
Conversation Between Sophii3x and Raph
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 45
  1. Raph
    25-04-2010 06:38 PM
    Looks like people are over me now, Soph. You were all right! Anyways gotta do my science now, and probs won't be on the forum afterwards, so Nos Da! xx
  2. Raph
    25-04-2010 06:21 PM
    well i'm glad you liked it then, Soph and cheers for that - I think you should teach me a word a day! haha! btw, I still haven't done my science lab report so I really gotta do that soon
    Looks like you're filling up my wall afterall
  3. Sophii3x
    25-04-2010 06:12 PM
    yayyy! naw, it was really lovley so thankyou diolch means thank you :P
  4. Raph
    25-04-2010 06:08 PM
    Yeah course anytime! And yeah I've decided to stay, as I'm not gonna let a few members bug me. And for the message, you were my first one, cause you're just that awesome One question (sorry still learning so) what does Diolch mean again? x
  5. Sophii3x
    25-04-2010 06:06 PM
    awww, don't go! and aww that message is LOVLEY *hugs* DIOLCH if you go you're so gonna be missed by a lot of people. but it's your desision! take care xx
  6. Raph
    25-04-2010 02:31 PM
    Soph, you're right though. I'm not gonna let the bullying get to me. You're wicked, and thanks for helping me out, and talking to me and stuff. Talk to you soon? Ciao x
  7. Raph
    25-04-2010 01:39 PM

    -that's for you btw. See ya round Soph. x
  8. Raph
    25-04-2010 01:38 PM
    Alright will do that, thanks Soph
    btw, I've decided to leave TiBB until BB starts. I'm sorry, it's just better that way. Some members are so bitchy with me it's unreal. And well I have exams soon as well, so I have plenty of studying to do. I'll still try and catch you on msn sometime, but for a month or so, good-bye Soph. You're wicked.
  9. Sophii3x
    25-04-2010 01:36 PM
    it's better just to ignore it imo, if you argue against it then it just goes on for longer and gets worse. people will forget eventially, just avoid any threads that could be involved with you! hope you understand
  10. Raph
    25-04-2010 01:23 PM
    it's ok Soph. Could you tell them to stop though? since no-one is listening to me, and I dunno I trust you most so yeah. And they are targetting me tbh, and I'm sick of people like that tbh
    and yeah homework, but oh well, that's life!

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