View Full Version : Emma agrees to appear in fake reality show

28-01-2005, 02:52 PM
Reality bites

Jools Long

Just how desperate is Rik Waller to fund his Big Mac habit? So driven he'd spend two weeks down a mine in Mansfield, according to the Sun.

If he could fit, that is.

To see how far z-listers would go to revive their flagging careers on reality TV, the Sun posed as a spoof production company inviting a bevy of no-marks to be in fake series Back To Mine.

The show offered two weeks down a Nottinghamshire colliery for the tidy sum of £40,000 – how could they resist?

Well, most of them couldn't.

The role of shame included Razor Ruddock, Peter Purves, Bernie Clifton, So Solid's Romeo and, of course, everyone's favourite deep-fried Mars Bar Rik.

Amusingly Emma Greenwood (the one you wanted to shoot on the last Big Brother) went on Richard and Judy hours after being offered the spoof show saying: “I have been asked to do an interesting new reality show but I can't say too much.”

We never thought we'd hear ourselves say this, but well done to Bernard Cribbins, Michelle McManus and Right Said Fred's Richard Fairbrass.

They all said 'no'.

Even Rebecca Loos turned it down. Obviously too busy shoving weights up her la-la in Thailand to oblige.


28-01-2005, 04:51 PM
LOL that was very funny to read, set up good and proper.