
RichardG RichardG is offline

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  1. Maru
    07-03-2018 09:13 PM
    I started making this for my husband for his lunches. I actually highly recommend it... it is not only so easy to make, but sooo good.. and you can alter some of the ingredients so they are healthier.

    And of course it's Korean The sesame oil really makes for a nice flavor.

    I've been eating Vietnamese more too. We have a high population of Vietnamese folk in our area, so lots of different places to try and the food is so much healthier... especially dishes like pho.

    As for the academy, my husband is in the sheriff's peace officer academy. I thought I told you? (Maybe not. )... our lives are kinda nuts right now and being run by it because it is so intense for him. It is 3-4 years of criminal justice crammed into 7months (essentially). He doesn't have any time outside of study, so I have to do the daily prep to make sure he gets more than 4 hours of sleep... maybe...
  2. Maru
    07-03-2018 08:51 PM
    I am doing OK. My husband actually got some sleep last night (I was getting worried) and the first time I'd gotten to talk to him when he wasn't behind a book stand writing from a Texas law book into his notebook. He's been in two months, but I think he's written something like 500 pages by now... He's had 0 time for life since he started the Academy. We actually had time to go out to eat together, so that was nice. But I can't say I mind this all that much... he's actually home, instead of working 16 hour shifts in mental health unit. So we interact a bit more on a daily basis and now he knows kind how my routine feels a bit... having to concentrate at home, self-study and lots of staring at words for hours on end and playing with them

    I had stopped cooking as much because I got used to being myself. Seemed kind of silly to make elaborate meals with only one person in the home. So I've started cooking again and that's been nice...
  3. Maru
    07-03-2018 08:47 PM
    Bad health is the worst. It sounds like hell, and definitely not side effects you want with any medication... I'm glad you've quit it

    I'm lucky I found a beauty regime to stop my acne. Though mine is universally caused by too much oil. I actually have some minor scarring on my face from when it used to be so annoying and I'd pick at the irritation until I learned to control it...

    Nothing over the counter works? Maybe it is exacerbated by diet? I use Tea Tree as my shampoo due to high humidity here, but it can also be used as a facial cleanser... my husband has his own to cut down on oil even though he has no hair (he shaves it all). He loves it as it cuts down on his dandruff and makes it easier when he shaves his face. That stuff cuts through grease like no tomorrow and it gives your head a nice cooling sensation, but it is expensive...
  4. Maru
    27-02-2018 04:58 AM
  5. Maru
    12-02-2018 09:03 AM
    Girl bands are huge right now in Japan, and finding it is a bit overkill...

    What do you think about SK+NK at the Olympics. I'm watching when not terribly busy
  6. Maru
    09-02-2018 10:19 PM
    This is Kumi Koda

  7. Maru
    09-02-2018 09:59 PM
    This one feels like it's going way back

  8. Maru
    07-02-2018 12:44 AM
    Yeah modern Namie can be exhausting to listen to on repeat. I prefer 90's era Namie Amuro for that same reason (because it's traditional J-POP). She went into hiatus before and then came back completely reinvented and rejuvenated and with this R&B variable style, and now going into hiatus again I just think more power to her she is walking out while at the top and not exhausting her fame completely.

    Your track does sound American-ish with it's own twist and sounds polished
  9. Maru
    06-02-2018 05:32 AM
    Namie Amuro is retiring at her best... it's so inspiring, but kinda maddening at the same time

  10. Maru
    06-02-2018 05:29 AM
    This is really good! They actually know how to groove... old school R&B mixed with dat good beat

    I'll have to download for my car, it has a great soundsystem and this is good night driving music

    Are you going to go see them while in SK?

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  • About RichardG
    Seoul, South Korea
    waiting for death
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    Favourite Big Brother contestants
    Celebrity Big Brother 19 - January 2017
    Kim Woodburn
    Big Brother 17 (2016)
    Celebrity Big Brother 18 - Summer 2016
    Renee Graziano
    Celebrity Big Brother 17 - January 2016
    Gemma Collins
    Big Brother 16 UK (2015)
    Big Brother Canada 4
    Big Brother 14 UK (2013)
    Big Brother 13 UK (2012)
    Big Brother 12 UK (2011)
    Ultimate Big Brother
    Big Brother 11 UK (2010)
    Big Brother 10 UK (2009)
    Big Brother 9 UK (2008)
    Big Brother 8 UK (2007)
    Big Brother 7 UK (2006)
    Big Brother 6 UK (2005)
    Big Brother 5 UK (2004)
    Celebrity Big Brother Summer 2015 - UK vs USA
    Janice Dickinson
    Celebrity Big Brother 14 2014
    Celebrity Big Brother 15 - January 2015
    Perez Hilton
    Celebrity Big Brother 13 2014
    Luisa Zissman
    Celebrity Big Brother 12 2013
    Courtney Stodden
    Celebrity Big Brother 11 2013
    Celebrity Big Brother 10 2012
    Prince Lorenzo
    Celebrity Big Brother 9 2012
    Karissa & Kristina Shannon
    Celebrity Big Brother 8 2011
    Celebrity Big Brother 7 2010
    Big Brother Canada 3
    Big Brother Canada 2
    Big Brother Canada 1
    Big Brother USA 11
    Big Brother USA 2
  • Other Reality TV
    Favourite reality TV contestants
    The Apprentice 2015
    The Apprentice 2014
    The Apprentice 2013
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    Lady Colin Campbell
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