View Full Version : would this help bb9?....

29-01-2008, 08:36 PM
Do you think there should be a really annoying adverts and countdowns before the launch.

In my opinion there should be and lots of them......

To start only 1 second adverts that just only show the eye, not quick enough for the viewer to recognise what it is. Start off with a few ,and then show more, and more as the launch is nearer ,and then, start showing the eye for 3 seconds and saying something like "big brother is back , better than ever before"

Next , more interesting adverts that tell the viewers some interesting information or facts about this years' series, but do not last for more than 10 seconds! Do different variations of these adverts(like the ones on telly where there is a long advert and then two adverts later-ther is a shorter one of the same thing)

At this point all of the adverts should be put together to have a blitz on advertisments ,in the final countdown to the show. All of the adverts are shown, at different times,different slots and not in any order- any of the adverts can be shown!

Tell me what you think?:tongue:

31-01-2008, 07:13 PM
ye do that

10-02-2008, 07:06 PM
yeah i think that would be well good:blush2::elephant:

10-02-2008, 07:15 PM
The problem with the current adverts are that they don't tell peple what the show is about and why they should watch.

10-02-2008, 07:58 PM
They need something that will get people interested again, like the BB5 adverts that stated "Big Brother Goes Evil", it got people immediately intrigued in what the series would be about, so people tuned in.

So they need something like "Big Brother - The Rules All Change" or if they go for the game play theme, "Big Brother - It's Time To Play The Game". Something that is new that will make people want to tune in to see what happens.