
Sophii3x Sophii3x is offline

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  1. Raph
    23-04-2010 04:48 PM
    Soph, I miss you. Where you at babe? x
  2. Raph
    20-04-2010 07:33 AM
    I needed one more post to completely fill up your wall, so I decided, 'why not'. I made a thread called 'Some Messages' and left the first one for you. Oh and btw, I got 2nd place on MasterMind but that means you didn't get into the top 8, so sorry bout that Soph. And I just had to fill up your wall, with you being my favorite forum member. My Welsh sweetheart
  3. Raph
    19-04-2010 01:58 PM
    I made my TiBB Status, 'Sophii3x is a legend.'
  4. Raph
    17-04-2010 03:02 PM
    Hey yeah, but I posted a new picture in the 'Meet the Members 2' Thread so yeah, have a look and thanks again, Soph. That night, when you helped me out, you have no idea how grateful I was mann! Ever since I've only thought highly of you tbh. You shouldn't feel shy about it though, I'm sure you're stunning. You've got a stunning personality anyways
  5. Raph
    17-04-2010 02:34 PM
    Hey Soph,
    thanks for being so understanding and stuff. I'm learning Welsh cause well i'm 1/2 Welsh so I thought it would be worth it. I don't have any actual courses atm, but I have like a book, and tape and stuff. You can see how I look in the MTM thread btw, second last page. Maybe that'll make the adjustment easier. Have you posted how you look on the forum? and btw, you're still my fav girl on the forum, regardless. And as a bonus, you're Welsh!
  6. Raph
    16-04-2010 11:43 PM
    Hey Soph,
    look I'm really sorry for everything. I just wanted to come clean. But all the Welsh stuff was true. And I think your *****g wicked, and what to keep on talking to you and stuff too! I'm not all that bad, I was just too scared to reveal my real self till now! But I wanted to personally apologize to you cause you're one of my closest friends on TiBB, and it wasn't right of me to lie to you mate! Fresh Start?
    You're awesome Soph. Cwtches

    Raph x
  7. Raph
    15-04-2010 11:21 PM
    sorry I didn't reply there!
    aww i know, but I don't think what Chuck did was all that bad - especially after everything he had to go through with his mother and all - and re-watch it, yes! Because it is his real mother, and that just makes the whole story sadder for Chuck. he's back to being a bad boy now :/
    it was really nice talking to you on msn today, and it's lush to think that one day we'll be speaking in Welsh! I really hope we get some Welsh housemates in BB this yr - last yr lacked the Welshness. <3
    aww and regardless of what you say, 'Sophii3x for TIBB MOD!'
    Good luck in your game tomorrow Soph!
    My favorite 'old' member, hehe only kidding, but you're FAB anyways
    oh and we love 'SiMoN!' haha
    night xxx
  8. Raph
    10-04-2010 10:38 PM
    aww I know. I felt so bad for Chuck it was unreal. But no, Soph, it is his real mum! She said so in the car at the end, talking to Jack - remember? and then they showed the locket for one last time. It was so endearing. The writers should bring them back together soon though. Because none of the other relationships are quite like them two!
    Ahh I'm so glad to have someone to talk to about GG Wait - question, please say you liked Rachel in BB9?
    aha sorry, she's my family friend so! Oh and my Welsh is getting better too I think! One day, we shall talk on TiBB in Welsh
    Caru Ti, Soph!
  9. Raph
    09-04-2010 09:52 AM
    Sophh! I've missed you!
    Chuck and Blair broke up, so I was gutted but that! They're so great together. And aww i felt so bad for Chuck in the scenes with his mother - i do hope she comes back, just for his sake. I love Mr. Bass. <3
    How've you been Soph?
    my favorite Welsh member
  10. Raph
    25-02-2010 04:13 PM
    cwtches Soph!
    I'm teaching myself Welsh properly now, as I am half Welsh afterall, so yeah, just thought i'd tell you, since you helped me so kindly the other dayy (:
    I just love all Welsh people, hehe!
    Dw i'n dy garu di (:

About Me

  • About Sophii3x
    Favourite BB housemates- Aisleyne, Rex, Helen, Freddie, Glyn, Sophie (BB10), Chantelle, Makosi, Marc
    Swansea, Wales
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    Chris & Ola
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    BB11 faves; Ben, John James, Josie, Andrew


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  • Last Activity: 29-08-2010 04:30 PM
  • Join Date: 24-08-2006


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