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sexy stu
05-08-2004, 07:19 PM
Did anybody notice how in love with mich, stu looked.

They wernt shown together but they made a joke out of mich's famous line "no naked jacuzzi's".

Stu was looking across at Mich with a big grin on his face
He also mentioned how e'd had no sleep hehe. I dont think anymore needs to be said apart from................

Wishing them the best of look

I hope it works out

05-08-2004, 07:26 PM
I just don't think it has any chance of survival. Seeing how close Stu was with Team Handome and their obvious dislike of Michelle it will all end acrimoniously due to a conflict of interests. If she's genuinely in love with Stu, she's going to want to tie him down, while they'll want to take him out clubbing on a lads night out.

Their romance survived inside the house because it took away the boredom. I don't sense it having the same spark as with Helen & Paul due to their characters and interests.

sheila p
05-08-2004, 07:28 PM
i think it will last as his friends on bblb said she was nice not that stu will listen to them if he loves her good luck to then both:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

sexy stu
05-08-2004, 07:30 PM
Maybe but on BBLB team hansome didnt really seem that botherd about him going out with Mich after all there friends and i wouldnt expect my friends to tell me who to go out with or not.

05-08-2004, 07:30 PM
Sexy Stu = I think you were watching a different programme to me. How do you know he spent the night with Michelle - I hope not cos he should have been spending time with his family, although being the selfish person she is maybe I am wrong.

The real Stuart came out when he was with team ugly - and what a group of immature idiots they came across as.

These two have a lot to overcome before they can really be a proper couple. BB couples who have survived have kept a lowish profile - these two are too media conscious.

sexy stu
05-08-2004, 07:32 PM
Gud on u sheila someone with a romantic bone in there body
Stu's face he's totally in love with her he couldnt stop lookin and smilin at her. (THE JUNGLE CAT THAT GOT THE CREAM or should we say the CHICK)

sexy stu
05-08-2004, 07:33 PM
I admit Team Handsome are childish BUT if u like a chick or dude u dont let ur friends stop u going wid dem

05-08-2004, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by BusyBee
Sexy Stu = I think you were watching a different programme to me. How do you know he spent the night with Michelle - I hope not cos he should have been spending time with his family, although being the selfish person she is maybe I am wrong.

The real Stuart came out when he was with team ugly - and what a group of immature idiots they came across as.

These two have a lot to overcome before they can really be a proper couple. BB couples who have survived have kept a lowish profile - these two are too media conscious.

Its like the romance between them both is contrived. It doesn't feel natural to me.

I couldn't believe Michelle has already given an interview to OK magazine (who must pay very well) outlining their future plans together - before Stu even left the house! Then there's her repeated "no comment" to Davina about having :love:. It's like she had this all maped out when she was inside the house. I have tried to defend her actions and do my best to play Devil's advocate, but now I really do believe Stu is a bit of a dope and she's pulling all the strings to make as much money as possible.

She Devil
05-08-2004, 07:48 PM
Yeah I agree. The real winners of this years BB are Michelle and Stuart. They both stand to make a packet out of this.

05-08-2004, 07:51 PM
I completely agree!!

And the more money they make, the more cynical the public becomes about their romance and their motives for starting it in the house.

You can't help thinking that if this is a relationship with any mileage in it, they wouldn't be selling themselves across the tabloids.

05-08-2004, 08:02 PM
I agree that Stu did looked loved up on bblb but the only problem was it wasn't with Michelle!!!:laugh::laugh:
The greeting he gave Team Handsome was much bigger than the one he gave Michelle last night.I've no doubt he had seen them before at his eviction but he greeted them as if they were the most important people in his life.
As for them not being allowed to be in the same shot I think bb should have some claim on the money they are getting paid for their interview.They are contracted to be on bblb and the format of tonights show had to be changed because of their deal with the tabloids.
I was starting to think they stood a chance but they seem to have put money before their relationship which can only be the wrong way to start.
I think they are seeing £ signs in each others eyes not stars sadly

05-08-2004, 08:14 PM
I wish they had showed us Michelle's face when Stuart was with team ugly. Now that would have been a picture. :laugh: There was real emotion when he met them

06-08-2004, 09:59 AM
Pass me a sick bucket!

sheila p
07-08-2004, 08:06 PM
if i had one i would :hugesmile:

Red Moon
07-08-2004, 11:37 PM
Wasn't there a report that said he spent the first night back with Team Handson.... and not Michelle?

Maybe in the Mirror?

She Devil
07-08-2004, 11:41 PM
I don't think that would of pleased Michelle. But he hadn't seen them for three months whereas he had seen Michelle 24/7 for the last 9 weeks it's only fair he spends time with his buddies and his family.

08-08-2004, 03:32 PM
They have exposed themselves to us all in more ways than one. If they both have any sense romance or no romance they will take the press for as much as they can get. A once in a life time chance to set themselves up financially.

While they are doing that they might well form a genuine relationship if not already. Who knows. We can all speculate until the moon turns green As for team ugly. That's just the remnants of a little boys club that will go by the board if Stu feels he has found the girl for him.

I am sceptical about it lasting but then I am sceptical about most relationships these days lasting.....So what's new......

Remember Paul from BB2 had a lot of laddish friends waiting for him who he idolized. It didn't stop him hanging on to his Helen.....