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Hooly One
28-06-2004, 09:55 AM
Housemates have awoken to find Glastonbury has arrived in the Big Brother garden.

A mini Stonehenge has appeared on the grass, plus a camping stove and a chemical toilet. Nice.

Also in the garden is a rock concert stage, complete with minute musical instruments.

The new décor is part of this week's task - an homage to the great Glastonbury music festival.

In order to really experience the festival vibe Big Brother has switched off the House's hob and cooker and removed the kettle and toaster. Housemates will be expected to prepare all their food on the stove and BBQ camping stylee.

Plus all the housemates' tea and coffee has been replaced with herbal tea, man.

The toilet and shower will also be out of bounds so housemates will have to suffer the delights of the portaloo to really feel (and smell) the atmosphere of Glastonbury.

... and Stuart has a pluck

Later this morning housemates will be asked to form a rock band. Each member of the group will be provided with a jacket and wig to wear while performing. They will then be expected to "rock out" when they hear a special guitar riff trigger.

When they hear the riff, housemates will have 20 seconds to get into costume and on to the stage, instrument in hand. A "no show" will count as a fail. Three fails are allowed over the duration of the weekly task.

If the housemates pass the task they will receive a full moon party.

First to note the new arrivals this morning were Becki and Shell, who alerted the House to the goings on. But Ahmed was the first to want to rock, fiddling timidly with the drums on the garden stage.

But soon Stuart was plucking a mini guitar and getting excited, "What a great day," he muttered.

We wonder if he'll be feeling the same way in a few hours' time, when that famous festival stink starts permeating the House... hmmm...

Offcial Site (http://bigbrother.channel4.com/bigbrother/news/newsstory.jsp?id=6072)

She Devil
28-06-2004, 10:10 AM
Cool that sounds like fun:dazzler:

Hooly One
28-06-2004, 10:16 AM
It does, i thought they where going to bring back the weekly task.. Well done bb:thumbs:

It's a shame that there will be no more saturday tasks

She Devil
28-06-2004, 10:21 AM
The only thing about the live Saturday tasks is that it is repeated on the sunday 9pm show.

Hooly One
28-06-2004, 10:57 AM
Chemical Brothers
Day 32, 11:20
Monday 28 June

Housemates' reactions to the realisation they must use a chemical toilet throughout the Glastonbury task have ranged from scorn to outrage.

Dan is the most aggrieved by it. "I'm not using that toilet. I shall be leaving. It's outrageous," he pouted, before claiming that even when he goes to festivals he doesn't use the loos there.

"Tres degrading," was Victor bi-lingual response to the disgruntled posse of Jason, Dan, Marco and Stuart even though he was initially unsure what Glastonbury was.

Dan soon put him straight, telling him "there are bands and you don't wash," which just about sums it up.

"It's horrible," was Jason's response.

Stuart asked Ahmed what he thought about the new arrangements.

"Everything is childish," he said, enigmatically. Presumably he's not keen.

But Shell had a more positive spin on it, saying, "My only problem is privacy. Could we put a top on it? Then it could be private for a whole lot of things. Great!"

At least someone's looking on the bright side. A picture of Owen Wilson and an enclosed chemical toilet and she'll be away...

Watch this space to find out how the housemates get on with their task - chemical loo an' all...

28-06-2004, 12:04 PM
yep, no one is happy about the new task!

Hooly One
28-06-2004, 12:06 PM
Dan's really peed off about it..

Do you like my avatar?:joker:

28-06-2004, 12:06 PM
lol, that wicked, vic called him that in the diary room, right?

28-06-2004, 12:07 PM
I think its a good task:bouncy:

Hooly One
28-06-2004, 12:08 PM
Yes he did, i think it's a good nick name for him..:laugh:

28-06-2004, 12:08 PM
like it, the picture goes perfectly with the phrase!

Hooly One
28-06-2004, 12:13 PM

I wonder if he would be pleased with the nick name ("Gandalf The Gay?"):laugh:

28-06-2004, 12:13 PM
he would probably find that funny!

Hooly One
28-06-2004, 12:15 PM
:laugh: I think he would to

Hooly One
28-06-2004, 12:19 PM
Rockin' the House
Day 32, 12:00
Monday 28 June

The housemates became excited beyond all reason by their "rock out" wigs, almost providing more screams than Glastonbury itself.

And minutes afterwards they heard the noise trigger that sets off their rock out session. Hurriedly they put on their wigs and jackets and took to the stage.

"Let's start rocking, guys!" shouted Stuart, loving every minute of it.

The House band made a right old racket, not to mention a shocking sight, with ten nodding, mad-looking wigs and mini instruments.

Victor bashed the drums sporting a Rick James style wig, while Michelle belted out 'Final Countdown' into the mic in her Euro rock chick rug.

Got his finger on the pulse

Stuart totally rocked out on his tiny keyboard while Marco got jiggy with his mullet. Shell showed off some big blonde 70s hair and Jason looked like a tramp who'd stolen a small child's saxophone.

Nadia's Status Quo barnet was frankly frightening while Dan worked a Brian May look with panache.

The result was a task performed with enthusiasm that looked like a Spinal Tap refugee camp more than a festival.

"That is the coolest task ever," said Rock God Stu.

Not from where we're standing, Stu!

28-06-2004, 12:21 PM
lol, they seem to be having fun!

28-06-2004, 12:23 PM
lol yeah they seem to be having fun but for how long

Hooly One
28-06-2004, 12:23 PM
Yes they do,nadia seem's to be enjoying it more then any of them

Hooly One
28-06-2004, 03:26 PM
Housemates Meet Their Portaloo
Day 32, 15:30
Monday 28 June

The housemates were overcome with a sudden attack of modesty when Big Brother ordered them to remove the black shroud they've placed over the portaloo.

Victor took the order from the Diary Room and he was also the most vocal in his objection.

"This is just grime," he protested. Victor then vowed that he would not use the chemical toilet and "hold in" the consequences until the housemates are allowed to use the inside toilet.

"I'm going to hold," he promised.

Jason ridiculed the idea that he might do just that. "You're in [the toilet] more than Ahmed," he teased.

Given the reaction of the housemates to a semi-exposed loo it would seem none of them had been to a festival before.

Shell insisted on being able to go before the material was taken down and then still complained, "You can hear me pee!"

"What if it rains?" asked Victor. Heavens!

And Nadia was even more confused. "Are you standing up?" she asked, innocently.

"That's what guys do," explained Jay.

"They're going to see your thing though," she pointed out, with concern.

Reluctantly, Dan handed in the black drape to Big Brother.

It's tough, but that's rock 'n' roll.

28-06-2004, 06:08 PM
:laugh: This sounds great, how have they all been doing today? Has Victor used the loo yet?

28-06-2004, 06:15 PM
I like the sound of this task! It's part evil by depriving the housemates of some of their "luxuries", whilst the bit where they get on stage and sing sounds like fun.

I've never seen a Portaloo without a roof on though? ! :hugesmile:

Hooly One
28-06-2004, 06:20 PM
Portaloo without a roof? I wonder what would happen if it rained Heavily?

28-06-2004, 06:20 PM
They usually use those in caravans son't they? small portaloos!

28-06-2004, 06:22 PM
Yeah they do Amy I have experienced 1 lol

Hooly One
28-06-2004, 06:24 PM

28-06-2004, 06:51 PM
What do they look like when they are dressed up and singing and dancing on that stage :laugh: :laugh:

28-06-2004, 07:52 PM
Here's an update...

Rock and Rolls

The housemates made use of the barbecue this evening as they submerged themselves in this week's Glastonbury-style task. But both the cooking and dinner itself were interrupted by a merciless Big Brother.

Typically for British Summer time it looked like rain as Jason and Victor concentrated on getting the barbecue going.

As they tried to encourage the barbecue to light, the signal went up for the gang to take to the stage.

After flinging on his costume and scrambling into position Marco tossed his head around like a man afflicted and all to the strains of The Final Countdown. And Stuart - clearly loving his role - sank to his knees, raised his eyes to the heavens and punched the air as the song reached its climax.

The emotive performance over, the housemates discarded their costumes and disbanded. Victor and Jason again took up their posts as masters of the barbecue and continued their attempts to light it as Michelle lounged in the Jacuzzi.

But, a few minutes later the task signal sounded demanding their presence on stage once more. A dripping Michelle inelegantly clambered out of the Jacuzzi and squelched across the garden to take her place centre stage.

Born to rock!

Stuart approached his role with his usual gusto, picking up his mini-keyboard for full effect.

Once they'd finished rocking out, Victor couldn't wait to get back to tending the cooking, declaring of the task, "It's getting stupid now."

With Shell and Nadia on kitchen duty and Jason and first-time-barbecuer, Victor, wielding the tongs over the al fresco cooker, they managed to whip up a feast.

But even dinner was rudely interrupted as the gang were called to deliver another glasto-tastic performance...

Official Website (http://bigbrother.channel4.com/bigbrother/news/newsstory.jsp?id=6082)

Hooly One
28-06-2004, 07:58 PM

29-06-2004, 07:12 AM
Here's an article on the housemates new task from The Daily Record...


BIG Brother housemates wigged out as they prepared to stage a mini-Glastonbury festival yesterday.

For this week's challenge, they've been asked to form a rock band.

Every time they hear a riff, housemates have to don a wig and jacket and get on stage, guitar in hand.

While the wigs caused a few laughs, other parts of the 'festival atmosphere' led to problems.

Gay hairdresser Dan threatened to quit after housemates were told they must use a Portaloo They have even been limited to two sheets of toilet paper on each visit to the chemical convenience.

Dan said: 'I'm not using that toilet. I shall be leaving. It's outrageous'.

Scot Jason added: 'It's horrible.'

The set includes a tiny Stonehenge, concert stage, and camping stove. Housemates have to prepare all their food on the stove, while tea and coffee have been replaced with herbal tea.

The cooker has been switched off and the shower is out of bounds, as the team live like festival-goers.

When the riff is played, housemates have 20 seconds to don their wigs and pick up their instruments.

Three fails are allowed over the duration of the weekly task.

Earlier, the newest addition to the Big Brother house revealed that she knew about Nadia's sex change secret Becki Seddiki, 33, told Portuguese-born Nadia she would not reveal that the 27year-old used to be a man.

In a candid early morning chat, Moroccan-born bisexual singer Becki told Nadia: 'I know your secret. I won't tell anyone, and I respect and admire you.'

Becki told Nadia her sex change was 'amazing and it takes courage'.

She added: 'You're 100 per cent woman to me.

'No matter how angry we get, it's never something I'll use against you. I think it's amazing and it takes courage.'

Nadia responded: 'It's just a little bit of my past. I don't want to make an issue of it.'

Becki's arrival in the Big Brother house yesterday came after the departure of three female contestants Kitten, Emma and Vanessa in the first four weeks of the show.

Becki, a trainee florist from north London, initially told the group she had been a Big Brother contestant in Italy, but soon confessed she was bluffing andwas actually English.

The nominees for this Friday's eviction will be revealed tomorrow night.

Daniel is bookie Coral's 9-4 favourite to win the show.

Daily Record (http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/news/page.cfm?objectid=14374866&method=full&siteid=89488)