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08-07-2019, 05:38 PM
This has got to be one of the most bizarre interviews on BBLB. I always thought Dennis was a little bit strange throughout CBB4 but he took awkward to a whole new level in this interview. :joker: He even gets heated with one of the media critics at 1:45.

Dennis’ interview at 14:10
George Galloway’s interview is at 3:50 if anyone is interested.


08-07-2019, 05:57 PM
...I haven’t watched Dennis’ interview yet...just the bit where he goes at the media guy at the beginning..?...the media guy was pretty awful tbh...starting the interview with...’you came across as a bitter, twisted old man’...I can see why Dennis became defensive...

08-07-2019, 06:00 PM
...I haven’t watched Dennis’ interview yet...just the bit where he goes at the media guy at the beginning..?...the media guy was pretty awful tbh...starting the interview with...’you came across as a bitter, twisted old man’...I can see why Dennis became defensive...

It was pretty harsh. I love Dermot’s reaction to it afterwards :joker:

08-07-2019, 06:01 PM
...the house sucked, the format sucked...etc...I think he probably loved his experience, young Dennis...:love:..

08-07-2019, 06:02 PM
It was pretty harsh. I love Dermot’s reaction to it afterwards :joker:

...Dermot was always a huge loss to the series...nothing really came close to his Big Brother’s Little Brother...

08-07-2019, 06:08 PM
...Dermot was always a huge loss to the series...nothing really came close to his Big Brother’s Little Brother...

I much preferred the format of BBLB with Dermot and Big Mouth with Russell as opposed to BOTS. I always felt they went into a bit more detail and the programs wasn’t as rushed as it was on CH5.

08-07-2019, 06:22 PM
I much preferred the format of BBLB with Dermot and Big Mouth with Russell as opposed to BOTS. I always felt they went into a bit more detail and the programs wasn’t as rushed as it was on CH5.

..it’s funny how people can have no self awareness...the media guy was so negative with George, hence Dennis ‘stepping in’...and then when Dermot tried to start his interview...all he could do was be negative...he’d obviously disliked everything about his experience and had nothing good to say...which is basically exactly the same as the media guy....oooooops....

08-07-2019, 07:13 PM
..it’s funny how people can have no self awareness...the media guy was so negative with George, hence Dennis ‘stepping in’...and then when Dermot tried to start his interview...all he could do was be negative...he’d obviously disliked everything about his experience and had nothing good to say...which is basically exactly the same as the media guy....oooooops....

He was well cagey like Dermot said wasn’t he? Dennis wouldn’t just answer direct questions instead he’d just give really vague answers. It wasn’t like they were difficult questions either.

I wonder if after all these years Dennis actually remembers his Big Brother experience at all? I find it quite impressive that BB managed to attract someone as big (international wise) as Dennis back then. It goes to show how popular BB really was.