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  1. JerseyWins
    20-07-2020 03:31 PM
    Yup doing each site individually & each type of game, like “cash games” “tournaments” “sit & go’s” so like 9 tabs on it & btw sit & go’s are like 2,6,9-person games that start up whenever that many people register for it. Idk what’s up with that site either, like I can’t even win $20 on it or something & I did try a FEW smaller ones but no luck there either. And not really all erased still but +$300 Friday & +$500 yesterday is still a good amt won back & a nice turnaround I’m pumped up about (oh but I did lose a quick $100 something Saturday morning/afternoon-ish that I don’t think I mentioned? but Friday/Sunday way makes up for it )
  2. JerseyWins
    20-07-2020 03:30 PM
    It’s a bit weird for me smoking my own cause I’m sooo used to passing around but still it’s nice Def puff puff pass is part of the fun tho lol. Yup exactly that, puts it out then lights it back up again later, I remember the first time he did that it kinda shocked me cause I never thought of it being reusable like that Like if I smoked like that on my own I’d prob be dumb & just throw it out & roll a new one but when you smoke a lot I guess you think of ways to save every hit Lmaooooo tho that sounds like a really good trip although I don’t like getting sooo dizzy either, starts to freak me out but overall it sounds nice LMAO @ not keeping your eyes off the mop, I’d prob be howling if I was there high with you ahh I mean I’m even howling imagining it rn The night you were getting hallucinations & laughing so much would’ve been a howl as well
  3. JerseyWins
    20-07-2020 06:59 AM
    TEA the iced tea & vape might've been the best parts & I only took a few hits of the vape. I don't remember it being that nice, soooo smooth or something so it was extra soothing, I might get hooked now!
  4. JerseyWins
    20-07-2020 06:59 AM
    Yup exactly I really hate when people owe me $, knowing it's something I have to remember and keep checking for if they don't pay it right away. And vice versa also makes me kinda anxious when I owe people $ like I really gotta pay it back. With my close friends it's like eh whatever but still can be annoying I agree.

    Can be sooo intense and to go from that chilled to intense feeling for a GOOD show/movie is actually so damn good CSI sounds perfect actually and Blacklist. My friend who's always getting high during quarantine is the one who got into Blacklist lately and he absolutely LOVES the Blacklist/high combo

    That's funny, prob would be hilarious to see that convo in 3rd person while you were in that drunken state & your mom just not knowing what to do with you ahh

    I know I saw we lost that, damn </3 50% right & $2 profit in my two darts bets I've tracked so far
  5. JerseyWins
    20-07-2020 06:57 AM
    Yeah we usually pass around like 1-2 joints between a couple of us & uuusually no tobacco but yesterday my friend had a bunch so was barely any sharing going on (corona safety sksk, not really but kinda was lol). Got a GOOD amount of pulls in yesterday, more than usual I'm pretty sure & it was NICE My friend always likes to put it out and then save it for a bit later & finish the rest, I think he's been doing that like every day possibly Btw what exactly do you mean by hallucinations? LEGIT start seeing things in front of you like they're real? Like I kinda do get that hallucinating feeling sometimes when high but nothing too extreme, that would be crazy! I think I know what you mean tho, and maybe you weren't used to it w/o tobacco or you did too much
  6. JerseyWins
    20-07-2020 06:55 AM
    Gooooood poker day again Profited about $500+ in all: about +$730 on one site, went just about even on my other one (since tracking on Friday I am -$34.35 on that site overall which is about as "even" as it gets for me but it's only been two total sessions)... and I lost $200 on that damn 3rd site Instead of doing the $100 & $400 I just tried two $100's and they were so trash as usual. I CAN'T with that site. I had SUCH a horrible vibe going earlier today as I was getting crushed in multiple tables but actually glad I stuck with it this time. I totally threw that "don't take bigger risks" idea out the window as I played multiple $50-$100's & 2 $200's as well. Of the bigger tournaments, I had a $384 profit in one of the $200's which basically erased the other losses & another lil profit in a $100. Best win did come from a $20, I won one of them for $700+ so I could've ONLY played that one, risked only $20 today & had a bigger profit ffs
  7. JerseyWins
    19-07-2020 07:44 PM
    We're all hella close so it's not a big deal. But a friend of one of my friends borrows and then NEVER actually pays back but then he/others realized he's like that and never do it anymore

    Lmao I think while drunk it's def often too tough to just sit and watch something but while high it's the best. If anything it might even help me concentrate more and notice eeeverything / make it that much better experience. And always a howl doing ANYTHING tho. Lol I guess calm/lazy IS me almost always tbf

    Idek what's going on with you & your mom with that last post but lmaoooo. Are you not "being sensible" rn?
  8. JerseyWins
    19-07-2020 07:44 PM
    Loool that's so weird you mentioned that because my friend was telling me yesterday how someone who he was cool with from HIGH SCHOOL but stopped talking to just randomly called him the other day to borrow $80 because he was in a tough spot stuck in another state atm & really needed the favor. Seemed shady so he rejected and was mad he even asked. But yeah me & my friends borrow money off each other all the time but usually in smaller amounts. Usually good about paying back pretty quickly too except for one of my friends. And he did owe me a big amount one time, like $300 actually for this football pool we were doing (other gambling) that he was paying back like $50 at a time and took FOREVER to do so but he did so we all good So yeah it happens but usually more like $10-20 amts that we owe each other or sometimes just even pay each other for **** in those smaller amts on a night out etc.
  9. JerseyWins
    19-07-2020 07:43 PM
    Yeah we don't really use the pipes & bongs often at all but I have TRIED them. Usually just roll up, joints/blunts/spliffs but yeah most of the time no tobacco and joints are just the best form to me Do all blunts etc. over there include tobacco then?? I think that's just more the norm over there in the UK or something. Tobacco is SUPER gross to me, just the thought of it, but I think in actuality it ain't that bad / is similar anyway and I could get used to it but I rather not health-wise. Yup you only really need one of the two to add some fun to the night

    Ahh yeah I can definitely imagine that, I think a lot of tobacco smokers do feel that way but it's more of an addiction / feeling good in the moment thing. I feel fiiiiine typically from smoking weed but maybe that's cause no tobacco a lot of the time. I think I'd feel awful if I smoked every day tho, tobacco or not
  10. JerseyWins
    19-07-2020 06:43 PM
    You going IN on that serious debates thread while drunk ahhh I'm done even looking at that thread lol, too much drama / repetitive debating

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