Conversation Between Lily.Evans.XO and ClaireS92
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
Thanks Lily, i appreciate that too .Same for you just message me privately if anyone s picking on you .
Thank you I really appreciate it <3 and yeah I'll do the same for you, message me if anyone starts picking on you and we'll tackle them together <3
Aww, didn't know you were new yeah.Yeah Ill play it easy at first ; suss out who acts in what way before I say anything about their fave.I ve got your back if anyoe talks rudely to you or gangs up on you.Its OK if you dont feel up to backing me up.Ill understand.Like I said just gonna have laugh at first while I suss them out which is my main intention anyway and this series has been good for that given me most laughs at BB Series in years .
No problem <3 new forum members need to stick together lol, it can be a daunting world for us newbies sometimes
Thanks for the friend invite Lily