
Conversation Between Sophii3x and MarkWaldorf
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. MarkWaldorf
    13-10-2009 09:20 PM
    S3 > S2 ;p
  2. Sophii3x
    13-10-2009 05:03 PM
    Nate and Chuck would be soo hot <3 Ahh really? Good, they should only be doing each other anyways (with the exeption of him and Nate, haha) :P I got my S2 dvd thge other day, haven't had the time to watch though wahh!
  3. MarkWaldorf
    12-10-2009 03:47 PM
    yes!!! omg nate/chuck pls - even though chair are confirmed not to be in it.
  4. Sophii3x
    11-10-2009 08:35 PM
    I know, no fair It's way better seeing it on the telly though. You're all up to date then? Have you heared the latest major spoiler? (clue:Britney's new song)
  5. MarkWaldorf
    11-10-2009 08:23 PM
    ugh you're so behind!
  6. Sophii3x
    11-10-2009 08:21 PM
    Ahh, Chuck and Blair are amazing as a couple on the show.. I love it. It's even more obvious now that they make the show seeing that the other storylines so far are crap! But yea, watched ep 1 on ITV2 and some clips of youtube of the other eps that have aired.. I'm too busy to catch up with them all online right now! :P x
  7. MarkWaldorf
    11-10-2009 04:19 PM
    Of course! haha. CHAIR<3 you?
  8. Sophii3x
    11-10-2009 04:17 PM
    Hellooo Mark! It seems like ages since I last talked to you I hope you've been watching GG series 3, haha xx

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