
Conversation Between lily. and MrXmasXmas
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. lily.
    27-02-2023 07:20 PM
    Oy oy. Miss you Baz x
  2. MrXmasXmas
    14-12-2018 02:49 AM

    Message me
  3. MrXmasXmas
    22-11-2014 02:33 AM
    I was asking Shaun about you. He said you were ok. It's really good to hear from you. I don't use MSN or yahell any more. Not sure I even know how to any more. Ha. It would be good to get in touch though. I don't suppose you are on Facebook and I'm not going on one of those dodgy porn sites. I do remember. Of course I do. Are you on WhatsApp? Let's get in touch again. I'd like that. Bitch....
  4. lily.
    08-10-2014 10:50 AM
    How do you go from talking to someone every single day in life about absolutely nothing to not talking to them at all ever, despite the fact that you haven't had a fight with that person or anything? How do people just drift apart? I was thinking about you today. In fact, I was talking about you today to James (LemonJam).

    Remember how you used to spend almost the whole day at work buggering about on MSN and TiBB? Then you'd go to Asda for lunch and your sandwich 'wouldn't scan' at the self-serve... ? Remember the time I trolled your nephew into putting the gay porn channel on the telly..? Good times.. I miss those days..

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