
Conversation Between Sophii3x and Raph
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 45
  1. Raph
    05-08-2010 06:25 PM
    Hey, long time no talk Soph. How've you been? See you haven't used TiBB in a while!
  2. Raph
    04-06-2010 10:35 PM
    Off to Japan tomorrow morning, really early flight. Have a great summer Soph!
  3. Raph
    03-06-2010 07:19 PM
    Check your wall! hahah Soph, must've lost the wall checking skills, from all that hard work on 'Over the Rainbow'
  4. Raph
    03-06-2010 06:58 PM
    hey yup.. and I leave to Japan tomorrow, must be because i'm a rich kid, hahah It should be really fun though, oh and btw, likewise to you with my Welsh, anything you need in Japanese, ask me!
    And yeah, congrats on answering Soph, you did it! hahah, so now how do I join this LAST thing? Can you give me the link or something? And btw, 'Lost Without You' is a damn good song, especially when you're down.. crazy as I don't like that type of music, but yeah!
    Looking forward to BB starting? Hope we get some Welshies
  5. Sophii3x
    01-06-2010 05:53 PM
    yo! told you i'd reply! so jealous you can speak japanese. lmfao at the over the rainbow bit, i wish.. she was super talented!
  6. Raph
    30-05-2010 10:02 PM
    I haven't heard from you in ages Soph! I was starting to think you were the girl in 'Over the Rainbow'! I'm leaving to Japan on Friday on vacation, which should be awesome. Hope you're well x
  7. Raph
    23-05-2010 05:44 PM
    you've been learning Japanese for a bit? haha ask me if you need any help cause i'm fluent I'm still working on the Welsh. I've learnt how to say 'Good luck' and all the numbers up to 50 now, naturally number '5' is my favorite.. PIMP haha Miss ya Soph x
  8. Raph
    20-05-2010 10:13 PM
    hey Soph! After almost a month I came back
    i finished my exams today, so I'm feeling great! Haven't spoken to you in a while though, you alright? I learnt the Welsh numbers up to 10 the other day
    Miss ya bud!
  9. Raph
    27-04-2010 11:36 PM
    Following my morning post, 'Nos Da Soph'
  10. Raph
    27-04-2010 07:38 AM
    Bor da Soph

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