View Full Version : Theres Somthing Funny About Auditions...

10-03-2009, 07:32 PM
I’m not through… again… so instead I’m goanna give a story… this is what happen at the invitation only audition….

There was something wired about the big brother invitation only audition. I got there at the time they told me to, only 20-30 people were there, I thought it must have then been a very small invitation list, we waited 20mins then got asked to go up the lift in groups of 5, all these characters were amazing and very different from each other.

Then we got taken upstairs suddenly there were quite a lot of people, more then the number down stairs. We filled out a form and by the time I had finished I looked up and noticed the room was full of people, there would have been about 70-80 people there. After, I waited half an hour in the other end of the corridor but saw very few people around, where did all the people in the room go to? There seem to be only 3 interview rooms and only 6 people were seen in (half an hour) (there must have been others rooms there somewhere because it was too quite!

After I waited 10 mins, then i got told I was through to next round. i had to fill out a massive form. But I was one of the first people in the room, what happen to other guy before me? i heard that he got through, so where was he? he wasn‘t there!!

After 2hr there were about 60 people in the room (a lot of people were rejected in earlier stages so why were there so many people in this stage?) and most were all new faces (some must have skipped a round or two, why!! (there must have been many other rooms or something or may be they skiped some rounds!)

Then I got taken into a discussion room, but this was wired because again new faces, the girl next to me had a stamp on her hand! How none of us were given a stamp so why did she have a stamp and not me? Also this group seemed more normal then the people I’ve seen in earlier stages, (well all were normal bar one who stood out as being way better than the others) it felt like it was more of an interview for him and not me. (I was just being used just to fill the room)

All the people that arrived at the beginning had strong characteristics and large personalities, I tried to scan the rooms for them but I could not find them. It felt like they new who they liked even before the audition began because I think they divided the “good” one up and mixed them in with more normal people. (but then again I’m not dis-ing the process maybe these people were liked because they’ve shown up to auditions in the years before (its only fair that they get a shorter audition i guess!) plus I know that the day was full of youtube audition so maybe they liked them from seeing their tapes.