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View Full Version : Mohamed, Darnell, Sylvia and Alex.

29-09-2008, 11:50 PM
Interview for 'The Voice'.



VBB: Why did you go into the house?

MM: I wanted to be famous and make my family proud!

VBB: Best part of being in the house?

MM: Everything was great most of the time!

VBB: Worst part of being in the house?

MM: Being hungry and all the arguments, because I hate arguing. I had a big slanging match with Alex because she said that I was not acting how a Muslim should be, which hurt my feelings.

VBB: Are you a cross-dresser?

MM: At the end of the day I am who I am and if I wanted to enjoy myself by drinking and dressing-up there is nothing wrong. I liked to have a laugh and it’s not for anyone else to judge me.

I put on a dress for a laugh not because I’m gay or because I enjoy wearing women’s clothes. I did it for a laugh.

VBB: What about the Afro?

MM: Ever since I left secondary school I have grown my Afro. I grow my hair from August and then cut it off. My Afro looks good on me and although I cornrowed my hair in the House I love wearing an Afro.

VBB: Did you eat Michael’s bogie?

MM: No, I did not!!!! Although it looked like I did I swear I didn’t. Yes I picked up his bogie but I pretended to eat it. I would never do that, come on!

VBB: What are your plans now you’re out?

MM: I would like to help the youth of today set goals and help them accomplish their dreams. Coming from Somalia, I can remember how difficult it was having to start over again, and I believe that if I had had a good role model, life would have been easier. It’s good to give back to the younger generation. I also want to do radio or TV presenting.


VBB: Why did you go into the house?

DS: I just wanted to meet new people and experience something different.

VBB: Remind us how you ended up being in England after being raised in America for most of your life?

DS: I was born in England and we moved to America when I was a child. There were mistakes with my adoption, which meant that I wasn’t officially an American citizen. I didn’t realise that. I assumed I was an American citizen. But eventually, the system caught up with me and I was sent back to England. It didn’t help that I wasn’t the best-behaved guy when I was in America! But that wasn’t what got me sent here. It was simply because I wasn’t an American citizen. I’ve been in England now for a year-and-a-half.

VBB: Do you still miss home?

ADS: Yeah, I do. I’m a mama’s boy so I miss my mum. She came out here last year to help me decorate my house. But I miss the friends I grew up with, people who understand me. But I guess more people over here know me now that I’ve done Big Brother!

VBB: Any regrets about doing the show?

DS: No, I’m just enjoying the ride now.

VBB: But you must regret calling your fellow housemate Sara an “ugly b*tch” after she rejected your romantic advances?

DS: Yeah, that was just guy pride. I acted like a schoolboy. But people don’t understand how hard it is to have no contact with the outside world for over 90 days. The key word in doing that show is ‘frustration’! But I always feel that the people you tend to have the most heated arguments with are people you really care about. There were people in the house who didn’t really mean that much to me, but I was bothered about what she thought. I wish I had manned up in that situation and not let my pride get the better of me. But it was born out of the frustration. I’m confident that that situation wouldn’t have played out like that if we hadn’t been stuck in a house!

VBB:Did your girlfriend forgive you for flirting with Sara in the house?

DS: Hmmm. She understood. I’m thankful that she was so forgiving.

VBB: Have you copped any flack from people who assume you have a preference for white women?

DS: Yes ma’am, for sure! People do have those kind of misconceptions about me. I’ve just found that my relationships with black women have always been more sisterly, I don’t know why. And in my teenage years, I was in a predominantly white area. But I don’t have any preference. I think all women are beautiful. In the house, I actually thought Sylvia was the best looking one! But honestly, I’m all about good people.

VBB: You came across as having a complex about the way you look…

DS: Oh yeah, I had biggest chip on my shoulder. I knew that before I went in the house but I think I’ve shed some of that. There were times when I felt that I was too black for the white folks, and too white for the brothers. I definitely felt that being albino was a hindrance, but Big Brother taught me that I was making much more of it than anyone else does. By just being myself, I can get along with pretty much anybody.

VBB: What are your plans now you’re out?

DS: I’m working on an album but it’s not going be rushed. People will probably expect a lot so I want to make it amazing. My origins are in writing, so I really want to write all types of music for different types of projects. I want to establish myself as Darnell the artist and not just Darnell the guy that was in Big Brother.


VBB: Why did you go into the house?

SB: I have always loved the concept of BB and I wanted to experience life for myself in front of the cameras. I have watched every series so I thought I had a good chance of winning.

I went inside with an open mind, it gave everybody a chance to get to know me.

VBB: Best part of being in the house?

SB: I loved all the tasks. In fact I looked forward to doing them everyday because it gave us a goal especially the ‘OK Go Task.’

VBB: Worst part of being in the house?

The environment is so intense because everything is caught on camera and once you respond to something you can’t get out from it. The house makes you very confrontational and assertive, which is why it is so easy to argue.

But the worse experience I had in the house was when xxx (?) wore my underwear. I was so pissed. No piss is not the word and I cussed him out for it. I mean what type of guy wears your knickers? Joke or no joke that’s wrong.

VBB: What type were your knickers?

SB: Black lace thongs.

VBB: Did you and Mohamed have a thing?

SB: No honest, we are just friends. We both got on very well because we left our home countries in Africa due to the war. We have similar stories. Mo is a great guy and I hope to stay in touch although I think he fancies me.

VBB: Who did you fancy?

SB: Oooh that would be telling, but I had a lot of lust for Stuart. He’s a stunner and I would love to get my paws into him but don’t get it twisted! I would never do any hanky panky because I was not raised to do things like that. I respect myself a lot.

VBB: Do you have a man?

SB: I was in a relationship before I went inside the house but it did not last because he couldn’t handle the attention I was getting after BB so we split.

Question missing

SB: I’ve always wanted to be a model so I’m going to give it a try and I love singing. I would describe my sound and style similar to Rhianna.

VBB: What did you hate most about the press coverage?

SB: That I was a refugee. Yes, I come from Sierra Leone and there was a war but I did not flee to the UK. My family and I moved to Guinea and later moved to this country. I do not come from a poor family. My family and I have always been financially able. We are not refugees begging for money.


VBB: Why did you go into the House?

ADG:I have always liked BB and I was accepted straight away because I am real!

VBB: Are you affiliated with the PDC?

ADG: The PDC are not a gang like the mainstream media likes to say. PDC are a group of young boys who make good music.

VBB: have you been done for GBH?

ADG: No, never! If I was a gangster or had a criminal record I would have never made it onto the show. They would not have accepted me.

VBB: Is your boyfriend inside for murder for shooting the teenager at Streatham ice rink in 2007?

ADG: No way! That particular story truly upset me because I don’t support any violence, let alone date somebody who is involved in such crime.

VBB: Have you been done for shoplifting?


VBB: Has your mum?

ADG: What? No way! My mother is an ordained reverend and woman of great education who raised my siblings and I as a single mother. Just when I think I have read all the bullsxxx that was written about me along comes another one.

VBB: Were you a bully at your job?

ADG: Let’s talk facts. Before I went into the house I worked as an account executive. I’m very, very good at my job and I’m respected by my colleagues. How can I get promoted if I was a bully? All of the nationals printed so much lies about me.

VBB: Did you go into hiding after BB?

ADG: No, let’s clear up that lie as well. I came out of the show. I was then approached by the producers who said that The News Of The World wanted to pay for a holiday for my daughter. I turned it down but I did take up the offer to take some time out in a nice hotel. To say I went into hiding is rubbish.

VBB: What went wrong with you in the house and why do you think you were portrayed in such a negative light?

ADG:I was an easy target and the editing played a big part in how I was portrayed. You have to bear in mind that viewers only see 48 minutes out of 24 hours.

Yes, I am fiery, a hot head with a big mouth. I would never have denied that but to take it to the extent that they did was very dramatic. The other housemates were no different to me so, the question needs to asked why was I singled out and only the negatives things of my character shown? I see BB as a pantomime and they made me play the villain.

VBB: Did you threaten to harm or kill anyone while speaking to Darnell and Dale?

ADG: Absolutely not. Once again this was a conversation that was completely blown out of proportion. It was edited for the smart viewer. I was called into the diary room and BB said “at 10.17 you said, at 10.20 you said and at 10.30 you said.’ They plucked out six words taken from a half an hour conversation and then used it against me.

VBB: The Voice heard you are getting compensation due to some of the bad press said about you?

ADG: Yes, I can’t speak too much but a lot of the tabloids wrote blatant lies about me in particular; that my boyfriend was a murderer and I took them to court.

VBB: Do you have any regrets?

ADG: No, because I don’t see myself in the negative light that the mainstream press portrayed. I’ve learnt throughout the years, especially being a teen single mother, that you must not have regrets in life but learn by your mistakes.

VBB: What are your plans now you’re out?

ADG: I wouldn’t mind a presenting job but I want to become an activist for black people because I’m so disgusted in how the mainstream press treated me. White housemates are not outcast in the same way yet any little thing that we do as a black housemate is blown out of proportion. Look at Kinger who inserted a bottle inside of her. The press said nothing yet they make black people look terrible all the time.


30-09-2008, 12:01 AM
What is the voice.

Some good intewviews well alexes was just pretty much being rude to her.

30-09-2008, 12:04 AM
thats a wierd 4

30-09-2008, 12:10 AM
Not sure what the voice is, someone just psoted it on DS. And its them 4 because they are the 4 black housemates of BB9.

30-09-2008, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by David_Purdy
Not sure what the voice is, someone just psoted it on DS. And its them 4 because they are the 4 black housemates of BB9.

just seen it the voice website is all about stuff thats going on in the world, with black people.

30-09-2008, 12:31 AM
The Voice is a Black newspaper , dont know if its just for London or the whole of the UK

30-09-2008, 09:56 AM
Alex's was a good read, and she's looking pretty nice up there.

30-09-2008, 11:30 AM
alex is disgusting and a total liar.
she can't admit any wrong

30-09-2008, 11:34 AM
good interview

30-09-2008, 12:22 PM
Mohammed: "Because I wanted to become famous" :laugh2:

Alex & Sylvia's parts of the interview were a good read.

30-09-2008, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by King
Mohammed: "Because I wanted to become famous" :laugh2:

Alex & Sylvia's parts of the interview were a good read.

Looking for everything negative again? He also said he now wants to help kids, didn't see you picking that out.

30-09-2008, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by David_Purdy
Originally posted by King
Mohammed: "Because I wanted to become famous" :laugh2:

Alex & Sylvia's parts of the interview were a good read.

Looking for everything negative again? He also said he now wants to help kids, didn't see you picking that out.

So because he wants to help children, he's a saint? Maybe he could start helping by cutting down his food intake per day. He's a valid reason as to why people starve; because he eats all the food.

He was a boring housemate, had a boring personality, ate, slept, cried, moaned, lied...He's no star. Mohammed and fame just don't mix; he won't even be on the alphabet of fame in a months time. He'll have gone straight past Z.

30-09-2008, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by King
Originally posted by David_Purdy
Originally posted by King
Mohammed: "Because I wanted to become famous" :laugh2:

Alex & Sylvia's parts of the interview were a good read.

Looking for everything negative again? He also said he now wants to help kids, didn't see you picking that out.

So because he wants to help children, he's a saint? Maybe he could start helping by cutting down his food intake per day. He's a valid reason as to why people starve; because he eats all the food.

He was a boring housemate, had a boring personality, ate, slept, cried, moaned, lied...He's no star. Mohammed and fame just don't mix; he won't even be on the alphabet of fame in a months time. He'll have gone straight past Z.

I never said he was a saint for helping kids, I'm saying that instead of looking into the negatives of everything you should look at the positives. And I'm not even getting into discussing Mo as a housemate again, if you want my reply just look at some of my previous posts.

30-09-2008, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by David_Purdy
Originally posted by King
Originally posted by David_Purdy
Originally posted by King
Mohammed: "Because I wanted to become famous" :laugh2:

Alex & Sylvia's parts of the interview were a good read.

Looking for everything negative again? He also said he now wants to help kids, didn't see you picking that out.

So because he wants to help children, he's a saint? Maybe he could start helping by cutting down his food intake per day. He's a valid reason as to why people starve; because he eats all the food.

He was a boring housemate, had a boring personality, ate, slept, cried, moaned, lied...He's no star. Mohammed and fame just don't mix; he won't even be on the alphabet of fame in a months time. He'll have gone straight past Z.

I never said he was a saint for helping kids, I'm saying that instead of looking into the negatives of everything you should look at the positives. And I'm not even getting into discussing Mo as a housemate again, if you want my reply just look at some of my previous posts.

You didn't need to say he was, I gotthe impression because it's like you insinuated it. I'm not looking into the negatives of everything; I don't like Mo for the reasons I listed above, and if you're not going to discuss Mo being a housemate again - don't challenge my views in future.

30-09-2008, 05:29 PM
They are all really good reads. I believe most of the things that Alex said there, if not all of them. Why did they bring her mum shoplifting into the interview? Was there a rumour about that?

30-09-2008, 05:47 PM
VBB: Why did you go into the House?
ADG:I have always liked BB and I was accepted straight away because I am real!

yeah and you were kicked out straight away because you're a ****!

30-09-2008, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by King
Originally posted by David_Purdy
Originally posted by King
Mohammed: "Because I wanted to become famous" :laugh2:

Alex & Sylvia's parts of the interview were a good read.

Looking for everything negative again? He also said he now wants to help kids, didn't see you picking that out.

So because he wants to help children, he's a saint? Maybe he could start helping by cutting down his food intake per day. He's a valid reason as to why people starve; because he eats all the food.

He was a boring housemate, had a boring personality, ate, slept, cried, moaned, lied...He's no star. Mohammed and fame just don't mix; he won't even be on the alphabet of fame in a months time. He'll have gone straight past Z. Bloody Hell this boys just cured world hunger:rolleyes: