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Conversation Between Roy Mars III and Marc
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 86
  1. Marc
    23-08-2014 05:45 PM
    Where are
  2. Roy Mars III
    25-10-2013 08:26 PM
    Roy Mars III
    Yea, it would have been great, didn't want to join though if I couldn't give it the full effort. How did it turn out?
  3. Marc
    25-10-2013 07:16 AM
    Ah great stuff, although that does sound sort of confusing but I bet there's tonnes of interesting info in those files, plus you love your history! Pretty ideal

    I've been alright thanks, I've got myself a proper job using my degree so I can't complain...(although I sometimes do!). You miss the Mole! I was gutted
  4. Roy Mars III
    24-10-2013 09:13 PM
    Roy Mars III
    Thanks man, life has been good but busy. Got an internship at a military archives so been busy with that plus all the normal class work.

    how you been?
  5. Marc
    24-10-2013 09:03 PM
    I've got to say... I've missed your presence on this forum. How's uni treating you?
  6. Marc
    02-07-2013 08:15 PM
  7. Roy Mars III
    02-07-2013 03:55 PM
    Roy Mars III
  8. Marc
    31-05-2013 12:03 PM
    We'll see.. It's hard to make it new
  9. Roy Mars III
    31-05-2013 11:53 AM
    Roy Mars III
    It would be a tragedy if there wasn't another Mole soon
  10. Marc
    31-05-2013 11:52 AM
    I think Ben is ruining Elimination 8 with BB US rules, and I was gonna do Mole or Alliance (BB US rules) but Ben's gone and ruined that idea

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