Conversation Between DouglasS and Calderyon
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
Based on those left:
1. Latoya
4. Tina
(I already have Rohan)
Still awaiting on your list.
Douglas, please send a preference list as we have tripled up.
Meaning we all are going to end up with 3 HG's in our team.
DouglasS, you have not yet made your prediction on BB22 Eviction Prediction Survival Challenge. Please do so as soon as possible, otherwise you will be eliminated. You have less than 1 hour until deadline.
Topic: BBCAN8 Fantasy Competition
Just wanted to inform you that it's currently your turn to pick in the draft. Please do your pick as soon as you can.
P.S Your PM message quota is full.
New Survivor sweepstakes have started, if you interested in signing up.