
Conversation Between Christina and Stacey.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 30
  1. Christina
    21-12-2009 11:41 AM
    Haha, same.. went to bed at 4.30am :P what about you?? x
  2. Stacey.
    21-12-2009 02:34 AM
    yep, and mee, ive been up all night lmao
  3. Christina
    21-12-2009 02:30 AM
    Haha, it felt like i was gettin stabbed :'( Love it most times though haha x
  4. Stacey.
    20-12-2009 09:53 PM
    aww, lol
    i just LOVE snow - its a great feeling to feel - snoww lmaoo
    awwwww,yeah, lol xxx
  5. Christina
    20-12-2009 09:49 PM
    I don't think it ever has for me.. although today i went to the countryside (did NOT realise it was snowing) in 6 inch heels and had to trekk in ankle deep snow with no socks may i add.. so i was absoultley freezing, have never been so cold in all my life So you could say i've had enough snow for now haha :P x
  6. Stacey.
    20-12-2009 09:47 PM
    haha... wow!! JEDWARDD lmaoo
    good good, and me!
    cant remember the last time it snowed on christmas day :/
    I really want it toooo lmfaoo!
  7. Christina
    20-12-2009 09:45 PM
    Haha, that'd be great! I could like invite the whole X Factor crew to a bday party lmao! (too cheeky?) And i'm a bit more excited than i was yeah.. hope it snows on xmas day x
  8. Stacey.
    20-12-2009 09:42 PM
    Yeh , definitely,you will have to try to meet him
    Does he even know?? lol.
    Yeh,getting really excited now, what about you?
  9. Christina
    20-12-2009 09:40 PM
    I'd be more excited if i maybe met him or something, but i am really proud to say he's part of the family haha. You excited for xmas?? x
  10. Stacey.
    20-12-2009 09:37 PM
    Awww cool
    I would feel amazing if i was related to him (sort of)
    Its great,and hes a lovely person, so its Good Stuff
    haha,thats ok!!

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