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Conversation Between joeysteele and Mystic Mock
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 1303
  1. Mystic Mock
    22-07-2024 08:34 AM
    Mystic Mock
    How have you been doing Joey?

    I hope that you've been enjoying yourself in Rome.
  2. Mystic Mock
    07-07-2024 08:09 AM
    Mystic Mock
    I'm glad that your hard work has paid off Joey, hopefully Labour/Sir Keir Starmer can deliver what I think people want in this country.

    And hopefully you enjoy your time in Rome, I always hear good stuff about it.

    I'm doing fine thanks, I have just watched a YouTube video that was a bit bleak, but other than that I have been having a good few days in particular.

    And thanks Joey, I'm glad that you're enjoying the Music Game, it's honestly sad how we don't really get a high production version of this type of competition on TV/Streamers anymore.

    And again thanks Joey for your kind words, I honestly can't believe that I'm up there tbh, I'm usually down at the bottom.

    And hopefully you will have a strong end run on the Prediction League too.

    And thanks Joey, I wish you and yours the best as well.
  3. joeysteele
    07-07-2024 07:27 AM
    Pretty worn out Mock.
    Really threw myself into campaigning in the election and it was exhausting.
    However loved every moment, got very little hostility.
    People wanting a bit of hope and more serious acting government.
    The results were very hard worked for so really rewarding and when you see your efforts rewarded that's great.
    On the 15th I'm off to Rome for 16 days.
    Back on 1st August.

    How have you been lately too, hope you're having a good weekend.
    I see you've done the final songs in your game.
    I'll play them today and relax.
    I wish more had got involved because it's been a superbly presenterd game, plus being with music really entertaining too.

    Plus too the Euro footie .
    Oh gosh I haven't really concentrated much on it but it's great seeing you right up there in contention to win it .
    I'd love to see that.

    Thanks for message Mock
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend and all my very best to you and yours as always.
  4. Mystic Mock
    06-07-2024 11:27 PM
    Mystic Mock
    Hello Joey, how have you been doing lately?
  5. Mystic Mock
    19-06-2024 06:46 AM
    Mystic Mock
    Good luck with your campaigning Joey.

    And thanks, hopefully the top 6 Round will be just as exciting.
  6. joeysteele
    19-06-2024 06:20 AM
    If they do what they are thinking I can see Labour voters in seats where the Lib Dems have the best chance to oust a Con.
    Then a good number will do so.
    Likewise in seats where Labour is best placed to best a Con.
    Lib Dems are likely to back Labour there.
    The Greens are odd.
    I haven't been able to work them out yet.
    They get very cagey when you chat to them.
    Well I'll be off out again I. A couple of hours.
    Armed with my water and mars bar.
    After breakfast it will be likely 3 or 4 pm before I eat properly again ha ha
    It's great though meeting so many people and hearing how they feel about things.

    Have a good day Mock.
    I'll be looking out for the songs you'll be putting forward.
  7. Mystic Mock
    19-06-2024 02:00 AM
    Mystic Mock
    Rooney questioning any other Manager's tactics will always make me cringe inside.

    And I agree with you that tactical voting will be big in this Election.

    I do wonder if some of the Tory voters swing towards Reform (or vice versa) and that some of the Lib Dems and Green voters swing towards Labour, to keep one of the other two out.
  8. joeysteele
    18-06-2024 10:44 PM
    Oh rant about Rooney all you like.
    He was yapping on TV the other day, useless.

    There area lot of people undecided Mock.
    With a lot of them leaving to Labour .
    It feels good at this point but I recall 2015.
    We were getting good responses overall which didn't result in the votes needed.
    I accept Labour is well ahead but not I'd say by 20 points.

    However the massive message everywhere so far has been, people want this government out .
    It is a really strongly disliked government.
    I think there may be a lot of tactical voting this time.
    Trying to ensure this lot are booted out.
  9. Mystic Mock
    18-06-2024 10:35 PM
    Mystic Mock
    Would you say that it looks like Labour will be getting more votes at this Election than usual, Or is it looking around about the same or lower?

    And thanks Joey, I'm glad that you're enjoying the Music on the game, I have tried to make the songs appeal to a wide audience of the Forum, which I think has been relatively successful at being achieved given how we're a small community on the Internet.

    And I'm doing fine thanks, I've just been having a rant about Rooney.
  10. joeysteele
    18-06-2024 10:16 PM
    Im okay Mock.
    Rather tired as electioneering is very tiring.
    I've lost count of the streets I've walked down and the people I've talked to.
    However all but a few are far more friendly to us this time than last time.

    Enjoying it mostly.
    However after the election is over I will be definitely ready for my hols in Rome.

    Hope you're doing okay too..
    Those songs you are putting forward in your game are superb.
    Really great to listen to them.

    All my very best to you and yours Mock.

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