
Conversation Between Raph and Calderyon
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. Calderyon
    12-06-2018 01:34 PM
    Would you like to participate in the World Cup Fantasy thingy? If you do go here and follow the instructions:
  2. Calderyon
    09-03-2017 02:34 PM
  3. Calderyon
    17-03-2016 10:17 PM
    Raph, you have less than hour to make predictions for week 4.
  4. Calderyon
    10-03-2016 05:00 PM

    You have not yet done predictions for week 3 on the prediction contest. Please do them before the show tonight.

    Also you have not yet predicted the winner of the series. Please do it before tonight´s show, so it makes it to week 3.
  5. Calderyon
    03-03-2016 07:23 PM
    Could you add the noms+replacement, veto winner and the evicteé to your week 2 predictions too?

    I want to keep a solid deadline for weekly predictions and that´s before the start of the eviction show.

    Week 3 deadline is the same and so on.

  6. Raph
    26-02-2016 09:15 PM
    I've picked! Thanks
  7. Calderyon
    26-02-2016 07:43 PM
    Just wanted inform that it´s your turn to pick.
  8. Calderyon
    21-06-2015 11:03 AM
    The BB US Fantasy comp thingy has started and it´s your turn.

    And apparently you have to make your pick in 24 hours after your turn has come or get "skipped".
  9. Raph
    21-05-2015 11:35 AM
    Did you see my post? Sorry to be a pain, it's just the only thing I run on TiBB

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