their pedalo task - for not having two members in the pedalo at any one time.

The group gathered in the lounge and held hands as the announcement was made.

They will now lose half their shopping budget and have only £57 next week.

The rules of the 72-hour challenge stated they must pedal continuously at a speed of at least 60 revolutions per minute, and two people must be in the pedalo at all times.

Federico took the blame for the failure, saying he had leaned over to get some chewing gum whilst peddling and accidently broken the rules.

He offered to go without alcohol next week to make up for it - if he was still in the Big Brother house.

The boys decided to have a cold beer in the garden, despite the disappointment, and continued to analyse the failure.

Earlier the rest of the group gathered in the garden as birthday girl Steph was presented with a chocolate fudge sponge, which Anouska and Gos had worked on all morning.

28-05-2003, 02:31 PM
Yeah it was Federicos fault - and he's feeling really guilty about it!

The group are trying to make him feel better by saying it didn't matter....

- Mark

28-05-2003, 02:49 PM
Oh dear . . . . . . . . poor Federico. :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:

Still - Helen took the blame for failing the Fire Task in BB2, and it didn't do her any lasting damage, did it! :laugh:

28-05-2003, 02:59 PM
Most of the text messages on E4 at the moment are saying that Federico should stay - mainly because he is so sexy

So I don't think it will do him too much harm in the public's eyes but he has just provided the others with a reason for nominating next week.

28-05-2003, 03:10 PM
Most of the text messages on E4 at the moment are saying that Federico should stay - mainly because he is so sexy

WELL, I can relate to that!:love::blush::love::blush::hugesmile:

28-05-2003, 04:09 PM
Is Big Brother a beauty contest now then?

Anyway failing the task means they have 74p per housemate per day to spend on shopping. Oops!

It looks like the house is going to become like the poor side last year.

28-05-2003, 04:54 PM
It seems the housemates are going to have a tough time deciding who to nominate so Federico could be a good reason for them.

It seems pretty cheeky on Federcio's part though because it was only on last nights show he was moaning because he said he only trusted the boys and not the girls.

I don't think the public are going to use this as a reason to evict Federico though - it only affects the housemates who are gonna go hungry now!

28-05-2003, 07:29 PM
I was just watching BBLB - how stupid of Federico?
Surely he knew he was breakingthe rules - doh!!:nono:

28-05-2003, 07:38 PM
Poor Federico :bawling: What a wally he was!

28-05-2003, 07:48 PM
We'll see how forgiving the housemates are if they start to run short of food next week. They all said they would find it difficult to nominate, he's now given them a reason.

After all needing to get chewing gum - silly boy all he had to do was ask someone to pass it. Its not ROCKET SCIENCE:spin2::spin2::spin2::spin2:

28-05-2003, 07:56 PM
It could have been much worse - he could have gone off to show the boys his eviction outfit! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

28-05-2003, 08:05 PM
it would be nice if he showed them it this friday:hugesmile:

28-05-2003, 08:06 PM
HeeHee Milly, that's cruel :laugh:

28-05-2003, 08:06 PM
Well said Kaz.

He was just showing off to Anouska and hence they'll all feel the pinch next week. He really is so full of himself. I think he deserves to go really, especially after saying the girls couldn't be trusted not to ******* up the task.

I'd rather he went than poor nerdy, hairy shouldered Jon.

28-05-2003, 08:10 PM
HeeHee Milly, that's cruel

No it's not.:laugh::laugh:

28-05-2003, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by peachy
I'd rather he went than poor nerdy, hairy shouldered Jon.

I have to agree with you there :thumbs:

28-05-2003, 08:25 PM
In a way, it's a shame anyone has to leave after just one week. I'd have prefered it if they'd waited another week. I think it would have been fairer.

A couple of days ago it was a toss up between Anouska and Jon and now Federico has entered the equation I'm completely torn as to who to vote for on Friday!



28-05-2003, 08:29 PM
That moment again :laugh:


28-05-2003, 08:29 PM
It's quite amusing to hear that Fed failed the task for the group, considering he made an earlier suggestion that it would be better for the boys to do the task while the girls were asleep, in order to ensure it was completed successfully! :joker:

Fed is such a smug poser, I mean look at him indoors with a pair of sunglasses on. Peeelease!

28-05-2003, 11:13 PM
I think Federico knew exactly what he was doing & was just trying to show off to Anouska. She DID say to him before both feet were out that he couldn't get out or he'd break the rules. He mentioned the 20 second rule and Anouska pointed out (quite rightly) that that only applied to the changeover.

He then had the nerve to say that others had done it loads of times "popped in and out". This was not true.

He was (IMO) just being cocky and it's now backfired. It's a bit late in the day to now have a conscience - I think his pleading with BB was just to try and save face.

As others have pointed out - it's given the housemates a reason to nominate him next week, if the public don't vote him out on Friday!!

28-05-2003, 11:14 PM
I know Federico is feeling guilty but he has been a total plonker, hasn't he? I can't imagine WHAT he was thinking about when he actually got right out of the pedalo and walked round to the other side to get the chewing gum before climbing back in again. He even said to Anouska, who was really worried at that point, that others had done it before him!!


28-05-2003, 11:19 PM
Freddy's been a naughty boy :laugh: It won't be long before Anoska tells everyone what he did. :shocked: That will teach him for being cocky. :thumbs:


28-05-2003, 11:26 PM
Federico has confessed to the rest of the group that it was him and they have accepted his apology - but it could be an incentive for him to be nominated if he doesnt leave this week.:flower:

28-05-2003, 11:28 PM
I'll be glad when I get my e4 back, I'm miles behind. :thumbs:


28-05-2003, 11:29 PM
i think he will get nominated cos they all worked well hard on that task n he ruined it for one moment of showing off 2 the otheres

28-05-2003, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by Mairi
He even said to Anouska, who was really worried at that point, that others had done it before him!!


I think it is completely his fault and all, but i think this was simply a coverup of something he did wrong because he was quite embarassed and guilty already for doing what he did.

I know i have done something like that before.

29-05-2003, 07:57 PM
well done ma fellow Glaswegian!!:laugh:

Glaswegian you are and the best city it is! besides the point

He was right in saying that many people before did get out and get stuff, that person on this forum sayen that wasnt true dont talk yer crap hen a sat and watched people when the first time it came out they got aff the pedalo and only one person was cycling fast on it

a'll tell yous exactly whit happened cause am a fellow Glaswegian masell and a know whit its like to be Glaswegian.

He as in a glaswegian went to get the chewing gum he left the pedalo saying that it was ok because people have done it bofore and aye they did do it before, so he did it to get the chewing gum he thought the rule was to keep it over the 60 mark.

Now if he failed the task on the last day that makes me laugh cause a saw aw the other people doing it so really ye canny say much:spin2: if he failed the task so did the rest its only fair:laugh: