View Full Version : Highlights from tonight's show, Saturday 15 January, 9.00pm

15-01-2005, 03:04 PM
Highlights from tonight's show, Saturday 15 January, 9.00pm

Day 9, Friday 14 January

·Jackie tells Big Brother that she wants to "check out".
·Caprice is given a secret task and learns what housemates really think of her
·Caprice confronts John with her discovery
·Jackie is the first celebrity to be evicted from the house

The housemates are roused by the noise of barking dogs being piped into the bedroom. Jackie remains asleep throughout. Brigitte goes in to tell her it's time to get up. "Says who?" asks Jackie, "Bullshit!"

Jackie has packed some of her belongings in preparation for tonight's possible eviction. She says to fellow nominee John, "This is a stupid game...the longer you stay, the more you hate everybody."

The housemates are locked in the bedroom. Lisa and Brigitte try and guess John's age, from 62 upwards. "I'm very good at 69," he quips. Brigitte wonders about his sexual technique and demonstrates by clambering on top of Caprice who freaks out.

Jackie is in the Diary Room and tells Big Brother she wants to "check out". She says she finds herself surrounded by "airheads" and "nobodies". She assumes Big Brother must have "grabbed them from the street". She, in contrast, has achieved "so much in life", adding, "I'm accepted by my peers as a world top astrologer." She concedes that the only good thing to come out of her stay there is "rediscovering Brigitte." She brands Lisa a "high class maid" who sniggered at her not being able to open a bottle of wine. Jackie sums up the house by saying, "I'm a threat to these dopes."

Big Brother asks a housemate to come to the Diary Room. Caprice volunteers, where she finds a laminate with instructions from Big Brother. It tells her she is to "take a journey", a secret task that only she can complete. She is wary of what lies ahead but tries to follow the clues, which take her into the garden and into a secret passage to a glass elevator. She starts to rise up above the house. Jeremy jokes that Big Brother is going to make her do a David Blaine stunt and keep her in the glass box. Caprice receives a private message from Big Brother laden with clues.

Lisa and Brigitte have cooked a meal for everyone. Jackie is still missing her wine but is resigned to her deprivation. "You can all **** yourselves now." Big Brother calls her to the Diary Room. Jackie refuses, but suggests someone else like Kenzie can go on her behalf.

Jeremy gets angry and tells her she no longer has the power to order others around. Bez gets annoyed with Jeremy and tells him off, "I hate people picking on old ladies!"
Lisa dismisses Bez's concern, saying Jackie is "a venomous little witch".
Jackie goes to the Diary Room and finds two bottles of wine waiting there. She tells Big Brother that she doesn't want to share it with her housemates, then returns to the table with the wine. She tells them she can't wait to leave the house, and John shouts at her for being rude before leaving the table. "Who the hell is he?!" says Jackie, as John storms off. "Don't worry, he'll be back," Jackie says, "He didn't get looking like that without eating."

Caprice starts to look for the secret room, which Big Brother's clues will lead her to. She crawls through a tunnel and reaches the room, where she finds a video and tapes to play. She watches and hears comments made about her by Brigitte, John, Kenzie and Bez, She is stunned to hear John's scathing attack on her, calling her "calculating...cold...every action, every decision is to benefit Caprice Ltd."

In the bedroom, Caprice is pensive and looks upset. Lisa tries to "send her positive vibes." Caprice asks to talk to her in the garden. There, she explains that something has really upset her, "This house really messes with your head." Through gritted teeth, she then tells Lisa, "Do you know how much I can't stand John?" Caprice continues to explain, "He's a sexist pig" and tells Lisa that she's ready to launch an attack on him. "If he says one thing, I'm gonna annihilate him!" Lisa encourages Caprice to speak her mind and get it out of her system. Caprice adds, "I've never met a more horrible man in my life."

The group are sitting in the living area, where Caprice asks John why he has to constantly put her down, as well as the others. John replies that he thinks she is obsessed with money.

"How DARE you!" she fires back at him. "I have known you for one week!" John says that while he admires Caprice's success, he felt she was "obscene" during the body parts task, where he says she made an advertisement for her "grubby little bra company". Caprice is outraged and tells him she is from an ordinary background and has worked very hard to achieve what she has, especially in a "man's world".

John says that while he has "praised" her success, she has "condemned" herself in his eyes. He won't back down and maintains that she is money obsessed. He admits that he is in Celebrity Big Brother purely for the money, but at least is honest about it.

Jackie has been listening to the argument and witheringly asks John, "What's your speciality in life, apart from being a pain in the ass?"

Jackie and Brigitte are in the bedroom together. Jackie, who may be leaving tonight, tells her, "I'm gonna miss you Brigitte." She adds, "You're a winner, but expect to find a knife in your back...watch your back with the two girls."

Jeremy and Kenzie are in the bedroom, and Kenzie admits he is really fed up today. Jeremy agrees that it has been a tough day with all the arguments and tensions, especially with Jackie in the house. "I know it sounds cocky, but I am cleverer than her...I can run rings round her."

Jackie and John await the news of who will be the first person evicted. Davina delivers the news that the public have voted to save John, and that Jackie will be leaving shortly. John is distraught. Jeremy whoops and cheers that Jackie is going.

John and Kenzie are discussing Jackie's return to the outside world. "Imagine how relieved she is now," says John. He adds that the housemates deserve some champagne for putting up with "that creature".
Caprice asks Lisa if she thinks John will be next out. Lisa says "definitely", adding "then me or Bez". She explains that she thinks she is loud and bossy.

After a fair few drinks, Kenzie stands up and does a spontaneous rap for the others, who love it.

John comes to the Diary Room. He tells Big Brother that he is "very depressed" as he wanted to be evicted tonight. He says although that Jackie was "an abomination", he tried his level best to make her look good by behaving badly. "It shows how bad she was...even more than me." He goes on to say there is nothing positive about being in the house and he has nothing in common with anyone - they have no stimulating conversation.

On tomorrow's Celebrity Big Brother's Little Brother at 12.55pm (Channel 4) Dermots's guests include Tim Lovejoy, Helen Chamberlain and John Culshaw.