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View Full Version : Deleting controversial Tweets - Agree or disagree?

Mystic Mock
23-10-2022, 02:47 AM
I think that we've all seen it in the past where someone on Twitter has a hot take on an issue, and they obviously have loads of people replying to them in a negative manner, thus the Twitter user who made the controversy will then delete the Tweet and apologize for making said Tweet.

Now I have no issue with the apology part (especially if you genuinely are apologetic) but I guess speaking from personal experience, I honestly think keeping your controversial Tweets/posts up can be a reminder to never be that person again, plus I feel it can teach other people not to **** up in the first place, or if you do **** up that you can then change and be given a second chance (or in my case 20 second chances on this Forum lol) I get the other argument that people feel that you're standing by your controversial opinion still if you don't delete the troubling Tweet, but to me how are future generations ever gonna learn to not make the same mistakes if there's no template for them to work with?

What do you guys think?

23-10-2022, 02:50 AM

23-10-2022, 03:45 AM
I always roll my eyes and chuckle a little to myself when someone deletes a 'bad tweet' :rolleyes:. Not chuckle as in it's necessarily funny but just at the whole mess of it .

It just looks worse imo when you backtrack and delete something, this is why some people either should not post atall on twitter..... especially if they have verbal diarrhoea. Or they should not mix booze and typing together.

I understand some people might regret what they've said , but once you've said it that's it .... and it's out there :shrug:. Just think before you post.

I know they don't always have to be intoxicated or have foot IN mouth disease, this is the internet after all and people will jump on you even for the smallest of comments...... especially if things are taken out of context and so on. Or just merely for expressing your opinion which differs from others .

The thing is what is ever really deleted? . Once you've posted something on twitter , it's instantly screen shot and re shared /re tweeted anyway isn't it ??? :facepalm: lol . So i would say you might aswell leave it UP . But if you feel bad or you regret it then just say so.

People who have made cringy / offensive past tweets still get them brought back up today, despite them not having those same opinions/thoughts ..... or being young and immature back then. It's definitely important to learn from it.

23-10-2022, 09:13 AM
Anyone in the public eye should just delete their personal twitter tbh. There's always some psychopath who wants something to "resurface" so they can damage the career or reputation of someone famous.

See Ralph from The Flash series and James Gunn. Both had weirdos dig up tweets from a decade ago and cost them their jobs.

23-10-2022, 09:21 AM

Smoking Weed at the Venice Film Festival

Spiffing tweet

23-10-2022, 09:45 AM
people should just think before posting/saying something to a public audience. It's not difficult

Mystic Mock
23-10-2022, 03:33 PM
Anyone in the public eye should just delete their personal twitter tbh. There's always some psychopath who wants something to "resurface" so they can damage the career or reputation of someone famous.

See Ralph from The Flash series and James Gunn. Both had weirdos dig up tweets from a decade ago and cost them their jobs.

The James Gunn detractors in particular were really odd.

They basically didn't even have a grudge with him, but with Disney because they fired Roseanne Barr.:joker:

24-10-2022, 09:26 AM
Once they’re seen they’re seen and rarely forgotten if they’re that hot. Deleting them doesn’t erase that.