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Conversation Between Strictly Jake and Liam-
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
  1. Strictly Jake
    03-01-2024 11:03 AM
    Strictly Jake
    Please can you send in your song today. Thanks
  2. Strictly Jake
    28-11-2023 09:03 PM
    Strictly Jake
    Any chance you may be able to put your strictly player into your Sig to help promote the game. No probs if not

  3. Strictly Jake
    28-11-2023 08:55 PM
    Strictly Jake
    No problem. Dancer it is.
  4. Liam-
    28-11-2023 08:02 PM
    Yeah sure, dancer though, not sure I’d have the time to judge
  5. Strictly Jake
    25-11-2023 06:12 PM
    Strictly Jake
    Hi Liam could you be a dancer or judge on strictly?
  6. Strictly Jake
    15-12-2022 05:31 PM
    Strictly Jake
    Hi Liam are you around to score?
  7. Strictly Jake
    17-06-2021 05:08 PM
    Strictly Jake
    Will be doing the show at 8.30pm tonight reckon you'll manage to get them in before that if not no worries I'll just do the others
  8. Liam-
    17-06-2021 12:27 PM
    Yeah, you’ll get them today
  9. Strictly Jake
    17-06-2021 12:06 PM
    Strictly Jake
    Liam are you able to send me your scores by tomorrow? As I have the others and we can have a Friday show
  10. Liam-
    21-05-2021 11:05 AM
    Nah, I’ll be a judge, let someone else shine

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