
rubymoo rubymoo is offline

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  1. Nicky91
    25-02-2016 01:38 PM
    Hi Ruby, i've sent you a friend request
  2. Ammi
    22-02-2016 07:51 AM
    ..yeah I will try them Ruby/thank you...and's strange isn't it how the opposites of hot and cold both work for that sore of pain and many types of pain..I did have one earlier but not nearly so grim as yesterday and I'm all clear now but just drowsy with the medication so I might have a second sleep../hobbit style...

    ...hahhhh, no I'm not technically minded at all or nearly clever enough to create gifs...but even on the most dull/grey days...a little Ruby yellow sunshine magic.....

  3. Ammi
    22-02-2016 05:38 AM
    ...for you....

  4. Ammi
    22-02-2016 05:37 AM
    ..yeah, I've suffered them since I was a teenager, dad used to say that they were a sign of genius but I suspect that was just a dad thing and isn't the case at all....I'm not a huge believer in medication but for me and my migraines, it's the only thing that's ever seemed to work and yesterday was particularly grim with nausea/double vision/shooting lights etc...but they're not always that bad...they're not food related for me, although I am caffeine intolerant ..but they're mainly either smell related or atmospheric changes, which I'm particularly sensitive to...
  5. Ammi
    21-02-2016 06:27 AM
    ..I'm good though, I have the worst migraine this morning but I've taken medication so hopefully it'll clear pretty soon...migraines are the devil...
  6. Ammi
    21-02-2016 06:26 AM
    ...aww, I love Grease, it's such a feel good movie....did you go to see the stage production then, Ruby..?...I've seen a local/amateur one but not a big West End production...and the Pink can actually make a social group and then invite the people who you want to, into it or make it open for anyone to's more of a little conversation type thing, rather than it being on the main forum..a place to post all Grease related things/pics...yu could do that, the Pink Ladies Club, maintained by Ruby..?...
  7. Ammi
    20-02-2016 08:12 AM
    ..yellow suits you Ruby, a ray of sunshine in the world...this is for you, this is you....

  8. Ammi
    19-02-2016 05:28 AM
    ..may your day be this beautiful, Ruby....

  9. Ammi
    18-02-2016 06:45 AM
    ...awww, I love that movie, Meet the Fockers, so a great choice there Ruby...(and maybe a little sub-conscious thing of realising how amazing and wonderful 'dysfunctional' is in terms of family..)...look at your day, look at your family, look at your children, look at you......
  10. Ammi
    17-02-2016 10:02 AM
    ..let me know how you day went, yeah...let me know all of those lovely things, take care......

About Me

  • About rubymoo
    It's taken me a long time to get here....but i'm here!
    Deep in the woods, with pixies and fairies
    films, lazy days, walking, cycling, exploring.
  • Big Brother series
    Favourite Big Brother contestants
    Big Brother 15 UK (2014)
    Big Brother 14 UK (2013)
    Celebrity Big Brother 13 2014
    Jim Davidson
    Celebrity Big Brother 12 2013
    Abz Love
    Celebrity Big Brother 11 2013
    Rylan Clark
  • Other Reality TV
    Favourite reality TV contestants
    The X Factor 2012
    Kye Sones
    I'm a Celebrity... 2013
    Kian Egan
    I'm a Celebrity... 2012
    Charlie Brooks
    I'm a Celebrity... 2011
    Fatima Whitbread
    I'm a Celebrity 2010
    Shaun Ryder
    I'm a Celebrity...
    Gino D'Acampo
    The Voice 2014
    Jermain Jackman


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  • Last Activity: 13-11-2016 12:04 AM
  • Join Date: 11-06-2014


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